Honors Theses are submitted to the University of Richmond in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the distinction of Honors within particular disciplines. The nature of each thesis depends upon the norms of the particular academic discipline and/or department. Most are open access; some have been embargoed or are restricted indefinitely per the request of the author. If you are an author and would like to change the availability of your work, please contact scholarshiprepository@richmond.edu
.Theses from 2024
Power Dynamics and Female Autonomy in Enemies-to-Lovers Novels, Julia Abbott
Modeling the Opioid Crisis in Virginia: A Differential Equations Model Assessing the Impact of Medication-Assisted Treatment on the Addicted Population, Maniha Zehra Akram
Computational Study of PregaS and PS Binding to the GluN2A LBD and the GluN1/GluN2A Dimer Interface, Ismar Alickovic
(Re)Constructing Race: How Essentialist Beliefs Shape Social Justice Support, Abbey Alvarado
Dative Bonding in Quasimetallatranes Containing Group 15 Donors and M = Si, Ge, Sn, and Pb Acceptors, Aamy A. Bakry
Unpredictable Positive Experience Response (UPER) Training in Male and Female Rats: Effects on cognition, emotional resilience, and neuroplasticity markers, Eve M. Barringer
Combatting Rightwing Extremism: Punks, Skinheads, and the Fall of the Berlin Wall, Robert Ware Bentley
Structural phylogenetics of A family DNA polymerases, Yagmur Bingul
Heterocycles as Peptide-Based Cleavable Linkers, John Blobe
Shifting Grounds: Movement and Continuity in Mustang, Nepal, Lauren Carter
Cultural Health Capital and the Organ Transplantation Waitlist, Gracejit Chahal
The Value of Prison Education: Evaluating the Impact of Education Through Desistance, Cheryl Chan
Epistemic Spaces and Fields: A New Framework for Social Epistemology Applied to the Internet, Zizhe Cheng
Examining Differences in Information Processing: A Case Study in Higher Education, Sofi Conway
Exploration of Sulfonamides and Benzothiazoles as Peptide-Based Cleavable Linkers, Abigail Dalton
The Impacts of Identity on Perceptions of Safety on a Predominately White Campus, Rebecca DelRosso
The Continuous Flow Synthesis of Polyfunctionalized Pyrroles, Kinglsey Dwomoh
Assessing Human Influence on Ranavirus Infections in Vulnerable Native Turtle Species, Parker Ernst
To Kill with Kindness: The Ills of Overfeeding Others in Tsitsi Dangarembga’s Nervous Conditions, Makena Gitobu
Black Lives Matter: Is It Political?, Caroline O. Glaser
Assessing Evolution of Reproduction Traits along Seasonal Transitions and Latitudinal Gradients in an Invasive Species of Fruit Fly, Zaprionus Indianus, Ansleigh Gunter
Taylor, Genealogy, History, Peter Hawes
Divided Discourse: Analyzing Abortion Rhetoric in the 2016 Presidential Debates, Ella Hayes
The Effect of Housing Burden and Access to Affordable Housing on Abortion Rates, Isabelle Huggard
#Booktok: Social Media’s Influence on Literature, Madison Hyatt
Trading Perspectives: The Impact of Gender in Shaping National Trade Policies, Katherine Kwiatkowski
Immigration Level and its Impact on the United States Labor Market Tightness, Khai Quy La
The Effect of the Expanded Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit on Maternal Labor Supply, Abby Letocha
Examining Variability in and Contextual Predictors of College Student Belonging, Yangyue Li
Departure from Magical Realism: Female Agency in Latin American Post-Boom Literature, Nicole Darian Llacza Morazzani
Escaping the Gilded Cage: American Journalists Navigating the Soviet Union, 1980-1991, Madeleine Long
The Effect of Solvent Identity and Hydride-Donor on the Reduction of CO2 into Useful Fuels, Abigail McEntire
Longitudinal Associations Between Peer Victimization and School Belonging in Elementary-Aged Children, Bridget E. McGuiness
Defending the Role of a Principle of Proportionality in Just Punishment, Emma Mecklenburg
Incorporation of an unnatural amino acid (pBpf) into MEMO1 protein for studying protein-protein interactions, Sonia Mecorapaj
Examining the Link between Autistic Personality Traits and Processing of Metonymy, Miranda Moe
Exploring the Impact of Public Health Messaging on Maternal Health Engagement in the US: A Focus on Racial Disparities and Persuasive Evidence; by Shelby Mokricky; April 29, 2024, Shelby A. Mokricky
Sigma Hole Trends Across d-block Metal Halides, Nam Huy Pham
Black and Blue All Over: Whose Lives Matter?, Bella Purvis
An Investigation of the Correlation between Polymer Solution Entanglement and Electrospun Polycaprolactone Fiber Mechanics, Manasa Sujatha Rajeev
Continuous Flow Synthesis of Polysubstituted Pyrroles, Evelyn Ramirez
A Closer Look at the Female Disadvantage and Advantage in Leadership, Eve Ridenhour
CD46 is a Protein Receptor for Human Adenovirus Type 64, Alexander Michael Robertson
Caught Between Legality and Illegality: The Haunting Status of Migration in the Before, During, and After, Kristin Santana
The Impact of U.S. News and World Report College Rankings on Prospective Students’ Decisions and Enrollment Outcomes, Camilla Schneider
Functionalized Gold Nanoparticles and Halogen Bond Interactions with Neonicotinoid Pesticides, Molly McCuen “Mackey” Sherard
