Publications from 2013
An Assignment From Our Students: An Undergraduate View of the Historical Profession, Edward L. Ayers
Does Digital Scholarship have a Future?, Edward L. Ayers
The Trials of Robert Ryland, Edward L. Ayers
“‘Gulag’—Slavery, Inc.”: The Power of Place and the Rhetorical Life of a Cold War Map, Timothy Barney
Review of Digital Detroit: Rhetoric and Space in the Age of the Network, Timothy Barney
Spirits of the Cold War: Contesting Worldviews in the Classical Age of American Security Strategy. By Ned O’Gorman, Timothy Barney
[Introduction to] Couched in Death: Klinai and Identity in Anatolia and Beyond, Elizabeth P. Baughan
[Introduction to] Why is English Literature? Language and Letters for the Twenty-First Century, Thomas Paul Bonfiglio
The Invention of the Native Speaker, Thomas Paul Bonfiglio
A Personal Look at America's Foremost Communist, Laura Browder
Summer Schooled: My Summer as a Bad Student, Laura Browder
Well Traveled: Strong relationships and unique challenges are revealed in “Driving Richmond: Stories and Portraits of GRTC Bus Drivers”, Laura Browder
Women in Combat: Listening to Those Who Have Been There, Laura Browder
Women's Gun Culture in America, Laura Browder
An Archive, Public Participation and a Performance: Five Perspectives, Laura Browder and Patricia Herrera
[Introduction to] Political Aid and Arab Activism: Democracy Promotion, Justice and Representation, Sheila Carapico
[Introduction to] Leadership Ethics, Joanne B. Ciulla, Mary Uhl-Bien, and Patricia H. Werhane
Après moi, le déluge by Lluïsa Cunillé, Sharon G. Feldman
Contemporary Theatre in Catalonia: A Story of Creative Struggles, Sharon G. Feldman
Josep M. Benet i Jornet i l'herència de «Desig», Sharon G. Feldman
Foreword: Dead Wood and Rushing Water: Essays on Mormon Faith, Family and Culture, Terryl Givens
Mormonism and the Family (Forum), Terryl Givens
Commentary on: Steven Patterson's "Are arguments abstract objects", G. C. Goddu
Logic, Truth and Inquiry (Book Review), G. C. Goddu
Why I still do not know what a "real" argument is, G. C. Goddu
María Rosa Lida y el control de la posteridad: o de cómo Rafael Lapesa reseñó La originalidad artistica de "La Celestina", Aurora Hermida-Ruiz
"Por un clavo se pierde un reino": Alfonso Reyes, the Generation of 1927, and the Imperial Appropriation of Góngora, Aurora Hermida-Ruiz
[Chapter 1 from] The Power of Invisible Leadership: How a Compelling Common Purpose Inspires Exceptional Leadership, Gill Robinson Hickman and Georgia J. Sorenson
Le héros de Mudimbe à la croisée de discours antagonistes : Un héritage suivi?, Kasongo Mulenda Kapanga
Piège ou mésaventure, ordres des connaissances et des croyances en rivalité : échos dans deux œuvres de V. Y. Mudimbe, Kasongo Mulenda Kapanga
From the Renaissance to the Modern World: A Tribute to John M. Headley, Peter Kaufman
[Introduction to] Leadership and Elizabethan Culture, Peter Iver Kaufman
[Introduction to] Religion Around Shakespeare, Peter Iver Kaufman
Language Teaching Research & Language Pedagogy (Review), Elizabeth M. Kissling
Teaching Pronunciation: Is Explicit Phonetics Instruction Beneficial for FL Learners?, Elizabeth M. Kissling
[Introduction to] Global Climate Change: Turning Knowledge into Action, David E. Kitchen
The King's Toilet: Cruising Literary History in Reinaldo Arenas' Before Night Falls, Lázaro Lima
A Familiar Strangeness: American Fiction and the Language of Photography, 1939–1945 by Stuart Burrows (review), Peter Lurie
The Nicest Kids in Town: American Bandstand, Rock 'n' Roll, and the Struggle for Civil Rights in 1950's Philadelphia (Book Review), Nicole Maurantonio
Post-Liberation Feminism and Practices of Freedom, Ladelle McWhorter
[Chapter 1 from] The Faithful Scribe: A Story of Islam, Pakistan, Family, and War, Shahan Mufti
Dead Men, Walking: Actors, Networks, and Actualized Metaphors in Mrs. Dalloway and Raymond, Elizabeth Outka
Nostalgia and Modernist Anxiety, Elizabeth Outka
[Introduction to] F.A. Hayek and the Modern Economy: Economic Organization and Activity, Sandra J. Peart and David M. Levy
David Walker, Harriet Beecher Stowe and the Logic of Sentimental Terror, Kevin Pelletier
[Chapter 1 from] Welfare and Party Politics in Latin America, Jennifer Pribble
Village Models: Etawah, India, and the Making and Remaking of Development in the Early Cold War, Nicole Sackley
Earth’s Garden-Happiness: Nietzsche’s Geoaesthetics of the Anthropocene, Gary Shapiro
Speaking a Word for Nature: Thoreau's Philosophical Saunter, Gary Shapiro
Education and Literacy, Carol Summers
[Introduction to] 7 Lenses: Learning the Principles and Practices of Ethical Leadership, Linda Fisher Thornton
