Submissions from 2023
Tiger Investment Partners. “To Stream or Not to Stream” Case Study, Roger R. Schnorbus
Submissions from 2011
HAR-TRU Sports: Serving Up Growth in 2011, Roger R. Schnorbus and Littleton M. Maxwell
Submissions from 2010
Markel International: Entry into India, Roger R. Schnorbus and Littleton M. Maxwell
Submissions from 2009
Paul M. Klekner (B), Roger R. Schnorbus
Owens & Minor: Growth Plan for "Expansion" Products, Roger R. Schnorbus and Littleton M. Maxwell
Submissions from 2008
Genworth Financial: A Company in Transition, Roger R. Schnorbus and Littleton M. Maxwell
Submissions from 2007
Brink's Entry into China 2007, Roger R. Schnorbus and Littleton M. Maxwell
Submissions from 2006
Qimonda, Roger R. Schnorbus and Littleton M. Maxwell
Submissions from 2004
Campbell Soup Company in 2004 (A), Roger R. Schnorbus
Submissions from 1990
Cost, Price, Equity and Quality in Higher Education, Phillip A. Jones Sr. and Clarence R. Jung Jr.
Adam Smith on Competitive Religious Markets: Preaching about Preachers?, Charles G. Leathers and J. Patrick Raines
The Newsboy with Known Demand and Uncertain Replenishment: Applications to Quality Control and Container Fill, John S. Rose
Financial Analysis of Foreign Operations: The Effect of Foreign Currency Translation, James A. Schweikart
Submissions from 1989
Avtex: A Clash of Environmental Business and Defense Interests, Diane Dodd-McCue and Martha Reiner
Announcement Effects on Bank Stock Prices: Citicorp's Increase in Loan Loss Reserves For Third World Debt, Gay B. Hatfield and Carol Lancaster
The Consequences of FAS 93: Depreciation in Higher Education, Phillip A. Jones and Clarence R. Jung Jr.
The Economics of Higher Education in Virginia, Phillip A. Jones and Clarence R. Jung Jr.
Corporate Philanthropy: Strategic Responses to the Firm's Stakeholders, Jeanne M. Logsdon, Martha L. Reiner, and Lee Burke
Fiber Optics Technology: A Promise for Productivity Enhancement, Mohammed H. Omar
A Profile of Research in Expert Systems, Mohammed H. Omar and Jack S. Goodwin
The World War II Experience and the Leadership of Entrepreneurship and Venture Investing around Stanford University, Martha L. Reiner
Optimal Selection with Holding, John S. Rose
Some Concerns in Implementing the New Education Requirements for Accounting Graduates, James A. Schweikart and Phillip A. Jones Sr.
A Comparison of U.S. and Japanese Attitudes About the Relevance of Current Consolidation Accounting Procedures, James A. Schweikart and Walter F. O'Connor
The Erratic Equity Position May Be Caused by FAS 52: An Investigation of the Results of Unrecognized Gains and Losses from Foreign Currency Translations, James A. Schweikart and Robert H. Sanborn
Submissions from 1988
Selection-Bias Correction in an Evaluation of the Vocational Rehabilitation Program, David H. Dean and Robert C. Dolan
401-K Payout: Lump Sum Distribution or IRA Rollover, G. Richard DeVed and Robert W. Phillips
Discussion Willingness in the Exit Interview: A Role-Play Field Investigation, Robert A. Giacalone
Assessing Intended Employee Behavior in Exit Interviews: Attitudinal and Status Effects, Robert A. Giacalone, Ron A. DiBattista, and David Duhon
The Comparative Effectiveness of Impression Management Tactics on the Recommendation of Grievant Punishment: An Exploratory Investigation, Robert A. Giacalone and Hinda Greyser Pollard
An Update on OPEC Behavior: Cartel Stability Under Falling Prices, Clifton T. Jones
A Performance Model for Staff Auditors in an Internal Audit Environment, Joseph M. Larkin and James A. Schweikart
A Performance Model for Staff Auditors in an Internal Audit Environment, Joseph M. Larkin and James A. Schweikart
Modeling the Bottleneck Process in Electrical Cable Production, Lewis A. Litteral and Grover L. Stell
An Assessment of the Impact of Thrifts on Commercial Bank Competition in the Richmond, Virginia, R.M.A., J. Patrick Raines and Kenneth W. Vance
Optimal Selection with Holding, John S. Rose
Submissions from 1987
Measuring the Incremental Learning Achieved with Computer Enhanced Instruction, Larry N. Bitner and Gail B. Wright
Modeling Institutional Production of Higher Education, Robert C. Dolan and Robert M. Schmidt
Benefits and Costs of a Variable Oil Import Fee, Clifton T. Jones and J. Patrick Raines
Economic Status of the Property and Casualty Insurance Industry with Special Reference to Virginia, Clarence R. Jung Jr.
A Prototyping Methodology for Developing an Online Distributed Banking System, Mohammed H. Omar
Selecting a Strategy for Determining Information Requirements, Mohammed H. Omar
The Impact of Office Automation on Quality Worklife, Mohammed H. Omar and Charlotte A. Fugett
The Social Economics of Frank H. Knight, J. Patrick Raines
Submissions from 1986
Postexpansion Planning Considerations for New Multioutlet Retailers, Larry N. Bitner and Judith D. Powell
The Assessment and Application of Patient Satisfaction Variables in Marketing a Psychiatric Practice, Donald E. Christensen and Thomas D. Giese
Estimating Earning Impacts of the Vocational Rehabilitation Program, David H. Dean and Robert C. Dolan
A Study of Nonferrous Casting Surface Finish Using Statistical Theory and Computer Technology, D. C. Ekey
Inferential Operations Research on Surface Finish of Castings, D. C. Ekey
Instant Business Professors: The Case Against Retooling, Clifford J. Elliott and James C. Goodwin Jr.
