This series contains articles, book chapters, and other publications authored or co-authored by faculty of the University of Richmond School of Law. To browse content in this series by author, use the link below:
Publications from 2024
Investigating Appraisal Discrimination, Carol Brown
John Coxe's Exchequer Reports, William Hamilton Bryson
Reports of Cases in the Court of Chancery From 1683 to 1688, William Hamilton Bryson
Protecting Minority Representation in an Era of Political Polarization and the Hollowing Out of Voting Rights Protections, Henry L. Chambers, Jr.
Punishing Gender, Erin Collins
The Scales Project: Making Federal Court Records Free, Christopher A. Cotropia
Remote Repossession, Rebecca Crootof
Popular Constitutionalism Inside the Courts: The Search for Popular Meaning, Thomas G. Donnelly
The Roberts Court Revolution, Institutional Legitimacy, and the Promise (And Peril) of Constitutional Statesmanship, Thomas G. Donnelly
A Model for Community-Led Energy Planning and Climate Justice: Renewable Energy Development on the Hawaiian Island of Molokai, Joel B. Eisen
Hydrogen Law and Policy Initiatives in the United States, Joel B. Eisen
Utilities With Purpose, Joel B. Eisen
Virtual Energy, Joel B. Eisen
Paying for Performance? Attorneys' Fees in Securities Fraud Class Actions, Jessica M. Erickson
Misconstruing Digital Advertising Taxes as Consumption Taxes, Hayes R. Holderness
The Injunction Function: Is IP Law Promoting Markets for Innovators and Creators?, Kristen Osenga
Supplemental Jurisdiction and § 1367: The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly, Wendy Perdue
Capital Gains Realizations, Daniel Schaffa
Reimagining the Deduction for Employee Compensation, Daniel Schaffa
From Redlining to Greenlining, Danielle Stokes
Filling the Red State Federal Judicial Vacancies, Carl Tobias
Michigan Senators' Crucial Role in Keeping Federal Courts Full, Carl Tobias
Publications from 2023
Alexander Forrester's Chancery Reports, William Hamilton Bryson
Edward Barradall's Reports of Cases in the General Court of Virginia (1733-1741), William Hamilton Bryson
James Ravenscroft's Reports of Cases in the Court of Common Pleas (1623-1633), William Hamilton Bryson
Douglass, Lincoln, and Douglas Before Dred Scott: A Few Thoughts on Freedom, Equality, and Affirmative Action, Henry L. Chambers Jr.
Enhancing Rural Representation Through Electoral System Diversity, Henry L. Chambers Jr.
Beyond Problem-Solving Courts, Erin Collins
Evidence Rules for Decarceration, Erin Collins
Implementing War Torts, Rebecca Crootof
Humans in the Loop, Rebecca Crootof, Margot E. Kaminski, and W. Nicholson Price II
Rebuilding Grid Governance, Joel B. Eisen and Heather E. Payne
The Business of Securities Class Action Lawyering, Jessica M. Erickson, Stephen J. Choi, and Adam C. Pritchard
Parens Patriae After the Pandemic, Meredith Johnson Harbach
Individual Home-Work Assignments for State Taxes, Hayes R. Holderness
The Confederate Law of Prize, John Paul Jones
Roe and the Original Meaning of the Thirteenth Amendment, Kurt T. Lash
The Federalist and the Fourteenth Amendment-- Publius in Antebellum Public Debate, 1788-1860, Kurt T. Lash
An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Legal History of Northern Ireland (1921-1948): Methods and Sources, Molly Lentz-Meyer
Federal Rules of Private Enforcement, Luke Norris and David L. Noll
Hit the Road, Jack: The Auto Industry as the Next Vehicle for Predatory Infringement, Kristen Osenga
A Wrong Turn with the Rights of Nature Movement, Noah M. Sachs
Fighting for Whiteness in Ukraine, Marissa Jackson Sow
(Re)Building the Master's House: Dismantling America's Colonial Politics of Extraction and Exclusion, Marissa Jackson Sow
Appoint Judge Ana de Alba to the Ninth Circuit, Carl Tobias
Biden, Bennet, and Bipartisan Federal Judicial Selection, Carl Tobias
Confirm Judge Irma Carrillo Ramirez to the Fifth Circuit, Carl Tobias
Confirm Julie Rikelman for the First Circuit, Carl Tobias
Confirm Rachel Bloomekatz to the Sixth Circuit, Carl Tobias
