"An Introduction to the Mission and Methodology of Academic Support" by Emmeline Paulette Reeves


Academic Support Programs (ASPs) "are an extremely hot issue" in legal education. Earlier this semester, the Law School Admission Council (LSAC) announced that it would fund annual academic support conferences for the next six years, and last fall, the LSAC published an updated handbook on ASPs. The Association of American Law Schools established a permanent section on academic support in 1998. A recent survey of 151 ABA-accredited law schools revealed that 13 7, or 90.7% of the schools surveyed, have an academic support program in one form or another. Within the past year, three Virginia Law schools-the University of Richmond School of Law, Washington and Lee School of Law and Regent University School of Law-have created or revamped their ASPs. What 's all the fuss about?

Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 2001


Publication of the Virginia State Bar Section on Education of Lawyers
