This series contains articles, book chapters, and other publications authored or co-authored by faculty of the University of Richmond School of Law. To browse content in this series by author, use the link below:
Publications from 2020
The Economic Efficiency Case Against Business Tax Privacy, Daniel Schaffa
The Ripple Effects of Gideon: Recognizing the Human Right to Counsel in Civil Adversarial Proceedings, Jonathan K. Stubbs
The Law of High-Wealth Exceptionalism, Allison Anna Tait
Filling the California Federal District Court Vacancies, Carl Tobias
Filling the Federal District Court Vacancies, Carl Tobias
Keep the Federal Courts Great, Carl Tobias
The Federal Law Clerk Hiring Pilot and the Coronavirus Pandemic, Carl Tobias
Speaking the Truth: Supporting Authentic Advocacy with Professional Identity Formation, Laura A. Webb
Publications from 2019
An Analysis of Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress Claims in the Virginia Workplace, Stephen Allred
Reports of Cases in the Court of Exchequer in the Middle Ages (1295-1496), William Hamilton Bryson
Compelled Subsidies and Original Meaning, Jud Campbell
Testimonial Exclusions and Religious Freedom in Early America, Jud Campbell
The Invention of First Amendment Federalism, Jud Campbell
Curating Campus Speakers, Henry L. Chambers, Jr.
Technological Change, Voting Rights, and Strict Scrutiny, Henry L. Chambers, Jr.
Convergence and Conflation in Online Copyright, Christopher A. Cotropia and James Gibson
Incorporating Collateral Consequences into Criminal Procedure, Paul T. Crane
"Cyborg Justice" and the Risk of Technological-Legal Lock-In, Rebecca Crootof
The Internet of Torts: Expanding Civil Liability Standards to Address Corporate Remote Interference, Rebecca Crootof
Clean Energy Justice: Charting an Emerging Agenda, Joel B. Eisen and Shelley Welton
"Don't Have a Cow" . . . Or The Restatement (Second), David G. Epstein and Roxanne M. Eastes
The Fourth Circuit, "Suem" and Reverse Veil Piercing in Delaware, David G. Epstein and Jake Weiss
Investing in Corporate Procedure, Jessica M. Erickson
Rights Accretion Redux, James Gibson
Rethinking the Individual in International Law, Chiara Giorgetti
Ex Pluribus Unum? On The Form and Shape of a Common Code of Ethics in International Litigation, Chiara Giorgetti and Jeffrey L. Dunoff
Introduction to the Symposium: A Focus on Ethics in International Courts and Tribunals, Chiara Giorgetti and Jeffrey L. Dunoff
Childcare, Vulnerability, and Resilience, Meredith Johnson Harbach
Agency: Married Women Traders of Nantucket, 1765-1865, Mary L. Heen
Finding Yourself in Retirement, Ann C. Hodges
Navigating 21st Century Tax Jurisdiction, Hayes R. Holderness
Madison and the Mentally Ill: The Death Penalty for the Weak, Not the Worst, Corinna Barrett Lain
The Enumerated-Rights Reading of the Privileges or Immunities Clause: A Response to Barnett and Bernick, Kurt T. Lash
Beyond Beholden, Da Lin
The Workers' Constitution, Luke Norris
Institutional Design for Innovation: A Radical Proposal for Addressing § 101 Patent Eligible Subject Matter, Kristen Osenga
Jurisdiction and "Definitional Law", John F. Preis
Reflections on a Law Teaching Career as the Curtain Closes Only to Open Again, Jonathan K. Stubbs
Trusting Marriage, Allison Anna Tait
Filling the California Ninth Circuit Vacancies, Carl Tobias
Filling the New York Federal District Court Vacancies, Carl Tobias
Filling the Ninth Circuit Vacancies, Carl Tobias
President Donald Trump's War on Federal Judicial Diversity, Carl Tobias
Senator Chuck Grassley and Judicial Confirmations, Carl Tobias
Pardon Me Please: Cyntoia Brown and the Justice System’s Contempt for the Rights of Black People, Danielle Wingfield-Smith
Publications from 2018
What Did the First Amendment Originally Mean?, Jud Campbell
Neoliberalism and the Lost Promise of Title VII, Henry L. Chambers, Jr.
