Publications from 2009
"It Was Still No South to Us": African American Civil Servants at the Fin de Siècle, Eric S. Yellin
Publications from 2008
Comedy in Unfunny Times: News Parody and Carnival after 9/11, Paul Achter
Dead Reckoning (Book Review), Edward L. Ayers
"Momentous Events in Small Places": The Coming of the Civil War in Two American Communities, Edward L. Ayers
Remembering the Persian Empire (Book Review), Elizabeth P. Baughan
[Introduction to] Medicare Prospective Payment and the Shaping of U.S. Health Care, Robert A. Berenson and Rick Mayes
Innovations in the Pursuit of Excellence, Mavis Brown and Linda B. Hobgood
Leadership through Laughter: How Henry Carey Reinvented English Music and Song, Jennifer Cable
The Composing of "Musick" in the English Language: The Development of the English Cantata, 1700-1750, Jennifer Cable
[Introduction to] Leadership at the Crossroads, Joanne B. Ciulla
'Grung Tell Me Wud': An Introduction to Karl, Daryl Cumber Dance
Manuel Molins: Una altra Ofèlia i els fantasmes de Shakespeare, Sharon G. Feldman
[Introduction to] Barcelona Plays: A Collection of New Works by Catalan Playwrights, Sharon G. Feldman and Marion Peter Holt
Hacia una definición de literatura: Espacios mayores y contra-mayores en la práctica crítica latino/centroamericana, Claudia Ferman
Producción audiovisual y patrimonio: hacia un régimen de creación de archivos y políticas de acceso, Claudia Ferman
"Common Sense" Meets the Book of Mormon, Terryl Givens
[Introduction to] Joseph Smith Jr.: Reappraisals After Two Centuries, Terryl Givens and Reid L. Nielson
El canon del Siglo de Oro bajo el signo de Góngora, Aurora Hermida-Ruiz
Efroimson, Vladimir Pavlovich, Yvonne Howell
Black Girl in Paris: Shay Youngblood's Escape from "The Last Plantation", Suzanne W. Jones
Tragic No More?: The Reappearance of the Racially Mixed Character, Suzanne W. Jones
The Slave, the Fetus, the Body: Articulating Biopower and the Pregnant Woman, Kevin Kuswa, Paul Achter, and Elizabeth Lauzon
[Introduction to] To Lead the World: American Strategy after the Bush Doctrine, Melvyn P. Leffler and Jeffrey W. Legro
Collateral Damage, David Lefkowitz
(Dis)solving the Chronological Paradox in Customary International Law: A Hartian Approach, David Lefkowitz
On the Concept of a Morally Relevant Harm, David Lefkowitz
On the Foundation of Rights to Political Self-Determination: Secession, Non-intervention, and Democratic Governance, David Lefkowitz
Deseos de estados queer en la producción crítica latina de los Estados Unidos, Lázaro Lima
Latino Louisiana, Lázaro Lima
Responsible Believing, Miriam S. McCormick
Racism and Responsibility, Ladelle McWhorter
[Introduction to] The Street Porter and the Philosopher : Conversations on Analytical Egalitarianism, Sandra J. Peart and David M. Levy
[Introduction to] Leadership ethics : An Introduction, Terry L. Price
Joan of Arc and the Crusade: Memorizing Medieval Examples to Improve a Renaissance King, Lidia Radi
[Introduction to] Museum Careers: A Practical Guide for Students and Novices, N. Elizabeth Schlatter
Assassins and Crusaders: Nietzsche After 9/11, Gary Shapiro
Radical Labor in a Feminine Voice: The Rhetoric of Mary Harris 'Mother' Jones and Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, Mari Boor Tonn
Trabajo y literatura: el topos de la mujer obrera en la narrativa argentina del siglo XX, Karina Elizabeth Vázquez
Publications from 2007
McCarthy Hearings, Paul Achter
[Introduction to] The Original Hot Five Recordings of Louis Armstrong, Gene H. Anderson
Jazz on the River by William Howland Kenney (Book Review), Gene H. Anderson
These - Are - The "Breaks": A Roundtable Discussion on Teaching the Post-Soul Aesthetic, Bertram D. Ashe, Crystal Anderson, Mark Anthony Neal, Evie Shockley, and Alexander Weheliye
Black and on the Border, Edward L. Ayers, William G. Thomas III, and Anne Sarah Rubin
Language, Racism, and Ethnicity, Thomas Paul Bonfiglio
"If We Had the Word": Ingeborg Bachmann, Views and Reviews (Book Review), Kathrin M. Bower
Lawrence Baron. Projecting the Holocaust into the Present: The Changing Focus of Contemporary Holocaust Cinema (Book Review), Kathrin M. Bower
Nelly Sachs (10 December 1891-12 May 1970), Kathrin M. Bower
Technology Follows Technique: Refocusing the Observational Lens, Anton Brinckwirth, Elizabeth M. Kissling, Kathryn Murphy-Judy, and Carlos Valencia
