Publications, research, and other scholarship by faculty across all schools and departments at the University of Richmond.
Submissions from 2001
The Pasts and Futures of Digital History, Edward L. Ayers
How Do Forecasts Respond to Changes in Monetary Policy?, Laurence Ball and Dean D. Croushore
[Introduction to] Basic Java Programming: A Laboratory Approach, Lewis Barnett
"Ich suche ein unschuldiges Land," Reading History in the Poetry of Ingeborg Bachmann, Kathrin M. Bower
Cases Concerning Equity and the Courts of Equity 1550-1660, William Hamilton Bryson
Euro-Med: European Ambitions in the Mediterranean, Sheila Carapico
The Dialectics of Fashion: Gender and Politics in Yemen, Sheila Carapico
Discrimination, Plain and Simple, Henry L. Chambers, Jr.
Discrimination, Plain and Simple, Henry L. Chambers, Jr.
Just Do It to Stay Interested and Fresh, in Paul M. George, Care and Maintenance of the Successful Career: How Experienced Law Librarians Make Their Work Rewarding, Timothy L. Coggins
Autonomy, Richard Dagger
Comment on Benhabib's "Dismantling the Leviathan": A Republican-LiberaI Perspective, Richard Dagger
Communitarianism, Richard Dagger
General Will, Richard Dagger
History of Western Ethics: Early Medieval, G. Scott Davis
The Holy War Idea in Western and Islamic Traditions (Book Review), G. Scott Davis
Confronting the Reluctant Accomplice, John G. Douglass
Fatal Attraction? The Uneasy Courtship of Brady and Plea Bargaining, John G. Douglass
ADR at the Environmental Protection Agency, Joel B. Eisen
The Practical Scholar, David G. Epstein
"Cobwebs in the Sky": Reggio's Koyaanisqatsi as Hypertext, Joe Essid
Performing Arts Manuscript Collections: Balancing Access and Privacy, Linda B. Fairtile
A Common Pattern of Somite Cell Rotation in Three Species of Pipidae, Shou-Yuan Fan, Rafael O. de Sá, and Gary P. Radice
Don't Call Me a Securities Law Groupie: The Rise and Possible Demise of the Group Pleading Protocol in 10b-5 Cases, William O. Fisher
"This Great Modern Abomination": Orthodoxy and Heresy in American Religion, Terryl Givens
Great Expectations, Elisabeth Rose Gruner
Wrestling with Religion: Pullman, Pratchett, and the Uses of Story, Elisabeth Rose Gruner
Quantile Regression, Kevin F. Hallock and Roger Koenker
Economists' Publication Patterns, James E. Hartley, James Monks, and Michael D. Robinson
Locally 1-to-1 Maps and 2-to-1 Retractions, Jo Heath and Van C. Nall
[Introduction to] Managing Human Resources in the Public Sector: A Shared Responsibility, Gill Robinson Hickman and Dalton S. Lee
Winning with Good Kids: A Virginia Basketball Retrospective, Linda B. Hobgood
Arbitration of Statutory Claims in the Unionized Workplace: Is Bargaining with the Union Required?, Ann C. Hodges
Introduction and Symposium Overview: The Changing Labor Markets of the Western Hemisphere: Labor Issues Relating to the FTAA, Ann C. Hodges
The Employment Law Decisions of the October 2000 Term of the Supreme Court: A Review and Analysis, Ann C. Hodges
Wills, Trusts and Estates (Annual Survey of Virginia Law, 2000-2001), J. Rodney Johnson
Wedge and Bridge: A Note on the Rhetoric of Distinction and Identification, Henry W. Johnstone and Mari Lee Mifsud
Inherited Legal Systems and Effective Rule of Law: Africa and the Colonial Legacy, Sandra F. Joireman
Property Rights and the Role of the State: Evidence from the Horn of Africa, Sandra F. Joireman
Esquisse d'un nouveau revolté social: Le cas de Dadou dans l'Anté-peuple de Sony Labou Tansi, Kasongo Mulenda Kapanga
Kabou dechire le certificat d'innocence de l'Afrique? (Review of Et si l'Afrique refusait le développement by Axelle Kabou), Kasongo Mulenda Kapanga
Separating Church and State: Roger Williams and Religious Liberty, Kurt T. Lash
The Constitutional Convention of 1937: The Original Meaning of the New Jurisprudential Deal, Kurt T. Lash
Chondrocranium and visceral skeleton of Atelopus tricolor and Atelophryniscus chrysophorus, E O. Lavilla and Rafael O. de Sá
Faux Realism: Spin vs. Substance in the Bush Foreign-Policy Doctrine, Jeffrey W. Legro and Andrew Moravcsik
Summary #4: The Effects of Internal Audit Outsourcing on Perceived External Auditor Independence, D. Jordan Lowe, Marshall A. Geiger, and Kurt Pany
Feminist Interpretations of David Hume by Anne Jaap Jacobson (Book Review), Miriam S. McCormick
Enhancing Women's Studies Action Research Projects Through Technology, Lucretia McCulley
Revision and Immortality in Philosophical Argumentation: Reconsidering the Rhetorical Wedge, Mari Lee Mifsud
The Shop Windows Were Full of Sparkling Chains: Consumer Desire and Woolf’s Night and Day, Elizabeth Outka
