This series contains articles, book chapters, and other publications authored or co-authored by faculty of the University of Richmond School of Law. To browse content in this series by author, use the link below:
Publications from 2001
Divisional Arrangement for the Federal Appeals Courts, Carl W. Tobias
The 2000 Federal Civil Rules Revisions, Carl W. Tobias
The Bush Administration and Appeals Courts Nominees, Carl W. Tobias
Shifting Winds: Court Whittles Away at Plaintiffs' Recovery of Attorney Fees, Carl W. Tobias and Margaret L. Sanner
Publications from 2000
Introduction, Azizah Y. al-Hibri
Muslim Women's Rights in the Global Village: Challenges and Opportunities, Azizah Y. al-Hibri
A Unifying Theory of Sex Discrimination, Henry L. Chambers, Jr.
Employer Prerogative and Employee Rights: The Never-Ending Tug-of-War, Henry L. Chambers, Jr.
1999 Annual Meeting: Strategic Initiatives Sessions, Timothy L. Coggins
Book Review, The Digital Practice of Law: a Practical Reference for Applying Technology Concepts to the Practice of Law, Timothy L. Coggins
Print No More: U.S. Code, Code of Federal Regulations, and the Federal Register, Timothy L. Coggins
Balancing Hearsay and Criminal Discovery, John G. Douglass
Alternative Dispute Resolution at the Environmental Protection Agency, Joel B. Eisen
Another Way of Thinking About Section 105(a) and Other Sources of Supplemental Law Under the Bankruptcy Code, David G. Epstein
Reinventing Tax Expenditure Reform: Improving Program Oversight under the Government Performance and Results Act, Mary L. Heen
Judicial Review of Arbitration Awards on Public Policy Grounds: Lessons from the Case Law, Ann C. Hodges
The Employment Law Decisions of the October 1999 Term of the Supreme Court: Review and Analysis, Ann C. Hodges
Wills, Trusts and Estates (Annual Survey of Virginia Law, 1999-2000), J. Rodney Johnson
Into the Wind: Rhett Butler and the Law of War at Sea, John Paul Jones
The Politics of Meaning: Law Dictionaries and the Liberal Tradition of Interpretation, Gary L. McDowell
Note, Space-Age Medicine, Stone-Age Government: How Medicare Reimbursement of Telemedicine Services is Depriving the Elderly of Quality Medical Treatment, Kristen Jakobsen Osenga
A Reexamination of the Distinction Between “Loss-Allocating” and “Conduct-Regulating” Rules, Wendy Collins Perdue
A Realistic Consensus Approach to the Insurance Law Doctrine of Reasonable Expectations, Peter N. Swisher
Chief Judge Martin and the Modern Sixth Circuit, Carl W. Tobias
Choosing Judges at the Close of the Clinton Administration, Carl W. Tobias
Civil Justice Delay and Empirical Data: A Response to Professor Heise, Carl W. Tobias
Congress and the 2000 Federal Civil Rules Amendments, Carl W. Tobias
Filling the Federal Appellate Openings on the 9th Circuit, Carl W. Tobias
Judicial Selection at the Clinton Administration's End, Carl W. Tobias
Natural Resources and the White Commission Report, Carl W. Tobias
Rethinking Intervention in Environmental Litigation, Carl W. Tobias
The Federal Appeals Courts at Century's End, Carl W. Tobias
The Next Step for the Ninth Circuit, Carl W. Tobias
The White Commission and the Federal Circuit, Carl W. Tobias
Publications from 1999
Islamic and American Constitutional Law: Borrowing Possibilities or a History of Borrowing?, Azizah Y. al-Hibri
English Ideas on Legal Education in Virginia, WIlliam Hamilton Bryson
Enclave Districting, Henry L. Chambers, Jr.
