Publications from 2010
In Pictures: US Women Combat Veterans, Laura Browder
The Heart is a Strange Muscle, Laura Browder
True Crime, Laura Browder
When Mommy Goes to War (Leaving the Kids Behind), Laura Browder
Women Home From War, Laura Browder
[Introduction to] When Janey Comes Marching Home: Portraits of Women Combat Veterans, Laura Browder and Sascha Pflaeging
[Introduction to] Ordinary and Particial Differential Equations: An Introduction to Dynamical Systems, John W. Cain and Angela M. Reynolds
Emily and Annie: Doris Lessing's and Jamaica Kincaid's Portraits of the Mothers They Remember and the Mothers That Might Have Been, Daryl Cumber Dance
"I Going Away. I Going Home.": Austin Clarke's "Leaving this Island Place", Daryl Cumber Dance
[Introduction to] Warcraft and the Fragility of Virtue: An Essay in Aristotelian Ethics, G. Scott Davis
À la recherche du «bourgeois»: drame sérieux et tentations narratives chez Diderot, Olivier M. Delers
Playing in a New Key, in a New World: Virtual Worlds, Millennial Writers, and 3D Composition, Joe Essid
Section II Introduction: The Iberian Peninsula as a Literary Space, Sharon G. Feldman
El perfil postdramático del teatro catalán contemporáneo, Sharon G. Feldman
Sobre lo visible y lo invisible: Barcelona y el teatro, Sharon G. Feldman
Cine, producción audiovisual y participación politica en Centroamérica, Claudia Ferman
"Mi país era América Latina": Testimonio de Jorge Denti, cineasta de la Revolución Sandinista, Claudia Ferman
Grounding "Language" in the Senses: What the Eyes and Ears Reveal about Ming 名 (Names) in Early Chinese Texts, Jane Geaney
Book of Mormon, Terryl Givens
[Introduction to] When Souls Had Wings: Pre-Mortal Existence in Western Thought, Terryl Givens
Latter-day Saints, Church of Jesus Christ of, Terryl Givens
Mormon, Book of, Terryl Givens
Mormon Worship, Terryl Givens
Smith, Joseph, Terryl Givens
Young, Brigham, Terryl Givens
Is "Argument" Subject to the Product/Process Ambiguity?, G. C. Goddu
[Introduction to] Lincoln's Legacy of Leadership, George R. Goethals and Gary L. McDowell
Telling Old Tales Newly : Intertextuality in Young Adult Fiction for Girls, Elisabeth Rose Gruner
[Introduction to] Leading Change in Multiple Contexts: Concepts and Practices in Organizational, Community, Political, Social, and Global Change Settings, Gill Robinson Hickman
[Introduction to] Leading Organizations: Perspectives for a New Era, Gill Robinson Hickman
Baring the Brain as well as the Soul: Milan Kundera's The Joke, Yvonne Howell
The Liberal Gene: Sociobiology as Emancipatory Discourse in the Late Soviet Union, Yvonne Howell
The Obama Effect on American Discourse about Racial Identity: Dreams from My Father (and Mother), Barack Obama's Search for Self, Suzanne W. Jones
Writing Southern Race Relations: Stories Ellen Douglas Was Brave Enough to Tell, Suzanne W. Jones
Legitimate Authority, Following Orders, and Wars of Questionable Justice, David Lefkowitz
On the Scope of a Professional’s Right of Conscience, David Lefkowitz
The Sources of International Law: Some Philosophical Reflections, David Lefkowitz
Faulkner's Sexualized City: Modernism, Commerce, and the (Textual) Body, Peter Lurie
[Introduction to] The Language of Law and the Foundations of American Constitutionalism, Gary L. McDowell
Book Panel Response: Symposium on Ladelle McWhorter's Racism and Sexual Oppression in Anglo-America: A Genealogy, Ladelle McWhorter
Racism and Biopower, Ladelle McWhorter
Disorienting the Furniture: The Transgressive Journalism of Alfonsina Storni and Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Mariela Méndez
“The dampness of her mother’s womb, the only place to be:” ó Cómo recuperar el habla después de la tragedia. Rasgado, de Lila Zemborain, Mariela Méndez
[Introduction to] Stakeholders, Robert A. Phillips and R. Edward Freeman
La Rhétorique de la Persuasion dans le Penser de Royal Mémoire de Guillaume Michel, dit de Tours, Lidia Radi
Aesthetics and the Philosophy of Art, 1840-1900, Gary Shapiro
John Chrysostom, Maruthas and Christian Evangelism in Sasanian Iran, Walter Stevenson
Youth, Elders and Metaphors of Political Change in Late Colonial Buganda, Carol Summers
Sin pan y sin trabajo: denuncia y resistencia en la novela El trabajo (2007), de Anibal Jarkowski, Karina Elizabeth Vázquez
