This series contains articles, book chapters, and other publications authored or co-authored by faculty of the University of Richmond School of Law. To browse content in this series by author, use the link below:
Publications from 1990
Finley v. United States: Unstringing Pendent Jurisdiction, Wendy Collins Perdue
An Independent Public Law, Carl W. Tobias
Engendering Law Faculties, Carl W. Tobias
Intervention After Webster, Carl W. Tobias
Reassessing Rule 11 and Civil Rights Cases, Carl W. Tobias
Reviving Participant Compensation, Carl W. Tobias
The Federal Judiciary Engendered, Carl W. Tobias
The Gender Gap on the Federal Bench, Carl W. Tobias
Publications from 1989
Judicial reflections upon the 1973 uprising at Wounded Knee, Ronald J. Bacigal
When Racists and Radicals Meet, Ronald J. Bacigal and Margaret Ivey Bacigal
Annual Survey of Virginia Law - Civil Procedure and Practice, William Hamilton Bryson
Leon Jaworski, William Hamilton Bryson
Stacking of Uninsured and Underinsured Motor Vehicle Coverages, John G. Douglass
Foreward, David G. Epstein
U.C.C. Survey: General Provisions, Bulk Transfers, and Documents of Title, David Frisch
Wills, Trusts and Estates (Annual Survey of Virginia Law, 1988-89), J. Rodney Johnson
In Praise of Student-Edited Law Reviews: A Reply to Professor Dekanal, John Paul Jones
European Political Cooperation After the Single European Act: The Future of Foreign Affairs in the European Communities, Daniel T. Murphy
Interspousal Tort Immunity in America, Carl W. Tobias
Public Law Litigation and the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Carl W. Tobias
Respect for Diversity: The Case of Feminist Legal Thought, Carl W. Tobias
Revitalizing the Consumer Product Safety Commission, Carl W. Tobias
Rule 11 and Civil Rights Litigation, Carl W. Tobias
Publications from 1988
An Empirical Case Study of Informal Alternative Dispute Resolution, Ronald J. Bacigal
Court Costs in Virginia, William Hamilton Bryson
Basic Uniform Commercial Code: Teaching Materials, David G. Epstein
U.C.C. Survey: General Provisions, Bulk Transfers, and Documents of Title, David Frisch
Wills, Trusts and Estates (Annual Survey of Virginia Law, 1987-88), J. Rodney Johnson
Gender Issues and the Prosser, Wade, and Schwartz Torts Casebook, Carl W. Tobias
Publications from 1987
A Tribute to Malcolm Ray Doubles, Ronald J. Bacigal
Criminal Procedure, Ronald J. Bacigal
Implied Hearsay: Defusing the Battle Line between Pragmatism and Theory, Ronald J. Bacigal
A Case Study of the Federal Judiciary's Role in Court-Ordered Busing: The Professional and Personal Experiences of U.S. District Judge Robert R. Merhige, Jr., Ronald J. Bacigal and Margaret I. Bacigal
Criminal Prosecutions in Environmental Law: A Study of the "Kepone" Case, Ronald J. Bacigal and Margaret I. Bacigal
Property, W. Wade Berryhill
Annual Survey of Virginia Law - Civil Procedure and Practice, William Hamilton Bryson
Equity and Equitable Remedies, William Hamilton Bryson
Buyer Status Under the U.C.C: A Suggested Temporal Definition, David Frisch
U.C.C. Survey: General Provisions, Bulk Transfers, and Documents of Title, David Frisch
Wills, Trusts and Estates (Annual Survey of Virginia Law, 1986-87), J. Rodney Johnson
Administrative Procedure (Annual Survey of Virginia Law, 1987), John Paul Jones
A Dedication to Thomas A. Edmonds, Daniel T. Murphy
Manipulation of Futures Markets: Redefining the Offense, Wendy Collins Perdue
Sin, Scandal and Substantive Due Process: Personal Jurisdiction and Pennoyer Reconsidered, Wendy Collins Perdue
An Introduction to Legal Reasoning, Writing, and Research Techniques; and Trial Preparation and Appellate Advocacy, Peter N. Swisher
Rule 19 and the Public Rights Exception to Party Joinder, Carl W. Tobias
Publications from 1986
An Alternative Approach to the Good Faith Controversy, Ronald J. Bacigal
Dodging a Bullet, but Opening Old Wounds in Fourth Amendment Jurisprudence, Ronald J. Bacigal
Implied Hearsay, Ronald J. Bacigal