Crossroads: Strategic Partnerships and Collaborative Programming, Timothy L. Coggins
Beyond Admissibility: Real Confrontation, Virtual Cross-Examination and the Right to Confront Hearsay, John G. Douglass
Brownfields Policies For Sustainable Cities, Joel B. Eisen
From Stockholm to Kyoto and Back to the United States: International Environmental Law's Effect on Domestic Law, Joel B. Eisen
Thin Red Line: An Analysis of the Role of Legal Assistants in the Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Process, David G. Epstein
Commercial Common Law, the United Nations Convention on the International Sale of Goods, and the Inertia of Habit, David Frisch
The U.S. Sentencing Guidelines: A Surprising Success?, James Gibson
Wills, Trusts and Estates (Annual Survey of Virginia Law, 1998-99), J. Rodney Johnson
Annual Survey of Virginia Law: Administrative Procedure, John Paul Jones
Treasure Salvage and the United States Supreme Court: Issues Remaining After Brother Jonathan, John Paul Jones
Regulation of Dietary Supplements: Five Years of DSHEA, Laura A.W. Khatcheressian
Two Movements of a Constitutional Symphony: Akhil Amar’s The Bill of Rights, Kurt T. Lash
"High Crimes and Misdemeanors": Recovering the Intentions of the Founders, Gary L. McDowell
Witch Doctors and Battleship Stalkers: The Edges of Exculpation in Entrapment Cases, John F. Preis
Blocked Pathways: Potential Legal Responses to Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals, Noah M. Sachs
A Federal Appellate System for the Twenty-First Century, Carl W. Tobias
Charlotte and the American Dilemma, Carl W. Tobias
Discovery Reform Redux, Carl W. Tobias
Fin-De-Siecle Federal Civil Procedure, Carl W. Tobias
Leaving a Legacy on the Federal Courts, Carl W. Tobias
Local Procedural Review in the Eighth Circuit, Carl W. Tobias
Modern Federal Judicial Selection, Carl W. Tobias
The Imminent Demise of Interspousal Tort Immunity, Carl W. Tobias
A Split by Any Other Name ..., Carl W. Tobias and Proctor Hug Jr.
Publications from 1998
Faith and The Attorney-Client Relationship: Muslim Perspective, Azizah Y. al-Hibri
Legal Reform: Reviewing Human Rights in the Muslim World, Azizah Y. al-Hibri
Admissibility of Evidence in Virginia: A Manual for Virginia Trial Lawyers, 2nd Edition, Ronald J. Bacigal
Choosing Perspectives in Criminal Procedure, Ronald J. Bacigal
George Landon Browning (d. 1947), William Hamilton Bryson
George Wayne Anderson (d. 1922), William Hamilton Bryson
Reasonable Certainty and Reasonable Doubt, Henry L. Chambers, Jr.
The Breard Case and the Virtues of Forbearance, John G. Douglass
Are We Ready For Mediation in Cyberspace?, Joel B. Eisen
Don't Go and Do Something Rash about Cram Down Interest Rates, David G. Epstein
National Bankruptcy Review Commission's Section 365 Recommendations and the Larger Conceptual Issues, David G. Epstein
Commercial Codification as Negotiation, David Frisch
From Rio to Kyoto: A Study of the Involvement of Non-Governmental Organizations in the Negotiations on Climate Change, Chiara Giorgetti
The Role of Nongovernmental Organizations in the Climate Change Negotiations, Chiara Giorgetti
Protecting Unionized Employees Against Discrimination: The Fourth Circuit's Misinterpretation of Supreme Court Precedent, Ann C. Hodges
Power and the Subject of Religion, Kurt T. Lash
The Status of Constitutional Religious Liberty at the End of the Millennium, Kurt T. Lash
The Sources and Scope of Federal Procedural Common Law: Some Reflections on Erie and Gasperini, Wendy Collins Perdue
Symposium Introduction, Peter N. Swisher
Civil Justice Reform Sunset, Carl W. Tobias
Dear Justice White, Carl W. Tobias
Did the Civil Justice Reform Act of 1990 Actually Expire?, Carl W. Tobias
Federal Judicial Selection in a Time of Divided Government,, Carl W. Tobias
Fostering Balance on the Federal Courts, Carl W. Tobias
Natural Resources and the Ninth Circuit Split, Carl W. Tobias
Nearing the End of Federal Civil Justice Reform In Montana, Carl W. Tobias
Panel Rejects Ninth Circuit Split, Carl W. Tobias
Reforming Common Sense Legal Reforms, Carl W. Tobias
The Federal Appellate Study at Midpoint, Carl W. Tobias
The Judicial Conference Report and the Conclusion of Federal Civil Justice Reform, Carl W. Tobias
Publications from 1997
Islam, Law and Custom: Redefining Muslim Women's Rights, Azizah Y. al-Hibri
The American Corporation in the Twenty-First Century: Future Forms of Structure and Governance, Azizah Y. al-Hibri
The Equity Jurisdiction of the Exchequer, William Hamilton Bryson
Virginia Law Reports and Records, 1776-1800, William Hamilton Bryson
Bringing the "Real World" to Advance Legal Research, Timothy L. Coggins
Commenting on "Purpose" in the Uniform Commercial Code, David Frisch
How Much Should Mind Matter? Mens Rea in Theft and Fraud Sentencing, James Gibson
At the Intersection of Bankruptcy and Divorce: Property Division Debts Under the Bankruptcy Reform Act of 1994, Meredith J. Harbach
Child Care, Welfare Reform, and Taxes, Mary L. Heen