Publications, research, and other scholarship by faculty across all schools and departments at the University of Richmond.
Submissions from 2000
Wuthering Heights, Elisabeth Rose Gruner
Vlast', Kul'tura i Stanovlenie Rynka, Jeffrey K. Hass and Maksim Storchevoi
Reinventing Tax Expenditure Reform: Improving Program Oversight under the Government Performance and Results Act, Mary L. Heen
Minotaur or The King’s Bull. By Jonathon Ward. Urban Youth Theater, Henry Street Settlement Abrons Arts Center, New York. 23 July 1999 (performance review), Patricia Herrera
Judicial Review of Arbitration Awards on Public Policy Grounds: Lessons from the Case Law, Ann C. Hodges
The Employment Law Decisions of the October 1999 Term of the Supreme Court: Review and Analysis, Ann C. Hodges
[Introduction to] Schaum's Outline Programming with C++, John R. Hubbard
[Introduction to] Mathematics Calculus BC, John R. Hubbard, David R. Arterburn, and Michael A. Perl
Wills, Trusts and Estates (Annual Survey of Virginia Law, 1999-2000), J. Rodney Johnson
Ethiopia and Eritrea: Border War, Sandra F. Joireman
Good Fences Make Good Neighbors, Sandra F. Joireman
[Introduction to] Property Rights and Political Development in Ethiopia and Eritrea 1941-74, Sandra F. Joireman
The Ethiopian Prospective Case, Sandra F. Joireman and Thomas S, Szayna
Into the Wind: Rhett Butler and the Law of War at Sea, John Paul Jones
[Introduction to] Crossing the Color Line: Readings in Black and White, Suzanne W. Jones
Nonparametric Bayes Estimation of Contamination Levels using Observations from the Residual Distribution, Paul H. Kvam, Ram C. Tiwari, and Jyoti N. Zalkikar
Egon Brunswik (1903-1955), David E. Leary
Johann Friedrich Herbart, David E. Leary
Why Were Chemical Weapons Not Used in World War II?, Jeffrey W. Legro
The Politics of Meaning: Law Dictionaries and the Liberal Tradition of Interpretation, Gary L. McDowell
Can a Postmodern Philosopher Teach Modern Philosophy?, Ladelle McWhorter
Note, Space-Age Medicine, Stone-Age Government: How Medicare Reimbursement of Telemedicine Services is Depriving the Elderly of Quality Medical Treatment, Kristen Jakobsen Osenga
A Reexamination of the Distinction Between “Loss-Allocating” and “Conduct-Regulating” Rules, Wendy Collins Perdue
[Introduction to] The Backward Shift on the Hardy Space, William T. Ross and Joseph A. Cima
"This Is Not a Christ": Nietzsche, Foucault, and the Genealogy of Vision, Gary Shapiro
Do Timing and Pattern of Myogenesis Correlate with Life History Mode in Anurans?, Matthew T. Smetanick, Rafael O. de Sá, and Gary P. Radice
Do Timing and Pattern of Myogenesis Correlate with Life History Mode in Anurans?, Matthew T. Smetanick, Rafael O. de Sá, and Gary P. Radice
James I. Porter. Constructions of the Classical Body (Book Review), Walter Stevenson
A Realistic Consensus Approach to the Insurance Law Doctrine of Reasonable Expectations, Peter N. Swisher
Chief Judge Martin and the Modern Sixth Circuit, Carl W. Tobias
Choosing Judges at the Close of the Clinton Administration, Carl W. Tobias
Civil Justice Delay and Empirical Data: A Response to Professor Heise, Carl W. Tobias
Congress and the 2000 Federal Civil Rules Amendments, Carl W. Tobias
Filling the Federal Appellate Openings on the 9th Circuit, Carl W. Tobias
Judicial Selection at the Clinton Administration's End, Carl W. Tobias
Natural Resources and the White Commission Report, Carl W. Tobias
Rethinking Intervention in Environmental Litigation, Carl W. Tobias
The Federal Appeals Courts at Century's End, Carl W. Tobias
The Next Step for the Ninth Circuit, Carl W. Tobias
The White Commission and the Federal Circuit, Carl W. Tobias
Publications from 1999
Islamic and American Constitutional Law: Borrowing Possibilities or a History of Borrowing?, Azizah Y. al-Hibri
On the Jazz Musician's Love/Hate Relationship with the Audience, Bertram D. Ashe
Crossing Boundaries, Edward L. Ayers
Rethinking Slavery and Freedom (Book Reviews), Edward L. Ayers
Aiming High for Virginia Colleges, Edward L. Ayers, Danny Axsom, Thomas M. Sherman, Esther N. Elstun, and L. Terry Oggel
Memory Self-Efficacy in its Social Cognitive Context, Jane M. Berry
Proletarian Internationalism, “Soviet Patriotism” and the Rise of Russocentric Etatism During the Stalinist 1930s, David Brandenberger
English Ideas on Legal Education in Virginia, WIlliam Hamilton Bryson
Enclave Districting, Henry L. Chambers, Jr.
