This series contains articles, book chapters, and other publications authored or co-authored by faculty of the University of Richmond School of Law. To browse content in this series by author, use the link below:
Publications from 2004
Easing the Path for Newer Colleagues: Conference for New Law Librarians Helps Beginners Learn AALL's Ropes, Joyce Manna Janto
Wills, Trusts and Estates (Annual Survey of Virginia Law, 2003-2004), J. Rodney Johnson
Brief of Alain de Foucauld as Amicus Curiae in R.M.S. Titanic, Inc. v. The Wrecked and Abandoned Vessel, John Paul Jones
Brief of Professors Francesco Berlingieri et al. a s Amici Curiae in Norfolk Southern Railway Co. v. James N. Kirby Pty . Ltd., John Paul Jones
Countermajoritarian Hero or Zero - Rethinking the Warren Court's Role in the Criminal Procedure Revolution, Corinna Barrett Lain
The Lost Original Meaning of the Ninth Amendment, Kurt T. Lash
Single and Paying for It, Shari Motro
Aliens, the Internet, and "Purposeful Availment": A Reassessment of Fifth Amendment Limits on Personal Jurisdiction, Wendy Collins Perdue
Legal Frameworks for Chronic Disease Prevention, Wendy Collins Perdue
Smart Growth for Community Development, Wendy Collins Perdue
The Story of Shaffer: Allocating Jurisdictional Authority Among the States, Wendy Collins Perdue
Insurance Binders Revisited, Peter N. Swisher
Brown and the Desegregation of Virginia Law Schools, Carl W. Tobias
Brown's Legacy at Fifty, Carl W. Tobias
Doing Right By Charles Alan Wright, Carl W. Tobias
More Proposals to Simplify Modern Federal Procedure, Carl W. Tobias
Punishment and the War on Terrorism, Carl W. Tobias
The Color Line in the Cold War, Carl W. Tobias
Western Sovereignty for the Twenty-First Century, Carl W. Tobias
Rule 11 and Rule Revision, Carl W. Tobias and Margaret L. Sanner
The Ethical Perils of Representing the Juvenile Defendant Who May Be Incompetent, Adrienne E. Volenik
Publications from 2003
An Islamic Perspective on Domestic Violence, Azizah Y. al-Hibri
Symposium: American Muslims and Civil Rights: Testimonies and Critiques, Azizah Y. al-Hibri
Creation, Liberation, and Property: Virtues and Values Toward a Theocentric Earth Ethic, W. Wade Berryhill
Taking the Takings Claim: A Policy and Economic Analysis of the Survival of Takings Claims After Property Transfers, Carol N. Brown
Edmund Pendleton, William Hamilton Bryson
The Winchester Law School, 1824-1831, William Hamilton Bryson
Researching Bankruptcy Law on the Internet, Timothy L. Coggins
Admissibility as Cause and Effect: Considering Affirmative Rights under the Confrontation Clause, John G. Douglass
Cross-Burning Case Explores Free-Speech Controversy, John G. Douglass
Rethinking Theft Crimes in Virginia, John G. Douglass
Smolla Argues Before the Highest Court: Cross-Burning Case Explores Free-Speech Controversy, John G. Douglass
Virtual Cross-Examination: The Art of Impeaching Hearsay, John G. Douglass
The Trajectory of "Normal" After 9/11: Trauma, Recovery and Post-Traumatic Societal Adaptation, Joel B. Eisen
Where Were the Counselors - Reflections on Advice Not Given and the Role of Attorneys in the Accounting Crisis, William O. Fisher
Contractual Choice of Law and the Prudential Foundations of Appellate Review, David Frisch
Can Compulsory Arbitration Be Reconciled With Section 7 Rights?, Ann C. Hodges
Wills, Trusts and Estates (Annual Survey of Virginia Law, 2002-2003), J. Rodney Johnson
FERPA and the Immigration and Naturalization Service: A Guide for University Counsel on Federal Rules for Collecting, Maintaining and Releasing Information About Foreign Students, Laura A.W. Khatcheressian
Closer or Enhanced Cooperation: Amsterdam or Nice, Daniel T. Murphy
Rethinking Reexamination Reform: Is It Time for Corrective Surgery, or Is It Time to Amputate?, Kristen Jakobsen Osenga
Recent Developments in Federal Jurisdiction and Pleading, Wendy Collins Perdue
The Built Environment and Its Relationship to the Public's Health: The Legal Framework, Wendy Collins Perdue
Public Health and the Built Environment: Historical, Empirical, and Theoretical Foundations for an Expanded Role, Wendy Collins Perdue, Lawrence O. Gostin, and Lesley A. Stone
How Dewey Classify OCLC's Lawsuit, Roger V. Skalbeck
Detentions, Military Commissions, Terrorism and Domestic Case Precedent, Carl W. Tobias
From a Cattle Ranch to the Supreme Court, Carl W. Tobias
Justice Byron White and the Importance of Process, Carl W. Tobias
Procedural Provisions in Nevada Medical Malpractice Reform, Carl W. Tobias
Quirin Revisited, Carl W. Tobias
Sixth Circuit Federal Judicial Selection, Carl W. Tobias
The Past and Future of the Federal Rules in State Courts, Carl W. Tobias
Unmasking Federalism, Carl W. Tobias
Publications from 2002
Foreword, Azizah Y. al-Hibri
Islamic Law vs. Patriarchal Systems: A Woman's Perspective, Azizah Y. al-Hibri
Colorblindness, Race Neutrality, and Voting Rights, Henry L. Chambers, Jr.