[Introduction to] Civil Society in Yemen: The Political Economy of Activism in Modern Arabia, Sheila Carapico
Constructing Black Selves: Caribbean American Narratives and the Second Generation by Lisa D. McGill (Book Review), Daryl Cumber Dance
"I Put the Tale Back Where I Found It": Feeling the Past Through "the Warmth of the Human Voice", Daryl Cumber Dance
Sucking Salt: Caribbean Women Writers, Migration, and Survival by Meredith M. Gadsby (Book Review), Daryl Cumber Dance
Aristotelian Privacy: Perfectionism, Pornography, and the Virtues of the Polis, G. Scott Davis
Donald Davidson, Anomalous Monism and the Study of Religion, G. Scott Davis
The Sala Beckett and the Zero Degree of Theatricality: From Lluïsa Cunillé to Carles Batlle, Sharon G. Feldman
Agustín Gómez-Arcos, Eyes Open, Sharon G. Feldman
Els paisatges europeus de Carles Batlle, Sharon G. Feldman
«American Awakenings» Dos nous musicals, Sharon G. Feldman
Crítica cultural, literatura y rock: la novela guatemalteca y las culturas juveniles en Latinoamérica, Claudia Ferman
Managua Salsa City: El fugitivo sujeto literario en Franz Galich, Claudia Ferman
[Introduction to] People of Paradox: A History of Mormon Culture, Terryl Givens
A Theory of Argument (Book Review), G. C. Goddu
Commentary on D. Hunter: “Common Ground and Modal Disagreement”, G. C. Goddu
Walton on Argument Structure, G. C. Goddu
What is a "Real" Argument?, G. C. Goddu
[Introduction to] Economic Sociology: An Introduction, Jeffrey K. Hass
Berries (Iagody), Yvonne Howell
Fiziki-Liriki (Scientist-Poets), Yvonne Howell
Kasha, Yvonne Howell
[Introduction to] Schaum's Outline of Data Structures with Java, John R. Hubbard
Childhood Trauma and Its Reverberations in Bebe Moore Campbell's Your Blues Ain't Like Mine, Suzanne W. Jones
Incorrectly Political: Augustine and Thomas More, Peter Iver Kaufman
[Introduction to] Nonparametric Statistics with Applications to Science and Engineering, Paul Kvam and Brani Vidakovic
A Theory of Political Obligation: Membership, Commitment, and the Bonds of Society by Margaret Gilbert (Book Review), David Lefkowitz
On a Moral Right to Civil Disobedience, David Lefkowitz
Simmons’ Critique of Natural Duty Approaches to the Duty to Obey the Law, David Lefkowitz
[Introduction to] The Latino Body: Crisis Identities in American Literary and Cultural Memory, Lázaro Lima
The French Faulkner: Vision, Instrumentality, and Sanctuary's 'Lake of Ink', Peter Lurie
On Rhetoric as Gift/Giving, Mari Lee Mifsud
[Introduction to] The Values of Presidential Leadership, Terry L. Price and J. Thomas Wren
[Introduction to] Todo lo sólido, Ernesto Seman
Friedrich Nietzsche, Gary Shapiro
Response to review essay by Krzysztof Ziarek of Shapiro's Archaeologies of Vision: Foucault and Nietzsche on Seeing and Saying, Gary Shapiro
[Introduction to] The Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith and Jonathan B. Wight
[Introduction to] With the Weathermen: The Personal Journal of a Revolutionary Woman, Susan Stern and Laura Browder
Albrecht Berger (ed.), Life and Works of Saint Gregentios, Archbishop of Taphar. Millennium Studies 7 (Book Review), Walter Stevenson
[Introduction to] A New Generation in International Strategy, Stephen Tallman
The True Water of the Universe: Orlove Linnik, Joseph C. Troncale
Turbio fondeadero: Política e ideología en la poética neobarrosa de Osvaldo Lamborghini y Néstor Perlongher, Karina Elizabeth Vázquez
Adam Smith and Poverty, Jonathan B. Wight
[Introduction to] Teaching the Ethical Foundations of Economics, Jonathan B. Wight and John S. Morton
[Introduction to] Inventing Leadership: The Challenge of Democracy, J. Thomas Wren
'The Senator and the Socialite: The True Story of America's First Black Dynasty,' by Lawrence Otis Graham, Eric S. Yellin
Publications from 2006
Convergence and Divergence in Peter Mennin's Canzona, Gene H. Anderson
History at the Margins (Book Review), Edward L. Ayers
The American Civil War, Emancipation, and Reconstruction on the World Stage, Edward L. Ayers
[Introduction to] Crucible of the Civil War: Virginia from Secession to Commemoration, Edward L. Ayers, Gary W. Gallagher, and Andrew J. Torget
Toward a Genealogy of Aryan Morality: Nietzsche and Jacolloit, Thomas Paul Bonfiglio
Neighbours and Strangers: Literary and Cultural Relations in Germany, Austria and Central Europe since 1989 (Book Review), Kathrin M. Bower