"Los anfibios del Monumento Natural Barro Colorado, Parque Nacional Sob" by Rafael O. de Sá


This book focuses on the batrachofauna of Barro Colorado Nature Monument. Soberania National Park and adjacent areas. It complements other recent publications on Neotropical amphibians such as those by Rodriguez and Duellman ( 1994) on Peru, Achaval and Olmos (1995) on Uruguay, and Meyer and Foster (1996) on Belize. The goal of these books is to reach a wider audience than the more technical batrachofaunal summaries-e.g., Frogs of Boracéia (Heyer 1990). Amphibians of Argentina (Cei 1985), and Frogs of the Genus Eleutherodactylus in Western Ecuador (Lynch and Duellman 1997). These geographically focused guides are especially useful to students, amateur biologists, and to the increasingly omnipresent ecotourists roaming the Neotropics. However, they are also valuable tools for beginning biology graduate students who are looking for an “organism” to work on, as well as to the trained herpetologist visiting an area for the first time.

Document Type

Book Review

Publication Date


Publisher Statement

Copyright © 2000 Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles. This article first appeared in Herpetological Review, 31, no. 3 (September 2000): 195-196.

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