Après moi, le déluge by Lluïsa Cunillé




Entering the theatrical universe of contemporary Catalan playwright Lluïsa Cunillé can be likened to the experience of contemplating a series of black-and-white photographs: We recognize the world being portrayed. We know it bears an identifiable, and even comforting, resemblance to the realm of our ordinary experience; yet, somehow, it is strangely disquieting and unfamiliar. Sergi Belbel, a prominent Barcelona playwright and director (and contemporary of Cunillé), has observed how her plays reveal to us a dimension of everyday life that appears distanced from all that is known and familiar. We may sense that the characters conceal an enormous depth, but often we are unable to penetrate the surface. At times, this theatrical realm appears colorless and lacking in subtle shadings; at other moments, it is the emphasis on small, seemingly innocuous details that conceals what otherwise would be a more familiar scene.

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Copyright © 2013 Taylor & Francis Group. This article first appeared in Translation Review 87, no. 1 (2013): 90-104. doi:10.1080/07374836.2013.834709

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