Publications from 2012
Historical Realism and Imperialist Nostalgia in Terrence Malick’s The New World, Monika Siebert
Towards an Alloiostrophic Rhetoric, Jane Sutton and Mari Lee Mifsud
“From the Eye to the Soul”: Industrial Labor’s Mary Harris “Mother” Jones and the Rhetorics of Display, Mari Boor Tonn
Wil Linkugel and Gifting 101, Mari Boor Tonn
Breaking the Waves: Deconstructing Class/Gender and Sociocultural Stereotypes Through a Spanish Readings Course on Human Rights with Service Learning Component, Karina Elizabeth Vázquez
Desplazamientos y cambios de signo: La reescritura de El juguete rabioso (1926), de Roberto Arlt, en Si yo muero primero, de Susana Silvestre y La nueva rabia (2008), de Marcelo Eckhardt, Karina Elizabeth Vázquez
The Newbury Prayer Bill Hoax: Devotion and Deception in New England's Era of Great Awakenings, Douglas L. Winiarski
Publications from 2011
[Introduction to] Heroes: What They Do & Why We Need Them, Scott T. Allison and George R. Goethals
[Introduction to] Service Parts Management: Demand Forecasting and Inventory Control, Nezih Altay and Lewis A. Litteral
1861: The Civil War Awakening (Book Review), Edward L. Ayers
[Introduction to] America's War: Talking about the Civil War and Emancipation on Their 150th Anniversaries, Edward L. Ayers
Mapping Time, Edward L. Ayers
The Civil War and Emancipation 150 Years On, Edward L. Ayers
The United States on the Eve of the Civil War, Edward L. Ayers
[Introduction to] Leadership for Transformation, JoAnn Danelo Barbour and Gill Robinson Hickman
Sculpted Symposiasts of Ionia, Elizabeth P. Baughan
Schooling Passions: Nation, History, and Language in Contemporary Western India (Book Review), Christopher Bischof
Minority Identity as German Identity in Conscious Rap and Gangsta Rap: Pushing the Margins, Redefining the Center, Kathrin M. Bower
Serdar Somuncu: Turkish German Comedy as Transnational Intervention, Kathrin M. Bower
[Introduction to] Propaganda State in Crisis: Soviet Ideology, Indoctrination, and Terror under Stalin, 1927-1941, David Brandenberger
[Introduction to] Propaganda State in Crisis: Soviet Ideology, Indoctrination, and Terror under Stalin, 1927-1941, David Brandenberger
[Introduction to] Honest Work: A Business Ethics Reader, Joanne B. Ciulla, Clancy Martin, and Robert C. Solomon
[Introduction to] The Legal Universe: Observations on the Foundations of American Law, Vine Deloria, Jr. and David E. Wilkins
Building a Collaborative Online Literary Experience, Joe Essid and Fran WIlde
El teatre català: drames públics i privats, Sharon G. Feldman
Los exilios de Els Joglars, Sharon G. Feldman
Llueve en Barcelona de Pau Miró: la magia y la poesía de todos los días, Sharon G. Feldman
[Introduction to] A l'ull de l'huracà: Teatre català contemporani, Sharon G. Feldman
Sobre les influències, la tradició i altres ansietats: Alguns dilemes de l'escena catalana contemporània, Sharon G. Feldman
[Introduction to] For the Greater Good of All: Perspectives on Individualism, Society, and Leadership, Donelson R. Forsyth and Crystal L. Hoyt
The Sounds of Zhèngmíng: Setting Names Straight in Early Chinese Texts, Jane Geaney
Book Review: The Mormon Menace: Violence and Anti-Mormonism in the Postbellum South, Terryl Givens
Book Review: Understanding the Book of Mormon, Terryl Givens
Preface: Monsters and Mormons, Terryl Givens
[Introduction to] Parley P. Pratt: The Apostle Paul of Mormonism, Terryl Givens and Matthew J. Grow
Book Review Panel: When Souls Had Wings: Pre-mortal Existence in Western Thought, Terryl Givens, James L. Siebach, Dana M. Pike, Jesse D. Hurlbut, and David B. Paxman
How Many Premises Can an Argument Have?, G. C. Goddu
Is ‘argument’ subject to the product/process ambiguity?, G. C. Goddu
Will You Survive a Trip to Rekall, Inc.?, G. C. Goddu
Arguments as Abstract Objects, G. C. Goddu, Paul S. Smith, and Andrei Moldovan
A Companion to the Ancient Greek Language (Book Review), David M. Goldstein and Dieter C. Gunkel
Education, Elisabeth Rose Gruner
Greek and Latin from an Indo-European Perspective (Book Review), Dieter C. Gunkel
The emergence of foot structure as a factor in the formation of Greek verbal nouns in -μα(τ)-, Dieter C. Gunkel
Hiatus Avoidance and Metrification in the Rigveda, Dieter C. Gunkel and Kevin Ryan
[Introduction to] Power, Culture, and Economic Change in Russia: To the Undiscovered Country of Post-socialism, 1988-2008, Jeffrey K. Hass
Power to the Panza!: Feminist Body Politics in The Panza Monologues (Video Performance Review), Patricia Herrera