Property, W. Wade Berryhill
Review of State Legislative Sourcebook, Paul M. Birch
Annual Survey of Virginia Law - Civil Procedure and Practice, William Hamilton Bryson
Review of Virginia Lawyers Practice Handbook: Appellate Practice: Virginia and Federal Courts, William Hamilton Bryson
Consequences of Converting a Bankruptcy Case, David G. Epstein
Is Revision Due for Article 2?, David Frisch
U.C.C. Survey: General Provisions, Bulk Transfers, and Documents of Title, David Frisch
Why You Need A Will - A Pamphlet That Explains The Need To A Layperson, J. Rodney Johnson
Wills, Trusts and Estates (Annual Survey of Virginia Law, 1985-86), J. Rodney Johnson
Administrative Procedure (Annual Survey of Virginia Law, 1986), John Paul Jones
Moderating Antitrust Subject Matter Jurisdiction: The Foreign Trade Antitrust Improvements Act and the Restatement of Foreign Relations Law (Revised), Daniel T. Murphy
Interspousal Tort Immunity in Montana, Carl W. Tobias
Publications from 1985
Criminal Procedure, Ronald J. Bacigal
The Road to Exclusion is Paved With Bad Intentions: A Bad Faith Corollary to the Good Faith Exception, Ronald J. Bacigal
Property, W. Wade Berryhill
Annual Survey of Virginia Law - Civil Procedure and Practice, William Hamilton Bryson
English Common Law in Virgina, William Hamilton Bryson
Chapters 11 and 13 of the Bankruptcy Code--Observations on Using Case Authority from One of the Chapters in Proceedings Under the Other, David G. Epstein
James Martin: Friend and Co-Author, David G. Epstein
U.C.C. Section 9-315: A Historical and Modern Perspective, David Frisch
U.C.C. Survey: General Provisions, Bulk Transfers, and Documents of Title, David Frisch
The Automation of Serials Control With SC350, Joyce Manna Janto
Rights of Creditors to Reach Assets of a Revocable Trust after the Death of the Grantor - The Missouri Approach, J. Rodney Johnson
Wills, Trusts and Estates (Annual Survey of Virginia Law, 1984-85), J. Rodney Johnson
Administrative Procedure (Annual Survey of Virginia Law, 1985), John Paul Jones
The Amended Proposal for a Fifth Company Law Directive--Nihil Novum, Daniel T. Murphy
The New Virginia Stock Corporation Act: A Primer, Daniel T. Murphy
The System of European Political Cooperation: A Brief Explanation, Daniel T. Murphy
Publications from 1984
Hearings on Jury Bias or Misconduct, Ronald J. Bacigal
Taking Precedents in the Tidelands: Refocusing on Eminent Domain, W. Wade Berryhill
Legal Growth Through Evolution: Comment on Puritan Revolution and English Law, William Hamilton Bryson
The Use of Roman Law in Virginia Courts, William Hamilton Bryson
The Virginia Bar, 1870-1900, WIlliam Hamilton Bryson
The Priority Secured Party/Subordinate Lien Creditor Conflict: Is "Lien-Two" Out in the Cold?, David Frisch
Uniform Commercial Code Annual Survey: General Provisions, Sales, Bulk Transfers, and Documents of Title, David Frisch
A Review of Federal Court Decisions Under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Mary L. Heen
Interspousal Property Rights At Death (You can't take it with you, but you can prevent your spouse from getting any of it.), J. Rodney Johnson
Procedures for Terminating Small Trusts, J. Rodney Johnson
Virginia Tax Laws Affecting Churches, J. Rodney Johnson
Legislative Changes to Virginia Administrative Rulemaking, John Paul Jones
Drafting Cohabitation, Antenuptial, and Reconciliation Agreements, Peter N. Swisher
Publications from 1983
Review of Search and Seizure: Constitutional and Common Law, Ronald J. Bacigal
Warrantless Searches and Seizures in Virginia, Ronald J. Bacigal
Title Examination in Virginia, W. Wade Berryhill
The Abolition of the Forms of Action in Virginia, William Hamilton Bryson
A School Board's Authority Versus a Student's Right to Receive Information, Timothy L. Coggins
Recent Developments in Housing and Community Development, Joel B. Eisen
U.C.C. Filings: Changing Circumstances Can Make a Right Filing Wrong. But Can They Make a Wrong Filing Right?, David Frisch