Religious Experiences in New England, Douglas L. Winiarski
‘Broken Brotherhood: The Rise and Fall of the National Afro-American Council,’ by Benjamin R. Justesen, Eric S. Yellin
Publications from 2009
Racing Jesse Jackson: Leadership, Masculinity, and the Black Presidency, Paul Achter
“Weekend Update” and the Tradition of New Journalism, Paul Achter
A Sputnik Moment? The Natural Sciences and Humanities, Edward L. Ayers
Lincoln's America 2.0, Edward L. Ayers
On the Humanities, Edward L. Ayers
Saving Savannah: The City and the Civil War (Book Review), Edward L. Ayers
Where the Humanities Live, Edward L. Ayers
Protest Song in East and West Germany since the 1960s (Book Review), Kathrin M. Bower
[Introduction to] Political Humor Under Stalin: an Anthology of Unofficial Jokes and Anecdotes, David Brandenberger
A Birth and a Death, or Everything Important Happens on Monday, Daryl Cumber Dance
Don, obligation et reconnaissance dans les Lettres d’une Péruvienne de Graffigny, Olivier M. Delers
La socialité en chaîne et en réseau dans les Egarements du cœur et de l’esprit de Crébillon fils, Olivier M. Delers
El teatro de la época democrática, Sharon G. Feldman
Introduction (Special Cluster on the Catalan Stage, Modern and Contemporary), Sharon G. Feldman
[Introduction to] In the Eye of the Storm: Contemporary Theater in Barcelona, Sharon G. Feldman
Josep M. Benet i Jornet (Panorama crític de la literatura catalana), Sharon G. Feldman
Puentes teatrales, montajes "de ida y vuelta": argentinos a la conquista de la escena barcelonesa, Sharon G. Feldman
Rodolf Sirera (Panorama crític de la literatura catalana), Sharon G. Feldman
Teatre (Panorama crític de la literatura catalana)), Sharon G. Feldman
De la hoguera medieval a la sala de torturas: Centroamérica como "espectáculo de la crueldad", Claudia Ferman
¿De qué cine hablamos? Las tareas de los Estudios del Cine Latinoamericano, Claudia Ferman
[Introduction to] Legalizing Identities: Becoming Black or Indian in Brazil's Northeast, Jan Hoffman French
[Chapter 1 from] The Book of Mormon: A Very Short Introduction, Terryl Givens
Commentary on Erik C. W. Krabbe's "Winning and Losing for Arguers", G. C. Goddu
Refining Hitchcock’s Definition of ‘Argument’, G. C. Goddu
What is a “Real” Argument?, G. C. Goddu
[Introduction to] Leadership and Discovery, George R. Goethals and J. Thomas Wren
Teach the Children: Education and Knowledge in Recent Children's Fantasy, Elisabeth Rose Gruner
Apokalipticheskii realizm. Nauchnaia fantastika A.i B. Strugatskikh., Yvonne Howell
[Introduction to] Church, State and Citizen: Christian Approaches to Political Engagement, Sandra F. Joireman
Legitimizing the Invented Congolese Space: The Gaze from within in Early Congolese Fiction, Kasongo Mulenda Kapanga
Partiality and Weighing Harm to Non-Combatants, David Lefkowitz
The Constitution of Equality: Democratic Authority and Its Limits by Thomas Christiano (Book Review), David Lefkowitz
Kinds of Faulknerians, Peter Lurie
[Introduction to] Medicating Children: ADHD and Pediatric Mental Health, Rick Mayes, Catherine Bagwell, and Jennifer L. Erkulwater
Governmentality, Biopower, and the Debate over Genetic Enhancement, Ladelle McWhorter
[Introduction to] Racism and Sexual Oppression in Anglo-America: A Genealogy, Ladelle McWhorter
[Introduction to] Heidegger and the Earth Essays in Environmental Philisophy, Ladelle McWhorter and Gail Stenstad
Identidad a Contrapelo: Subjetividad femenina y espacios urbanos en el diario de Carolina Maria de Jesus, Mariela Méndez
Storytelling as Soul-Tuning: The Ancient Rhetoric of Valmiki's Ramayana, Mari Lee Mifsud
[Introduction to] The Hardy Space of a Slit Domain, William T. Ross, Alexandra Aleman, and Nathan S. Feldman
Erde, Gary Shapiro
[Introduction to] Global Strategy: Global Dimensions of Strategy, Stephen Tallman
Eva vive en otra parte: cambio de signo e identidad en Eva Perón de Copi, Karina Elizabeth Vázquez
[Introduction to] Fogwill: realismo y mala conciencia, Karina Elizabeth Vázquez
[Introduction to] Sprawl, justice, and citizenship : The Civic Costs of the American Way of Life, Thad Williamson
Gendered "Relations" in Haverhill, Massachusetts, 1719-1742, Douglas L. Winiarski
[Introduction to] Leadership and the Liberal Arts: Achieving the Promise of a Liberal Education, J. Thomas Wren, Ronald E. Riggio, and Michael A. Genovese