Crossroads: Strategic Partnerships and Collaborative Programming, Timothy L. Coggins
How Useful Are Forecasts of Corporate Profits, Dean D. Croushore
Restitutionary Rationale, Richard Dagger
The Sandelian Republic and the Encumbered Self, Richard Dagger
Humanist Ethics and Political Justice: Soto, Sepúlveda, and the "Affair of the Indies", G. Scott Davis
International Society: Diverse Ethical Perspectives (Book Review), G. Scott Davis
Tradition and Truth in Christian Ethics: John Yoder and the Bases of Biblical Realism, G. Scott Davis
A New Family of Relative Difference Sets in 2-Groups, James A. Davis and Jonathan Jedwab
A Unified Approach to Difference Sets with gcd(V, N) > 1, James A. Davis and Jonathan Jedwab
Peak-to-Mean Power Control in OFDM, Golay Complementary Sequences, and Reed–Muller Codes, James A. Davis and Jonathan Jedwab
Some Recent Developments in Difference Sets, James A. Davis and Jonathan Jedwab
Codes, Correlations and Power Control in OFDM, James A. Davis, Jonathan Jedwab, and Kenneth G. Paterson
[Introduction to] Tribes, Treaties, and Constitutional Tribulations, Vine Deloria Jr. and David E. Wilkins
Unidad de los anfibios modernos como grupo natural, Rafael O. de Sá
Development of the Suprarostral Plate of Pipoid Frogs, Rafael O. de Sá and Charles C. Swart
Comparing the Tadpoles of Hyla geographica and Hyla semilineata, Anne d'Heursel and Rafael O. de Sá
Beyond Admissibility: Real Confrontation, Virtual Cross-Examination and the Right to Confront Hearsay, John G. Douglass
Brownfields Policies For Sustainable Cities, Joel B. Eisen
From Stockholm to Kyoto and Back to the United States: International Environmental Law's Effect on Domestic Law, Joel B. Eisen
Thin Red Line: An Analysis of the Role of Legal Assistants in the Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Process, David G. Epstein
A Fragment from Act II of Giacomo Puccini's La Boheme, Linda B. Fairtile
Commercial Common Law, the United Nations Convention on the International Sale of Goods, and the Inertia of Habit, David Frisch
Critique of A.C. Graham's Reconstruction of the Neo-Mohist Canons, Jane Geaney
Mencius and Early Chinese Thought, by Kwong-Loi Shun (Book Review), Jane Geaney
The U.S. Sentencing Guidelines: A Surprising Success?, James Gibson
A quantile‐based approach for relative efficiency measurement, Paul M. Griffin and Paul H. Kvam
Born and Made: Sisters, Brothers, and the Deceased Wife's Sister Bill, Elisabeth Rose Gruner
The Cytotoxicity and Mode of Action of 2,3,4-Trisubstituted Pyrroles and Related Derivatives in Human Tmolt4 Leukemia Cells, John T. Gupton, B. S. Burham, B. D. Byrd, K. E. Krumpe, C. Stokes, J. Shuford, S. Winkle, T. Webb, A. E. Warren, C. R. Barnes, J. Henry, and I. H. Hall
Stakeholders, Social Responsibility, and Performance: Empirical Evidence and Theoretical Perspectives, Jeffrey S. Harrison and R. Edward Freeman
The Great Transition: The Dynamics of Market Transitions and the Case of Russia, 1991-1995, Jeffrey K. Hass
Amanoa, W. John Hayden
A Calendar of Wisdom. Daily Thoughts to Nourish the Soul. Written and Selected from the World's Sacred Texts (Book Review), Yvonne Howell
Revisiting the "Men Problem" in Introductory Women's Studies Classes, Glyn Hughes
Fisher Information in Weighted Distributions, Satish Iyengar, Paul H. Kvam, and Harshinder Singh
Wills, Trusts and Estates (Annual Survey of Virginia Law, 1998-99), J. Rodney Johnson
Annual Survey of Virginia Law: Administrative Procedure, John Paul Jones
Treasure Salvage and the United States Supreme Court: Issues Remaining After Brother Jonathan, John Paul Jones
Refighting Old Wars: Race Relations and Masculine Conventions in Fiction by Larry Brown and Madison Smartt Bell, Suzanne W. Jones
The Shell Seekers and Working Women Readers’ Search for Serenity, Suzanne W. Jones
Le héros sonyien à la croisée des principes sartriens et nietzschéens, Kasongo Mulenda Kapanga
Review of Congo-Meuse by Celibeco, Kasongo Mulenda Kapanga
Regulation of Dietary Supplements: Five Years of DSHEA, Laura A.W. Khatcheressian
Bayes Estimation of a Distribution Function Using Ranked Set Samples, Paul H. Kvam and Ram C. Tiwari
Nonparametric Estimation of the Survival Function Based on Censored Data with Additional Observations from the Residual Distribution, Paul Kvam, Harshinder Singh, and Ram C. Tiwari
Two-photon excitation of rhenium metal-ligand complexes, Joseph R. Lakowicz, Felix N. Castellano, Ignacy Gryczynski, Zygmunt Gryczynski, and Jonathan D. Dattelbaum
Two Movements of a Constitutional Symphony: Akhil Amar’s The Bill of Rights, Kurt T. Lash
Estructura del condrocráneo y esqueleto visceral de larvas de Pseudis minuta (Anura, Pseudidae, E. O. Lavilla and Rafael O. de Sá
Is Anybody Still a Realist?, Jeffrey W. Legro and Andrew Moravcsik
Osteological Analysis of the Killifish Genus Cynolebias (Cyprinodontiformes: Rivulidae), Marcelo Loureiro and Rafael O. de Sá
"High Crimes and Misdemeanors": Recovering the Intentions of the Founders, Gary L. McDowell
[Introduction to] Bodies and Pleasures: Foucault and the Politics of Sexual Normalization, Ladelle McWhorter