A Behavioral Model of the Medical Offset Effect, John L. Fiedler and Jonathan B. Wight
Combining the Learning Curve Concept with Economic Lot Sizing, James C. Goodwin Jr. and Jack S. Goodwin
Indexing Reference Holdings Using D-Base III, LIttleton M. Maxwell
The Textbook Selection Process: An Empirical Study of Faculty Choice Criteria, Judith D. Powell and D. Layne Rich
The Neglected Institutionalism of Schumpeter's and Knight's Views of Rationality, J. Patrick Raines and Clarence R. Jung Jr.
Issues and Implications of Implementing Surcharges to Improve the U.S. Balance of Trade, J. Patrick Raines and Lewis A. Litteral
Are Electronic Data Bases a Viable Audit Research Tool? Practitioners' Perceptions and Recommendations, Gail B. Wright and Raymond L. Slaughter
Submissions from 1985
The Hidden Challenges of Retail Expansion, Larry N. Bitner and Judith D. Powell
Assessing the Impact of Expenditure on Achievement in Virginia Public Education, Robert C. Dolan and Robert M. Schmidt
Modeling Institutional Production of Higher Education, Robert C. Dolan and Robert M. Schmidt
The Demographic Transition and Population Policy in Egypt: An Integrated Methodology at the Household Level, Allen C. Kelley and Robert M. Schmidt
Rationalism, Capitalism, and Democracy: The Views of Schumpeter and Knight, J. Patrick Raines and Clarence R. Jung Jr.
Submissions from 1984
The Importance of Physical Versus Service Attributes in the Vendor Selection Process, Harold W. Babb and D. Neil Ashworth
Recommended Content of a Business Ethics Course, Richard C. Chewning
Evaluating Educational Inputs in Undergraduate Education, Robert C. Dolan, Clarence R. Jung Jr., and Robert M. Schmidt
Research Issues in the Economics of Education and Growth, Robert C. Dolan, Clarence R. Jung Jr., and Robert M. Schmidt
Conduct, Performance, and Public Policy Implications of Baseball's Reentry Draft, Robert C. Dolan and Robert M. Schmidt
Consumer Information Sources: The Provider Perspective, Thomas D. Giese and Terry M. Weisenberger
The Perception and Use of Consumer Information Sources, Thomas D. Giese and Terry M. Weisenberger
On the Selection of Computer Models to Analyze Support Requirements for Weapon Systems, Lewis A. Litteral
Corporate Diseases of Excellence, J. Kenneth Matejka and D. Neil Ashworth
Participative Management: Selective Means Effective, J. Kenneth Matejka and D. Neil Ashworth
Economics—A Set of Beliefs, Susan B. Peterson
Long Run Targets and FOMC Policy Decisions, Susan B. Peterson
Virginia—Major Force in World Trade, R. Clifton Poole
A Study of Juvenile Shoplifting Behavior, Judith D. Powell and George P. Moschis
Are Publishers Immune From the Marketing Concept: An Empirical Investigation of Student Textbook Retention, Judith D. Powell and Donny Layne Rich
Common Market Competition Policy as a Strategic Planning Issue for Transnational Firms, J. Patrick Raines
Common Market Competition Policy as a Strategic Planning Issue for Transnational Firms, J. Patrick Raines
The Theoretical Rationale for a Common European Currency Revisited, J. Patrick Raines
The FASB Approach to Income Determination: Is It Viable?, Gail B. Wright and Francis A. Bird
Submissions from 1983
Can the Free Enterprise System Survive in an Ethically Schizophrenic Culture?, Richard C. Chewning
Collective Bargaining and Public Education: A Public Choice Approach, Robert W. Cook Jr.
The Influence of Representation in Intrastate Grant Disbursement, Robert W. Cook Jr. and Robert C. Dolan
Price Behavior in Tight Oligopoly, Robert C. Dolan
Evaluating Educational Inputs in Undergraduate Education, Robert C. Dolan, Clarence R. Jung Jr., and Robert M. Schmidt
Assessing the Competitive Effects of Major League Baseball's Reentry Draft, Robert C. Dolan and Robert M. Schmidt
A Study of Nonferrous Casting Surface Finish Using Statistical Theory and Computer Technology, D. C. Ekey
A Test of the International Term Structure of Interest Rates: The United States-Canadian Experience, 1973-80, John B. Guerard and Robert Berry
An Experimental Investigation of a New Priority Index for Jobs with Due Dates, Lewis A. Litteral and J. Frank Rudisill
Economic Foundations for the Competition Policy Implemented by the EEC, J. Patrick Raines
The Theoretical Rationale for a Common European Currency Revisted, J. Patrick Raines
The Secretary Problem with a Call Option, John S. Rose
Viability of Ethanol Motor Fuel in Brazil: Cost-Benefit Considerations, Jonathan B. Wight
Submissions from 1982
The Relative Importance of Physical Versus Service Attributes with Respect to Small Business Vendor Selection, Harold W. Babb and Amy S. Ashworth
Current Staffing Versus Accreditation Requirements and Versus Perceived Needs--A Survey of Accounting Faculties, Jerome Bennett
Control of Internal Auditing as Viewed by the Audit Committee and the CEO, Jerry Bennett
Critical Success Factors—The Sine Qua Non of Management Control Systems, Jerry Bennett
Price Behavior in Tight Oligopoly, Robert C. Dolan
Teaching Evaluation: A Survey of Alumni Perceptions, N. Fayne Edwards and Robert Wesley Phillips