[Introduction to] Where There is No Government: Enforcing Property Rights in Common Law Africa, Sandra F. Joireman
Imagining Jefferson and Hemings in Paris, Suzanne W. Jones
Ferdinand Oyono, Kasongo Mulenda Kapanga
Une nouvelle voix narrative à la recherche de son « moi », Kasongo Mulenda Kapanga
Cross Linguistic Differences in the Immediate Serial Recall of Consonants versus Vowels, Elizabeth M. Kissling
Language Learning and Study Abroad: A Critical Reading of the Research (Review), Elizabeth M. Kissling
Los procesos metodológicos de la enseñanza-aprendizaje de lenguas mediante tareas (Book Review), Elizabeth M. Kissling
Review of Transparent Spanish, Premium Edition, Elizabeth M. Kissling
[Introduction to] Basic Statistical Tools for Improving Quality, Paul Kvam and Chang W. Kang
[Introduction to] In Uncertain Times: American Foreign Policy after the Berlin Wall and 9/11, Melvyn P. Leffler and Jeffrey W. Legro
On a Duty of Humanitarian Intervention, David Lefkowitz
The Principle of Fairness and States’ Duty to Obey International Law, David Lefkowitz
Locas al Rescate: The Transnational Hauntings of Queer Cubanidad, Lázaro Lima
Editors' Note: The Name of las Cosas, Lázaro Lima and Felice Picano
[Introduction to] Ambientes: New Queer Latino Writing, Lázaro Lima and Felice Picano
Inside and Outside Southern Whiteness: Film Viewing, the Frame, and the Racing of Space in Yoknapatawpha, Peter Lurie
Responsible Believing, Miriam S. McCormick
Decapitating Power, Ladelle McWhorter
Review of Timothy O'Leary and Christopher Falzon's (eds.) Foucault and Philosophy, Ladelle McWhorter
Trauma and Temporal Hybridity in Arundhati Roy’s The God of Small Things, Elizabeth Outka
[Introduction to] Stakeholder Theory: Impact and Prospects, Robert A. Phillips
Claude de France, mere/mer de verueuse memoire, Lidia Radi
Black Apollo? Martin Bernal's Black Athena: The Afroasiatic Roots of Classical Civilization, volume iii, and Why Race Still Matters, Patrice Rankine
Odysseus as Slave: The Ritual of Domination and Social Death in Homeric Society, Patrice Rankine
Orpheus and the Racialized Body in Brazilian Film and Literature of the Twentieth Century, Patrice Rankine
Narratives of Development: Models, Spectacles, and Calculability in Nick Cullather's The Hungry World, Nicole Sackley
Peace Corps at 50: Bringing the World Back Home, Nicole Sackley
The Village as Cold War Site: Experts, Development, and the History of Rural Reconstruction, Nicole Sackley
[Introduction to] Soy un bravo piloto de la nueva China, Ernesto Seman
The Pragmatic Picturesque: The Philosophy of Central Park, Gary Shapiro
Repugnant Aboriginality: LeAnne Howe’s Shell Shaker and Indigenous Representation in the Age of Multiculturalism, Monika Siebert
The Identity of Late Barbarians: Goths and Wine, Walter Stevenson
Jane Addams: Spirit in Action By Louise W. Knight, Mari Boor Tonn
Argentine Novel after the Recovery of Democracy: 1983-2006, Karina Elizabeth Vázquez
[Introduction to] The Religion Clauses of the First Ammendment: Guarantees of States' Rights?, Ellis M. West
[Introduction to] American Indian Politics and the American Political System, Third Edition, David E. Wilkins and Heidi Kiiwetinepinesiik Stark
[Introduction to] The Hank Adams Reader: An Exemplary Native Activist and the Unleashing of Indigenous Sovereignty, David E. Wilkins (Editor)
Church Burnings, Eric S. Yellin
Publications from 2010
Unruly Bodies: The Rhetorical Domestication of Twenty-First Century Veterans of War, Paul Achter
Invisible Dread, from Twisted: The Dreadlock Chronicles, Bertram D. Ashe
Post-Soul President: Dreams from My Father and the Post-Soul Aesthetic, Bertram D. Ashe
Richmond's Hollywood Cemetery (Foreword), Edward L. Ayers
The Experience of Liberal Education, Edward L. Ayers
The Tide is Setting Strongly Against Us, Edward L. Ayers
Turning Toward Place, Space, and Time, Edward L. Ayers
What Lincoln Was Up Against: The Context of Leadership, Edward L. Ayers
[Introduction to] America on the Eve of the Civil War, Edward L. Ayers and Carolyn R. Martin
Persian Riders in Lydia? The Painted Frieze of the Aktepe Tomb Kline, Elizabeth P. Baughan
Educating Women: Schooling and Identity in England and France, 1800-1867 (Book Review), Christopher Bischof
Girls' Secondary Education in the Western World: From the 18th to the 20th Century (Book Review), Christopher Bischof
[Introduction to] Mother Tongues and Nations: The Invention of the Native Speaker, Thomas Paul Bonfiglio
POEM (Film Review), Kathrin M. Bower
Dnevnik istorkia S. A. Piontkovskogo, David Brandenberger, A. L. Litvin, and A. M. Dubrovskii