"Computational Study of PregaS and PS Binding to the GluN2A LBD and the" by Ismar Alickovic

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Date of Award


Document Type

Restricted Thesis: Campus only access

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science



First Advisor

Dr. Carol Parish


Depending on which GluN2 subunit is present, the NMDA receptor can take on varying physiological properties. Two neurosteroids, PregaS and PS, have previously been shown to varyingly modulate NMDAR activity depending on which subunit they bind to. Although binding has been shown to occur in the GluN2A ligand binding domain (LBD), the exact binding mechanism is not well understood. This study aims to analyze possible binding sites in both the GluN2A LBD monomer, as well as a more biologically relevant GluN 1 /GluN2 LBD dimer complex.

Available for download on Friday, May 07, 2027
