Publications from 2001
"Ich suche ein unschuldiges Land," Reading History in the Poetry of Ingeborg Bachmann, Kathrin M. Bower
History of Western Ethics: Early Medieval, G. Scott Davis
The Holy War Idea in Western and Islamic Traditions (Book Review), G. Scott Davis
"Cobwebs in the Sky": Reggio's Koyaanisqatsi as Hypertext, Joe Essid
"This Great Modern Abomination": Orthodoxy and Heresy in American Religion, Terryl Givens
Great Expectations, Elisabeth Rose Gruner
Wrestling with Religion: Pullman, Pratchett, and the Uses of Story, Elisabeth Rose Gruner
Secreta palinodia: La 'Contrautopía' de José Antonio Maravall como descargo de conciencia, Aurora Hermida-Ruiz
[Introduction to] Managing Human Resources in the Public Sector: A Shared Responsibility, Gill Robinson Hickman and Dalton S. Lee
Winning with Good Kids: A Virginia Basketball Retrospective, Linda B. Hobgood
Wedge and Bridge: A Note on the Rhetoric of Distinction and Identification, Henry W. Johnstone and Mari Lee Mifsud
Esquisse d'un nouveau revolté social: Le cas de Dadou dans l'Anté-peuple de Sony Labou Tansi, Kasongo Mulenda Kapanga
Kabou dechire le certificat d'innocence de l'Afrique? (Review of Et si l'Afrique refusait le développement by Axelle Kabou), Kasongo Mulenda Kapanga
Haunting the Corpus Delicti: Rafael Campo’s What the Body Told and Wallace Stevens’ (Modernist) Body, Lázaro Lima
Feminist Interpretations of David Hume by Anne Jaap Jacobson (Book Review), Miriam S. McCormick
Revision and Immortality in Philosophical Argumentation: Reconsidering the Rhetorical Wedge, Mari Lee Mifsud
The Shop Windows Were Full of Sparkling Chains: Consumer Desire and Woolf’s Night and Day, Elizabeth Outka
Epic, the Oral Community, and the Memory of Emancipation in Ralph Ellison's Juneteenth, Patrice Rankine
Looking Under the Hood and Tinkering with Voter Cynicism: Ross Perot and “Perspective by Incongruity”, Mari Boor Tonn and Valerie A. Endress
[Introduction to] Uneven Ground: American Indian Sovereignty and Federal Law, David E. Wilkins and K. Tsianina Lomawaima
Instructor's Manual To Accompany The Leader's Companion: Insights on Leadership Through the Ages, J. Thomas Wren
Publications from 2000
A Historian in Cyberspace, Edward L. Ayers
A Southern Chronicle: The Virginia Quarterly Review and the American South, 1925-2000, Edward L. Ayers
Cyberspace, U.S.A., Edward L. Ayers
[Introduction to] Valley of the Shadow: Two Communities in the American Civil War, Edward L. Ayers
The Great Valley and the Meaning of the Civil War, Edward L. Ayers
Claiming the Victim: Tokenism, Mourning, and the Future of German Holocaust Poetry, Kathrin M. Bower
Ingeborg Bachmann and Christa Wolf: Selected Prose and Drama (Book Review), Kathrin M. Bower
[Introduction to] Ethics and Remembrance in the Poetry of Nelly Sachs and Rose Auslander, Kathrin M. Bower
Outing Hybridity: Polymorphism, Identity, and Desire in Monika Trent's Virgin Machine, Kathrin M. Bower
Soviet Social Mentalité and Russocentrism on the Eve of War, 1936-1941, David Brandenberger
[Introduction to] Slippery Characters: Ethnic Impersonators and American Identities, Laura Browder
[Introduction to] The Working Life: The Promise and Betrayal of Modern Work, Joanne B. Ciulla
Hard Books, Deep Reading, and Synchronous Conferences in the Humanities "Pickle Factory", Joe Essid
Ignasi Garcia i l'art de l'autenticitat, Sharon G. Feldman
Sharing the Light: Representations of Women and Virtue in Early China, by Lisa Raphals (Book Review), Jane Geaney
The Way of Water and Sprouts of Virtue, by Sarah Allan (Book Review), Jane Geaney
Wuthering Heights, Elisabeth Rose Gruner
Minotaur or The King’s Bull. By Jonathon Ward. Urban Youth Theater, Henry Street Settlement Abrons Arts Center, New York. 23 July 1999 (performance review), Patricia Herrera
[Introduction to] Schaum's Outline Programming with C++, John R. Hubbard
[Introduction to] Mathematics Calculus BC, John R. Hubbard, David R. Arterburn, and Michael A. Perl
[Introduction to] Property Rights and Political Development in Ethiopia and Eritrea 1941-74, Sandra F. Joireman
[Introduction to] Crossing the Color Line: Readings in Black and White, Suzanne W. Jones
[Introduction to] The Backward Shift on the Hardy Space, William T. Ross and Joseph A. Cima
"This Is Not a Christ": Nietzsche, Foucault, and the Genealogy of Vision, Gary Shapiro
James I. Porter. Constructions of the Classical Body (Book Review), Walter Stevenson
Publications from 1999
On the Jazz Musician's Love/Hate Relationship with the Audience, Bertram D. Ashe
Crossing Boundaries, Edward L. Ayers
Rethinking Slavery and Freedom (Book Reviews), Edward L. Ayers