The Transcendent as Theatre in Roerich's Paintings, Joseph C. Troncale
Historia y proyectos: un análisis del silencio en Lengua madre de María Teresa Andruetto, Karina Elizabeth Vázquez
[Introduction to] Aprendices, fabriqueras y obreros: El trabajo industrial en la narrativa argentina del siglo XX (1930-2007), Karina Elizabeth Vázquez
[Chapter 1 from] Hollow Justice: A History of Indigenous Claims in the United States, David E. Wilkins
[Introduction to] The Navajo Political Experience, David E. Wilkins
New Perspectives on the Northampton Communion Controversy I: David Hall's Diary and Letter to Edward Billing, Douglas L. Winiarski
[Introduction to] Racism in the Nation's Service: Government Workers and the Color Line in Woodrow Wilson's America, Eric S. Yellin
Publications from 2012
Richard Edes Harrison and the Cartographic Perspective of Modern Internationalism, Timothy Barney
A Bronze Kline from Lydia, Elizabeth P. Baughan and İlknur Özgen
A Victorian Class Conflict? Schoolteaching and the Parson, Priest and Minister, 1837-1902, Christopher Bischof
Serdar Somuncu: Reframing Integration through a Transnational Politics of Satire, Kathrin M. Bower
Revisions in Red, Laura Browder
The Curious Case of Asa Carter and The Education of Little Tree, Laura Browder
Civil Rights and Education in Richmond, VA: A Documentary Theater Project, Laura Browder and Patricia Herrera
How a thrown shooe became a tragedy and other funny stories: A Study of the Three Burlesque Cantatas (1741) by Henry Carey (1689–1743), Jennifer Cable
[Introduction to] Plato, Aristotle, and the Purpose of Politics, Kevin M. Cherry
[Introduction to] Believing and Acting: The Pragmatic Turn in Comparative Religion and Ethics, G. Scott Davis
The Prostitute as Neo-Manager: Sade's Juliette and the New Spirit of Capitalism, Olivier M. Delers
Nationalism, Identity and the Theatre Across the Spanish State in the Democratic Era, 1975 - 2010, Sharon G. Feldman and Anxo Abuín González
Border Bandits: Hollywood on the Southern Frontier (Book Review), Claudia Ferman
Cuerpos masculinos en devenir: sociedades disciplinarias y afectos en la narrativa latinoamericana reciente (Bolaño, Feinmann, Saer, Gutiérrez, Claudia Ferman
Textos del derrumbe: Horacio Castellanos Moya, Fernando Vallejo, Daniel Guebel, Claudia Ferman
Self as Container? Metaphors We Lose By in Understanding Early Chinese Texts, Jane Geaney
Book Review: A Brief History of the Soul, Terryl Givens
How Mormons Became American, Terryl Givens
Introduction: No Small and Cramped Eternities: Parley Pratt and the Foundations of Mormon Cosmology, Terryl Givens
Joseph Smith, Romanticism, and Tragic Creation, Terryl Givens
Romney, Mormonism, and the American Compromise, Terryl Givens
The Heavenly Logic of Proxy Baptism, Terryl Givens
[Introduction to] Rethinking the Post-Soviet Experience: Markets, Moral Economies, and Cultural Contradictions of Post-Socialist Russia, Jeffrey K. Hass
She Wears the Masks: Bluefacing in Nilaja Sun's Black and Blue and La Nubia Latina, Patricia Herrera
[Introduction to] Leadership and Global Justice, Douglas A. Hicks and Thad Williamson
The Haitian Connection in Connie May Fowler’s Sugar Cage, Suzanne W. Jones
Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching, Third Edition (Book Review), Elizabeth M. Kissling
[Introduction to] Executive Power in Theory and Practice, Hugh Liebert, Gary L. McDowell, and Terry L. Price
Faulkner's Literary Historiography: Color, Photography, and the Accessible Past, Peter Lurie
William Faulkner, William James, and the American Pragmatic Tradition (review), Peter Lurie
Imaging Philadelphia: Edmund Bacon and the Future of the City (Book Review), Nicole Maurantonio
Standing By: Police Paralysis, Race, and the 1964 Philadelphia Riot, Nicole Maurantonio
Development and Hope: Comments on Thomas McCarthy's Race, Empire, and the Idea of Human Development, Ladelle McWhorter
Normalization and the Welfare State, Ladelle McWhorter
Queer Economies, Ladelle McWhorter
[Introduction to] Property-Owning Democracy: Rawls and Beyond, Martin O'Neill and Thad Williamson
[Introduction to] Consuming Traditions: Modernity, Modernism, and the Commodified Authentic, Elizabeth Outka
[Introduction to] Le Penser de Royal Memoire, Lidia Radi
Spirits, Vitality, and Creation in the Poetics of Tommaso Campanella and John Donne, Anthony P. Russell
Cosmopolitanism and the Uses of Tradition: Robert Redfield and Alternative Visions of Modernization during the Cold War, Nicole Sackley
Foundation in the Field: The Ford Foundation New Delhi Office and the Construction of Development Knowledge, 1951-1970, Nicole Sackley
Reading on the Edge of Oblivion: Virgil and Virule in Coetzee's Age of Iron, Gary Shapiro