This series contains articles, book chapters, and other publications authored or co-authored by faculty of the University of Richmond School of Law. To browse content in this series by author, use the link below:
Publications from 2015
International and Foreign Tax Research, Jason Zarin
Publications from 2014
Not My Job: Determining the Bounds of Public Employee Protected Speech, Stephen Allred
The Categorical Lucas Rule and the Nuisance and Background Principles Exception, Carol N. Brown
Virginia Law Reports, William Hamilton Bryson
Public Policy Research & Drafting: A Pro Bono and Law Library Collaboration, Tara L. Casey and Suzanne B. Corriell
Abolish Anonymous Reporting to Child Abuse Hotlines, Dale Margolin Cecka
Education & Practice (Newsletter of the Section on Education of Lawyer, Virginia State Bar) - v. 22, No. 2 (Spring 2014), Dale Margolin Cecka
Education & Practice (Newsletter of the Section on Education of Lawyer, Virginia State Bar) - v. 23, No. 1 (Fall 2014), Dale Margolin Cecka
Traumatic Brain Injury and the Americans with Disabilities Act: Implications for the Social Work Profession, Dale Margolin Cecka
The Supreme Court Chipping Away at Title VII: Strengthening It or Killing It?, Henry L. Chambers, Jr.
Predictability and Nonobviousness in Patent Law after KSR, Christopher A. Cotropia
Patent Claim Interpretation Review: Deference or Correction Driven?, Christopher A. Cotropia
The Dominance of Teams in the Production of Legal Knowledge, Christopher A. Cotropia
Unpacking Patent Assertion Entities (PAEs), Christopher A. Cotropia
Copyright's Topography: An Empirical Study of Copyright Litigation, Christopher A. Cotropia and James Gibson
An Open Access Distribution Tariff: Removing Barriers to Innovation on the Smart Grid, Joel B. Eisen
Tackling Climate Change: Don't Forget Energy Efficency, Joel B. Eisen
Not Just Anna Nicole Smith: Cleavage in Bankruptcy, David G. Epstein
Obligations and Potential Liabilities of Attorneys in Public and Private Offerings, William O. Fisher
Predicting a Heart Attack: The Fundamental Opacity of Extreme Liquidity Risk, William O. Fisher
The Compensation Myth and U.C.C. Section 2-713, David Frisch
Cease, Desist, and Laugh, James Gibson
Fair Use and the Faces of Transformation, Part I, James Gibson
Small Fry in Copyright Litigation, James Gibson
Trademark Law and Consumer Centrality - Part I, James Gibson
Transformation, Copyright Infringement, and Fair Use, James Gibson
Is the Truth in the Eyes of the Beholder? The Perils and Benefits of Empirical Research in International Investment, Chiara Giorgetti
The Arbitral Tribunal: Selection and Replacement of Arbitrators, Chiara Giorgetti
Using International Law in Somalia’s Post- Conflict Reconstruction, Chiara Giorgetti
Nondiscrimination in Insurance: The Next Chapter, Mary L. Heen
Cultural Determinants of Workplace Arbitration in the U.S. and Italy, Ann C. Hodges
Trilogy Redux: Using Arbitration to Rebuild the Labor Movement, Ann C. Hodges
Email, Metadata, and Clouds, Oh My! Recent Changes to the Model Rules of Professional Conduct, Joyce Manna Janto
Administrative Law, John Paul Jones
Originalism All the Way Down?, Kurt T. Lash
The Cost of Judicial Error: Stare Decisis and the Role of Normative Theory, Kurt T. Lash
The Sum of All Delegated Power: A Response to Richard Primus, the Limits of Enumeration, Kurt T. Lash
Debugging Software's Schemas, Kristen Osenga
Formerly Manufacturing Entities: Piercing the "Patent Troll" Rhetoric, Kristen Jakobsen Osenga
Still Aiming at the Wrong Target: A Case for Business Method and Software Patents from a Business Perspective, Kristen Jakobsen Osenga
A Strategy to Protect Virginians From Toxic Chemicals, Noah M. Sachs
Climate Change Triage, Noah M. Sachs
Garbage Everywhere What Refuse in India's Streets Reveals About America's Hidden Trash Problem, Noah M. Sachs
Corruption, Corporations, and the New Human Right, Andrew B. Spalding
From the 2014 World Cup to the 2016 Olympics: Brazil's Role in the Global Anti-Corruption Movement, Andrew B. Spalding
The Problem of Deterring Extraterritorial White-Collar Crime, Andrew B. Spalding
"Why Won't My Homeowners Insurance Cover My Loss?": Reassessing Property Insurance Concurrent Causation Coverage Disputes, Peter N. Swisher