Aiming High for Virginia Colleges, Edward L. Ayers, Danny Axsom, Thomas M. Sherman, Esther N. Elstun, and L. Terry Oggel
Proletarian Internationalism, “Soviet Patriotism” and the Rise of Russocentric Etatism During the Stalinist 1930s, David Brandenberger
Humanist Ethics and Political Justice: Soto, Sepúlveda, and the "Affair of the Indies", G. Scott Davis
International Society: Diverse Ethical Perspectives (Book Review), G. Scott Davis
Tradition and Truth in Christian Ethics: John Yoder and the Bases of Biblical Realism, G. Scott Davis
[Introduction to] Tribes, Treaties, and Constitutional Tribulations, Vine Deloria Jr. and David E. Wilkins
Agustín Gómez-Arcos en el ocaso del exilio: Los primeros años parisinos, Sharon G. Feldman
Performance Theory: «Desde lo político a lo espectacular: el caso de Els Joglars», Sharon G. Feldman
Faust in Barcelona: Catalonia's La Fura dels Baus, Sharon G. Feldman
"Un agujero sin límites": La mirada fenomenológica de Josep M. Benet i Jornet, Sharon G. Feldman
Un nen a l'escala, Sharon G. Feldman
Critique of A.C. Graham's Reconstruction of the Neo-Mohist Canons, Jane Geaney
Mencius and Early Chinese Thought, by Kwong-Loi Shun (Book Review), Jane Geaney
Born and Made: Sisters, Brothers, and the Deceased Wife's Sister Bill, Elisabeth Rose Gruner
Rafael Lapesa y la “Raíz Hispánica” de Garcilaso de la Vega Cincuenta Años Después, Aurora Hermida-Ruiz
A Calendar of Wisdom. Daily Thoughts to Nourish the Soul. Written and Selected from the World's Sacred Texts (Book Review), Yvonne Howell
Refighting Old Wars: Race Relations and Masculine Conventions in Fiction by Larry Brown and Madison Smartt Bell, Suzanne W. Jones
The Shell Seekers and Working Women Readers’ Search for Serenity, Suzanne W. Jones
Le héros sonyien à la croisée des principes sartriens et nietzschéens, Kasongo Mulenda Kapanga
Review of Congo-Meuse by Celibeco, Kasongo Mulenda Kapanga
[Introduction to] Bodies and Pleasures: Foucault and the Politics of Sexual Normalization, Ladelle McWhorter
[Introduction to] Conceiving Spirits: Birth Rituals and Contested Identities among Lauje of Indonesia, Jennifer W. Nourse
[Introduction to] Done Deal?: The Politics of the 1997 Budget Agreement, Daniel J. Palazzolo
[Introduction to] Educando a Fernando: cómo se construyó De la Rúa presidente, Ernesto Seman
"Give Me a Break!" Emerson on Fruit and Flowers, Gary Shapiro
Mission Boys, Civilized Men, and Marriage: Educated African Men in the Missions of Southern Rhodesia, 1920–1945, Carol Summers
Publications from 1998
When the North is the South: Life in the Netherlands, Edward L. Ayers
Worrying about the Civil War, Edward L. Ayers
Andreas-Salomé, Lou (1861-1937), Kathrin M. Bower
Rose Ausländer (1901-1988): Austria-Hungary/Germany, Kathrin M. Bower
Beryl Gilroy: A Bio-Literary Overview, Daryl Cumber Dance
[Introduction to] Honey, Hush! An Anthology of African American Women's Humor, Daryl Cumber Dance
[Introduction to] The Lineage of Abraham: The Biography of a Free Black Family in Charles City, VA, Daryl Cumber Dance
My Brother by Jamaica Kincaid (Book Review), Daryl Cumber Dance
The Colored Girl in the Ring: A Guyanese Woman Remembers by Brenda Chester DoHarris (Book Review), Daryl Cumber Dance
Religion, Ethnicity, and Self-Identity: Nations in Turmoil (Book Review), G. Scott Davis
War and its Discontents: Pacifism and Quietism in the Abrahamic Traditions (Book Review), G. Scott Davis
Homage to Catalan Theater: Introduction, Sharon G. Feldman
[Introduction to] Allegories of Dissent: The Theater of Agustín Gómez-Arcos, Sharon G. Feldman
National Theater / National Identity: Els Joglars and the Question of Cultural Politics in Catalonia, Sharon G. Feldman
Scenes from the Contemporary Barcelona Stage: La Fura dels Baus's Aspiration to the Authentic, Sharon G. Feldman
Romantic Agonies: Human Suffering and the Ethical Sublime, Terryl Givens and Anthony P. Russell
Cinderella, Marie Antoinette, and Sara: Roles and Role Models in A Little Princess, Elisabeth Rose Gruner
[Introduction to] Schaum's Outlines Fundamentals of Computing with C++, John R. Hubbard
Beyond Pluralism: Foucault's Strategic Counter to Heterosexist Categories, Ladelle McWhorter
[Introduction to] Nosotras y la piel: Seleccion de ensayos de Alfonina Storni, Mariela Méndez, Graciela Queirolo, and Alicia Salomone
On the Idea of Reflexive Rhetoric in Homer, Mari Lee Mifsud Jr.
Romantic Agonies: Human Suffering and the Ethical Sublime, Anthony P. Russell and Terryl Givens
French Aesthetics: Contemporary Painting Theory, Gary Shapiro
Nietzsche and Visuality, Gary Shapiro