Submissions from 1982
Inferential Operations Research on Surface Finish of Castings, D. C. Ekey
Optimal Sequential Selection Based on Relative Ranks with Renewable Call Options, John S. Rose
The Secretary Problem with a Call Option, John S. Rose
Generalized Market Segments for Frequently Purchased Consumer Goods, Terry M. Weisenberger and Harold W. Babb
Submissions from 1981
Business Communication Courses: Continued Problems and Potential Solutions, Harold W. Babb and LIttleton M. Maxwell
A Flow Chart Approach To Consolidations, Francis A. Bird and Phillip A. Jones Sr.
How Much Are You Paying To Teach?, Robert W. Cook Jr. and Robert C. Dolan
Wrongful Death and Disability Awards: Gross or After-Tax Income?, Robert W. Cook Jr. and N. Fayne Edwards
The Administration's "Program for Economic Recovery": Theory and Evidence, Robert C. Dolan and Sam J. Fraser
A Pedagogical Exercise in Concept Integration: Or Relaxing Assumptions and Moving Toward the Real World, James C. Goodwin Jr. and Jack S. Goodwin
A Test of the International Term Structure of Interest Rates: The United States-Canadian Experience, John B. Guerard Jr. and Robert Berry
Virginia S&L Survey Results - Summer, 1981, Clarence R. Jung Jr. and David A. Whitaker Jr.
Submissions from 1980
Continuous Review Billing Decision Systems, John S. Rose
Selection of the Best Pair from a Random Sequence, John S. Rose