CD46 Isoforms and Viral Receptor for Adenovirus Type 64D, Corina Stasiak
Opioid Policy Solutions: Administrative Law, Legislation, and Constitutional Reform, Trevin Stevens
The Shadow of Empire: Gothic Aemulatio Imperii in Sixth Century Spain, William Tune
La Perception et La Représentation du Corps des Femmes Africaines par rapport à La Colonisation Française, Mofiyinfoluwa Tunji-Ekundayo
The effects of parasitoid wasps on the intra- and interspecific competition of Zaprionus indianus, Camille Walsh-Antzak
Examination of Urban Spatial Structure after COVID Based on Hedonic Price Model, Shaoting Wen
Development of a Diaryl Oxazole-Based Cleavable Linker for Peptides, Evan Wolff
Les perceptions françaises de la technologie racontées à travers le temps avec Jacques Tati, Agnès Varda, JR et Michel Serres, Na'Dyah Wynn
Prototypicality and Need to Belong: How One’s Standing in the Group Affects Parochial Cooperation, Huidi Yuan
CD46 interaction with adenovirus type 64, a causative agent for viral pink eye, Hanglin (Henry) Zhu
Theses from 2023
Food Related Intrusive Thoughts: A Pilot Study, Hoor Ul Ain
Dungeons & Dragons: Fractals of the Human Self, Katie Anderson
“... I thought you were black .” An autoethnographic exploration of the fragmentation of identity and culture., Sherley Arias-Pimentel
The Big Five and Dark Triad: The Role of Personality in the Development of Passion, Hannah Behar
Ricucire il Tessuto della Società: L’Intersezione di Moda Femminile e Femminismo, Caroline Grace Bisese
Justifying Antipathy?: Examining Racialized Perceptions of Incarceration and Support for Mental Healthcare in Prisons, Jared Brassil
Facing Famine: Justice and the Case of Unilateral Intervention, Tanner R. Brooks
The Commutant of the Fourier–Plancherel Transform, Brianna Cantrall
Optimal method for reconstructing polychromatic maps from broadband observations with an aysmmetric antenna pattern, Brianna Cantrall, Emory F. Bunn, and Solomon Quinn
Magic as Political Might: Harry Potter, Authoritarianism, and Youth Political Behavior, Alexis Cobbs
Perceiving the Poster: How Suspicion of Motives May Impact Perceptions of Potential Allies Engaging in Online Activism, Kathrina Z. Durante
Nous sommes tous des « djadjas » : la question de l’identité dans la musique française et francophone au 21^e siècle, Molly Earle
Debt and the Medicare Eligibility Discontinuity: Disparate Effects across Households, Olivia Falck
Assessing the Dynamic amongst Self-compassion, Connection to Nature, and Well-Being, Yueyi Fan
Constraining H0 Via Extragalactic Parallax, Nicholas Ferree
Exploring the Structure of Partial Difference Sets With Denniston Parameters, Nicolas Ferree
ARTMIND, Riley Fletcher
Investigation of the VirA Linker Domain to Characterize its Phenol Interactions, Jessica Garofalo
The 2015 NCAA Cost-Of-Attendance Stipend and its Effects on Institutional Financial Aid Packages, Sara Greene
Policy Design and the Lived Experience of the Poor: A Test of Policy Feedback Effects and Efficacy, Ava Gural
Offense or Defense? Leadership of the NBA and NFL in Response to Athlete Activism, Katrina Hale
Veiled Victorian Vampires: What Literary Antagonists Reveal About Societal Fears of 19th Century England, Jenna Harford
Care or Compliance? An Examination of Sexual Violence and Institutional Responses at Two Crisis Points, Sophia Hartman
Study of Missing Mass Background in the CLAS12 Detector, Jessie Hess, Gerard P. Gilfoyle, and Lamya Baashen
Out-of-Time & Out-of-Place: Queer Horizons of Popular Culture, Josephine Holland
Une Politique Laïque: L’Utilisation de la Laïcité dans les Discours Politiques Français, Zachary Holmes
The Effects of Positive Anticipation on Optimistic Cognitive Bias and Emotional Resilience in Rats, Megan Hooper
An in Situ One Pot N-allylation and Friedel–Crafts Alkylation of diaryl substituted allyl propionates mediated by Trimethylsilyl Trifluoromethanesulfonate, Mohamad Ahmad Hussein
An Exploration of Self-Blame, Self-Compassion, and Dissociative Experiences in University of Richmond Students, TaShira Iverson
The Effect of Youth Sports Participation on Health Outcomes for Immigrants in the United States, Emma Kennedy
Understanding and Addressing Disparities in Kidney Transplantation Access: A Focus on Disability and Other Identities, Razan Khalil
what you will, Shaylen Lafferty
what you will, Shaylen Lafferty
Entre multilinguisme et multiculturalisme : Une nouvelle traduction d’Incendies de Wajdi Mouawad, Natalie Larson
Why Diversity is Not Enough: Perceptions of University Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Initiatives Predict Institutional Belonging, Mckennah Lauber
The Enigmatic Self: An Ongoing Exploration of Literary Selfhood from the American Renaissance to Contemporary Young Adult Literature, Helene Leichter
Length Bias Estimation of Small Businesses Lifetime, Simeng Li
Investigating the Helicase Activity of Methylated vs Unmethylated Ded1, Hannah Lukow
Gender Based Violence and All It's Erasure, Ana Sofie Martinez
Manifest Destiny, American Domesticity, and the Role of the Immigrant in Ruiz de Burton’s Novels, Madison Rose Martinez