(Un)Welcome Conduct and the Sexually Hostile Environment, Henry L. Chambers, Jr.
Jimmy Hoffa's Revenge: White-Collar Rights Under the McDade Amendment, John G. Douglass
A Case Study of Sustainable Development: Brownfields, Joel B. Eisen
Brownfields Redevelopment, Joel B. Eisen
Incentives for Hiring Welfare-to-Work Participants, Mary L. Heen
Weingarten in the Nonunion Workplace: Looking in the Funhouse Mirror, Ann C. Hodges
Wills, Trusts and Estates (Annual Survey of Virginia Law, 2001-2002), J. Rodney Johnson
Marine Collisions in the Vertical: Submarines Surfacing, John Paul Jones
Accuracy Where It Matters: Brady v. Maryland in the Plea Bargaining Context, Corinna Barrett Lain
Erie Railroad v. Tompkins, Wendy Collins Perdue
Insurance Causation Issues: The Legacy of Bird v. St. Paul Fire & Marine Ins. Co., Peter N. Swisher
A Civil Discovery Dilemma for the Arizona Supreme Court, Carl W. Tobias
Anastasoff, Unpublished Opinions, and Federal Appellate Justice, Carl W. Tobias
A Note on the Neutral Assignment of Federal Appellate Judges, Carl W. Tobias
A Preferable Approach for the Ninth Circuit, Carl W. Tobias
Civil Rights in the Cold War, Carl W. Tobias
Dear Chief Judge Schroeder, Carl W. Tobias
Dear President Bush, Carl W. Tobias
Federal Judicial Selection in the Fourth Circuit, Carl W. Tobias
Intentional Infliction of Mental Distress in Nevada, Carl W. Tobias
Judge Procter Hug, Jr. and Good Judgment, Carl W. Tobias
Local Federal Civil Procedure for the Twenty-First Century, Carl W. Tobias
Modern Tort Law Demystified, Carl W. Tobias
The Expiration of the Civil Justice Reform Act of 1990, Carl W. Tobias
Youngstown Revisited, Carl W. Tobias and Christopher Bryant
Denied Visitation, Its Impact on Children's Psychological Adjustment, and a Nationwide Review of State Code, Adrienne Volenik
Publications from 2001
Cases Concerning Equity and the Courts of Equity 1550-1660, William Hamilton Bryson
Discrimination, Plain and Simple, Henry L. Chambers, Jr.
Discrimination, Plain and Simple, Henry L. Chambers, Jr.
Just Do It to Stay Interested and Fresh, in Paul M. George, Care and Maintenance of the Successful Career: How Experienced Law Librarians Make Their Work Rewarding, Timothy L. Coggins
Confronting the Reluctant Accomplice, John G. Douglass
Fatal Attraction? The Uneasy Courtship of Brady and Plea Bargaining, John G. Douglass
ADR at the Environmental Protection Agency, Joel B. Eisen
The Practical Scholar, David G. Epstein
Don't Call Me a Securities Law Groupie: The Rise and Possible Demise of the Group Pleading Protocol in 10b-5 Cases, William O. Fisher
Arbitration of Statutory Claims in the Unionized Workplace: Is Bargaining with the Union Required?, Ann C. Hodges
Introduction and Symposium Overview: The Changing Labor Markets of the Western Hemisphere: Labor Issues Relating to the FTAA, Ann C. Hodges
The Employment Law Decisions of the October 2000 Term of the Supreme Court: A Review and Analysis, Ann C. Hodges
Wills, Trusts and Estates (Annual Survey of Virginia Law, 2000-2001), J. Rodney Johnson
Separating Church and State: Roger Williams and Religious Liberty, Kurt T. Lash
The Constitutional Convention of 1937: The Original Meaning of the New Jurisprudential Deal, Kurt T. Lash
An Introduction to the Mission and Methodology of Academic Support, Emmeline Paulette Reeves
The ALI Principles: A Farewell to Fault--But What Remedy for the Egregious Marital Misconduct of An Abusive Spouse, Peter N. Swisher
A Modest Reform for Federal Procedural Rulemaking, Carl W. Tobias