
This Article analyzes the influence of non-governmental actors on the negotiations of the Framework Convention on Climate Change (FCCC or the Convention). In particular, it evaluates the methods employed by NGOs in furthering their substantive agendas, the interaction among various non-governmental actors, and the results of their efforts. This Article considers two kinds of NGOs: business and environmental. Environmental NGOs (ENGOs) are the self-defined representatives of environmental interests. They campaign for the strict reduction of all gases that induce climate change. On the other side, business NGOs (BNGOs) typically represent the interests of those industries that are involved in the industrial cycles that damage the atmosphere. The analysis of the different approaches and actions of these groups during the negotiations is particularly interesting and relevant.· Given the conflicting missions of these two groups, one might believe that ENGOs and BNGOs operate without regard to one another. In reality, business and environmental NGOs are not always completely separate entities. As this Article demonstrates, ENGOs and BNGOs extensively scrutinize one another and frequently engage in official negotiations and discussions on various policy options.

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