Identification of the Domains of UreR, an AraC-Like Transcriptional Regulator of the Urease Gene Cluster in Proteus mirabilis, Carrie A. Poore, Christopher Coker, Jonathan D. Dattelbaum, and Harry L.T. Mobley
Epic, the Oral Community, and the Memory of Emancipation in Ralph Ellison's Juneteenth, Patrice Rankine
An Introduction to the Mission and Methodology of Academic Support, Emmeline Paulette Reeves
Sys Trust Liability, Daniel D. Selby
The ALI Principles: A Farewell to Fault--But What Remedy for the Egregious Marital Misconduct of An Abusive Spouse, Peter N. Swisher
Ranked set sampling from location-scale families of symmetric distributions, Ram C. Tiwari and Paul H. Kvam
A Modest Reform for Federal Procedural Rulemaking, Carl W. Tobias
Charles Alan Wright and the Fragmentation of Federal Practice and Procedure, Carl W. Tobias
Divisional Arrangement for the Federal Appeals Courts, Carl W. Tobias
The 2000 Federal Civil Rules Revisions, Carl W. Tobias
The Bush Administration and Appeals Courts Nominees, Carl W. Tobias
Shifting Winds: Court Whittles Away at Plaintiffs' Recovery of Attorney Fees, Carl W. Tobias and Margaret L. Sanner
Looking Under the Hood and Tinkering with Voter Cynicism: Ross Perot and “Perspective by Incongruity”, Mari Boor Tonn and Valerie A. Endress
A Little Adam Smith is a Dangerous Thing, Jonathan B. Wight
Does Free Trade Cause Hunger? Hidden Implications of the FTAA, Jonathan B. Wight
[Introduction to] Uneven Ground: American Indian Sovereignty and Federal Law, David E. Wilkins and K. Tsianina Lomawaima
Instructor's Manual To Accompany The Leader's Companion: Insights on Leadership Through the Ages, J. Thomas Wren
Publications from 2000
Introduction, Azizah Y. al-Hibri
Muslim Women's Rights in the Global Village: Challenges and Opportunities, Azizah Y. al-Hibri
A Historian in Cyberspace, Edward L. Ayers
A Southern Chronicle: The Virginia Quarterly Review and the American South, 1925-2000, Edward L. Ayers
Cyberspace, U.S.A., Edward L. Ayers
[Introduction to] Valley of the Shadow: Two Communities in the American Civil War, Edward L. Ayers
The Great Valley and the Meaning of the Civil War, Edward L. Ayers
Claiming the Victim: Tokenism, Mourning, and the Future of German Holocaust Poetry, Kathrin M. Bower
Ingeborg Bachmann and Christa Wolf: Selected Prose and Drama (Book Review), Kathrin M. Bower
[Introduction to] Ethics and Remembrance in the Poetry of Nelly Sachs and Rose Auslander, Kathrin M. Bower
Outing Hybridity: Polymorphism, Identity, and Desire in Monika Trent's Virgin Machine, Kathrin M. Bower
Soviet Social Mentalité and Russocentrism on the Eve of War, 1936-1941, David Brandenberger
[Introduction to] Slippery Characters: Ethnic Impersonators and American Identities, Laura Browder
NGOs, INGOs, GO-NGOs and DO-NGOs: Making Sense of Non-Governmental Organizations, Sheila Carapico
Passports and Passages: Tests of Yemeni Women's Citizenship Rights, Sheila Carapico and Anna Wuerth
A Unifying Theory of Sex Discrimination, Henry L. Chambers, Jr.
Employer Prerogative and Employee Rights: The Never-Ending Tug-of-War, Henry L. Chambers, Jr.
[Introduction to] The Working Life: The Promise and Betrayal of Modern Work, Joanne B. Ciulla
1999 Annual Meeting: Strategic Initiatives Sessions, Timothy L. Coggins
Book Review, The Digital Practice of Law: a Practical Reference for Applying Technology Concepts to the Practice of Law, Timothy L. Coggins
Print No More: U.S. Code, Code of Federal Regulations, and the Federal Register, Timothy L. Coggins
An Analysis of the Cross Section of Returns for EREITs Using a Varying-Risk Beta Model, C. Mitchell Conover, H. Swint Friday, and Shelly W. Howton
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Data Bank: A Real-Time Data Set for Macroeconomists, Dean D. Croushore and Tom Stark
Los anfibios del Monumento Natural Barro Colorado, Parque Nacional Soberania y areas adyacentes, Rafael O. de Sá
Los coquís de Puerto Rico: su historia natural y conservación, Rafael O. de Sá
Balancing Hearsay and Criminal Discovery, John G. Douglass
Alternative Dispute Resolution at the Environmental Protection Agency, Joel B. Eisen
Another Way of Thinking About Section 105(a) and Other Sources of Supplemental Law Under the Bankruptcy Code, David G. Epstein
Hard Books, Deep Reading, and Synchronous Conferences in the Humanities "Pickle Factory", Joe Essid
Bibliografia degli scritti su Giacomo Puccini: Aggiornamenti 1997-99, Linda B. Fairtile
Sharing the Light: Representations of Women and Virtue in Early China, by Lisa Raphals (Book Review), Jane Geaney
The Way of Water and Sprouts of Virtue, by Sarah Allan (Book Review), Jane Geaney