The President, Prosecutorial Discretion, Obstruction of Justice, and Congress, Henry L. Chambers Jr.
Punishing Risk, Erin Collins
Gender Disparity in Law Review Citation Rates, Christopher A. Cotropia
Who Benefits from Repealing Tampon Taxes? Empirical Evidence from New Jersey, Christopher A. Cotropia
Heterogeneity Among Patent Plaintiffs: An Empirical Analysis of Patent Case Progression, Settlement, and Adjudication, Christopher A. Cotropia
Autonomous Weapon Systems and the Limits of Analogy, Rebecca Crootof
International Cybertorts: Expanding State Accountability in Cyberspace, Rebecca Crootof
Free Trade in Electric Power, Joel Eisen
The New(Clear?) Electricity Federalism: Federal Preemption of States’ “Zero Emissions Credit” Programs, Joel Eisen
Bespoke Discovery, Jessica Erickson
Boilerplate Dataset, James Gibson
Boilerplate’s False Dichotomy, James Gibson
Higher Education and the DMCA, James Gibson and Christopher A. Cotropia
Crossing the Thin Blue Line: Protecting Law Enforcement Officers Who Blow the Whistle, Ann C. Hodges
Employee Voice in Arbitration, Ann C. Hodges
Modernizing Disability Income for Cancer Survivors, Ann C. Hodges
Congress Should Sprinkle Some SALT on the Federal Courts, Hayes R. Holderness
Questioning Quill, Hayes R. Holderness
The Case for Preempting SALT Cap Workarounds, Hayes R. Holderness
Avoiding Ethics Complaints: Finding the Rules and LEOs, Joyce Manna Janto
Mostly Settled, But Right for Now, Corinna Lain
The Highs and Lows of Michael Meltsner: A Tribute, Corinna Lain
Enforcing the Rights of Due Process: The Original Relationship between the Fourteenth Amendment and the 1866 Civil Rights Act, Kurt T. Lash
30 Tips for Excellence in Juvenile Defense, Julie Ellen McConnell
The Parity Principle, Luke P. Norris
Ignorance Over Innovation: Why Misunderstanding Standard Setting Organizations Will Hinder Technological Progress, Kristen Osenga
The Problem with PTAB's Power Over Section 101, Kristen Osenga
What Happened to the Public’s Interest in Patent Law?, Kristen Jakobsen Osenga
Building Bridges, Wendy Perdue
Jurisdictional Idealism and Positivism, John F. Preis
Qualified Immunity and Fault, John F. Preis
The Burden of a Good Idea: Examining the Impact of Unfunded Federal Regulatory Mandates on Medicare Participating Hospitals, Rachel Juhas Suddarth
Keeping Promises and Meeting Needs: Public Charities at a Crossroads, Allison Anna Tait
Curing the Federal Court Vacancy Crisis, Carl Tobias
Marriage Equality Comes to the Fourth Circuit, Carl Tobias
Senate Blue Slips and Senate Regular Order, Carl Tobias
Appointing Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Judges in the Trump Administration, Carl W. Tobias
President Donald Trump and Federal Bench Diversity, Carl W. Tobias
Severability, Separation of Powers, and Agency Design, Kevin C. Walsh
The "Irish Born" One American Citizenship Amendment, Kevin C. Walsh
Publications from 2017
In Memorium: Professor Peter Nash Swisher, Ronald J. Bacigal
On the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of Lucas: Making or Breaking the Takings Claim, Carol Brown
Law Books in the Libraries of Colonial Virginians, William Hamilton Bryson
Judicial Review and the Enumeration of Rights, Jud Campbell
Natural Rights and the First Amendment, Jud Campbell
Republicanism and Natural Rights at the Founding, Jud Campbell
Improper Delegation of Judicial Authority in Child Custody Cases: Finally Overturned, Dale Margolin Cecka
Clemency and the Administration of Hope, Erin R. Collins
Status Courts, Erin R. Collins
Book Review, The Electric Battery: Charging Forward to a Low-Carbon Future, Joel Eisen
Demand Response’s Three Generations: Market Pathways and Challenges in the Modern Electric Grid, Joel Eisen
Dual Electricity Federalism Is Dead, But How Dead And What Replaces It?, Joel B. Eisen
Free Trade in Electric Power, Joel B. Eisen