How Biden Can Continue Making the Federal Courts Better, Carl Tobias
Reimagining Langdell's Legacy: Puncturing the Equilibrium in Law School Pedagogy, Laura A. Webb
Publications from 2022
The Emergence of Neutrality, Jud Campbell
Abolishing the Evidence-Based Paradigm, Erin Collins
War Torts, Rebecca Crootof
Coalitions among Plaintiffs’ Attorneys in Securities Class Actions, Jessica M. Erickson, Stephen J. Choi, and Adam C. Pritchard
Introduction: Family court review special issue dynamic pedagogy in the family and juvenile law classroom: Experiential and in-class exercises, Meredith Johnson Harbach
Crack Taxes and the Dangers of Insidious Regulatory Taxes, Hayes R. Holderness
Re-Speaking the Bill of Rights: A New Theory of Incorporation, Kurt T. Lash
The Banker Removal Power, Da Lin
Neoliberal Civil Procedure, Luke Norris
The Promise and Perils of Private Enforcement, Luke Norris
The Oligarchic Courthouse: Jurisdiction, Corporate Power, and Democratic Decline, Luke Norris and Helen Hershkoff
“Efficient” Infringement and Other Lies, Kristen Osenga
Reckoning with Structural Racism in Legal Education: Methods Toward a Pedagogy of Antiracism, Doron Samuel-Siegel
The Intergenerational Equity Case for a Wealth Tax, Daniel Schaffa
The Case for Subsidizing Harm: Constrained and Costly Pigouvian Taxation with Multiple Externalities, Daniel Schaffa and Daniel Jaqua
Renewable Energy Federalism, Danielle Stokes
Debt Governance, Wealth Management, and the Uneven Burdens of Child Support, Allison Anna Tait
Home of the Dispossessed, Allison Anna Tait
Inheriting Privilege, Allison Anna Tait
Filling Lower Court Vacancies in Congress' Lame Duck Session, Carl Tobias
How Biden Could Keep Filling the Federal Circuit Court Vacancies, Carl Tobias
Publications from 2021
Reports of Cases by Lord Hardwicke, William Hamilton Bryson
Bostock, the Crown Acts, and a Possible Right to Self-Expression in the Workplace, Henry L. Chambers, Jr.
The Problem of Problem-Solving Courts, Erin Collins
Law's Ability to Further the "Menstrual Movement", Christopher A. Cotropia
Patents as Signals of Quality in Crowdfunding, Christopher A. Cotropia
Structuring Techlaw, Rebecca Crootof and BJ Ard
COVID-19's Impact on Renewable Energy, Joel B. Eisen
Better Than a Discharge, David G. Epstein and Tevin Bowens
Changing Lanes: Tax Relief for Commuters, Hayes R. Holderness
Virginia Renews Its Faith in Second Chances, The Honorable Jerrauld C. Jones and Julie E. McConnell
Death Penalty Exceptionalism and Administrative Law, Corinna Lain
Three Observations about the Worst of the Worst, Virginia-Style, Corinna Lain
Striking the Right Balance: Following the DOJ's Lead for Innovation in Standardized Technology, Kristen Osenga
Filling Judge Flaum's Vacant Seventh Circuit Seat, Carl Tobias
How Biden Began Building Back Better the Federal Bench, Carl Tobias
Entrenched Racial Hierarchy: Educational Inequality from the Cradle to the LSAT, Kevin Woodson
Publications from 2020
The General Court of Virginia, 1619–1776, William Hamilton Bryson
Constitutional Rights Before Realism, Jud Campbell
Natural Rights, Positive Rights, and the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, Jud Campbell
The Hidden Value of Abandoned Applications to the Patent System, Christopher A. Cotropia and David L. Schwartz
The Hidden Value of Abandoned Applications to the Patent System, Christopher A. Cotropia and David L. Schwartz
The Lost Lessons of Shareholder Derivative Suits, Jessica M. Erickson
Working Hard or Making Work? Plaintiffs’ Attorney Fees in Securities Fraud Class Actions, Jessica M. Erickson
With Gratitute from Our Daughters: Reflecting on Justice Ginsburg and United States v. Virginia, Meredith Johnson Harbach
McCulloch v. Madison: John Marshall's Effort to Bury Madisonian Federalism, Kurt T. Lash
Patent-Eligible Subject Matter... Still Wielding the Wrong Weapon - 12 Years Later, Kristen Osenga
Toxic Floodwaters: Strengthening the Chemical Safety Regime in the Climate Change Era, Noah M. Sachs
The Economic Efficiency Case Against Business Tax Privacy, Daniel Schaffa