The Beginning of the End of Coverture: A Reappraisal of the Married Woman's Separate Estate, Allison Anna Tait
Considering Patricia Millett for the D.C. Circuit, Carl W. Tobias
Filling the District of Arizona Vacancies, Carl W. Tobias
Judge Posner, Judge Wilkinson, and Judicial Critique of Constitutional Theory, Kevin C. Walsh
Observations on MacDonald v. Moose, Kevin C. Walsh
Publications from 2013
Watching the Watchers, Ronald J. Bacigal
Pointing out the Power of Prezi, Part II: Learning to Use Prezi, Paul M. Birch
Pointing out the Power of Prezi, Part I: Why Consider Prezi, Paul M. Birch
Book Review of J. Finlay, The Community of the College of Justice: Edinburgh and the Court of Session, 1687-1808 (2012), William Hamilton Bryson
Commandeering and Constitutional Change, Jud Campbell
Education & Practice (Newsletter of the Section on Education of Lawyer, Virginia State Bar) - v. 21, No. 1 (Spring 2013), Dale Margolin Cecka
Education & Practice (Newsletter of the Section on Education of Lawyer, Virginia State Bar) - v. 22, No. 1 (Fall 2013), Dale Margolin Cecka
Parents with Mental Disabilities: The Legal Landscape, Dale Margolin Cecka
Terminating Parental Rights through a Backdoor in the Virginia Code, Dale Margolin Cecka
Lincoln, The Emancipation Proclamation and Executive Power, Henry L. Chambers, Jr.
Slavery, Free Blacks and Citizenship, Henry L. Chambers, Jr.
The Cost of Non-Compensable Workplace Harm, Henry L. Chambers, Jr.
Discovering E-Discovery: a Resources Guide, Timothy L. Coggins
Patent Applications and the Performance of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, Christopher A. Cotropia
Constitutional Convergence and Customary International Law, Rebecca Crootof
Tribute to Chief Justice Harry L. Carrico, John G. Douglass
Energy and Environmental Law, Joel B. Eisen
Smart Regulation and Federalism For the Smart Grid, Joel B. Eisen
Who Regulates the Smart Grid?: FERC's Authority Over Demand Response Compensation in Wholesale Electricity Markets., Joel B. Eisen
Fifty: Shades of Grey--Uncertainty About Extrinsic Evidence and Parol Evidence After All These UCC Years, David G. Epstein
Experiential Education in the Lecture Hall, Jessica Erickson
The New Professional Plaintiffs in Shareholder Litigation, Jessica M. Erickson
When the Government Attempts to Change the Board, Investors Should Know, William O. Fisher
Big Media in Copyright Litigation, James Gibson
Click to Agree, James Gibson
Finally, an Answer on Copyright, First Sale, and the Gray Market, James Gibson
Four Ways in Which Kirtsaeng Might Be Undone, James Gibson
Google Books: Game, Set, But Not Match, James Gibson
How Hard-Fought Is Copyright Litigation?, James Gibson
The Top Three Copyright Cases of 2012, James Gibson
Vertical Boilerplate, James Gibson
International Health Emergencies in Failed and Failing States, Chiara Giorgetti
Mass Tort Claims In International Investment Proceedings: What Are The Lessons From The Ecuador-Chevron Dispute?, Chiara Giorgetti
Proceedings of the 106th Annual Meeting of the American Society of International Law: Confronting Complexity, Chiara Giorgetti
Remarks: Syria and the Arab Spring Symposium, Chiara Giorgetti
Who Decides Who Decides In International Investment Arbitration?, Chiara Giorgetti
Union Dues in the Public Sector: Legislative Changes and Legal Challenges, Ann C. Hodges
Using Experiential Education to Develop Human Resources for the Nonprofit Community: A Course Study Analysis, Ann C. Hodges
Taxing Privacy, Hayes R. Holderness
Solving Your Ethical Conundrums: Researching the Rules of Professional Conduct, Joyce Manna Janto
The Oath: The Obama White House and the Supreme Court by Jeffrey Toobin (book review), John Paul Jones
Death Penalty Drugs: A Prescription That's Getting Harder to Fill, Corinna Barrett Lain
Passive-Aggressive Executive Power, Corinna Barrett Lain
The Virtues of Thinking Small, Corinna Barrett Lain
Inkblot: The Ninth Amendment as Textual Justification for Judicial Enforcement of the Right to Privacy, Kurt T. Lash
Resolution VI: The Virginia Plan and Authority to Resolve Collective Action Problems Under Article I, Section 8, Kurt T. Lash
The Origins of the Privileges or Immunities Clause, Part III: Andrew Johnson and the Constitutional Referendum of 1866, Kurt T. Lash
Bank Recapitalizations: A Comparative Perspective, Da Lin