This series contains articles, book chapters, and other publications authored or co-authored by faculty of the University of Richmond School of Law. To browse content in this series by author, use the link below:
Publications from 2017
Piling On? An Empirical Study of Parallel Derivative Suits, Jessica Erickson
The Gatekeepers of Shareholder Litigation, Jessica Erickson
To Thine Own CEO Be True: Tailoring CEO Compensation to Individual Personality and Circumstances, William O. Fisher
International Adjudicative Bodies, Chiara Giorgetti
Taking Tax Due Process Seriously: The Give and Take of State Taxation, Hayes R. Holderness
The Unexpected Role of Tax Salience in State Competition for Businesses, Hayes R. Holderness
A Guide to Legal Research in Virginia, Joyce Manna Janto
Statutory Law, Kathleen Klepfer and Alexis Fetzer
Following Finality: Why Capital Punishment Is Collapsing under Its Own Weight, Corinna Barrett Lain
Soft Supremacy, Corinna Barrett Lain
Capital Sentencing for Children in Virginia in the Wake of Miller v. Alabama and Montgomery v. Louisiana, Julie Ellen McConnell
Labor and the Origins of Civil Procedure, Luke P. Norris
English Statutes in Virginia, 1660-1714, John R. Pagan
Calculating Damages in an Uncertain World, John F. Preis
Inequitable Schools Demand a Federal Remedy, Kimberly J. Robinson
Fastcase, Roger V. Skalbeck
Finding and Using Images, While Respecting Copyright, Roger V. Skalbeck
Brazil's Olympic-Era Anti-Corruption Reforms, Andrew B. Spalding
Restoring Pre-Existing Compliance through the FCPA Pilot Program, Andrew B. Spalding
Corporate Family Law, Allison Anna Tait
Personal Reflections on the Honorable Robert R. Merhige, Jr.: A Judge, Mentor, and Friend, Mary Kelly Tate
Combating the Ninth Circuit Judicial Vacancy Crisis, Carl W. Tobias
Confirming Judge Restrepo to the Third Circuit, Carl W. Tobias
Confirming Supreme Court Justices in a Presidential Election Year, Carl W. Tobias
Filling the Seventh Circuit Vacancies, Carl W. Tobias
Filling the Texas Federal Court Vacancies, Carl W. Tobias
Nominate Judge Koh to the Ninth Circuit Again, Carl W. Tobias
Recalibrating Judicial Renominations in the Trump Administration, Carl W. Tobias
Enduring Originalism, Kevin C. Walsh
Judicial Departmentalism: An Introduction, Kevin C. Walsh
Originalist Law Reform, Judicial Departmentalism, and Justice Scalia, Kevin C. Walsh
The Limits of Reading Law in the Affordable Care Act Cases, Kevin C. Walsh
Why Legal Writers Should Think like Teachers, Laura A. Webb
Why Kindergarten is Too Late: The Need for Early Childhood Remedies in School Finance Litigation, Kevin Woodson
Family Law Legislative Update, Jason Zarin
Publications from 2016
Rejecting the Tattooed Applicant, Disciplining the Tattooed Employee: What Are the Risks?, Stephen Allred
Virginia Practice Series: Jury Instructions, Ronald J. Bacigal and Margaret Ivey Bacigal
GPO’s New govinfo Site, Paul Birch
Justice Thomas's Kelo Dissent: The Perilous and Political Nature of Public Purpose, Carol N. Brown
Bacon, Example of a Treatise Touching Universal Justice, William Hamilton Bryson
In Memoriam: J. Rodney Johnson (1939-2015), William Hamilton Bryson
Maitland, The Forms of Action at Common Law, William Hamilton Bryson
Miscellaneous Reports of Cases in the Court of Delegates From 1670 to 1750, William Hamilton Bryson
Reports of Cases in the Court of Chancery in the Middle Ages, William Hamilton Bryson
Reports of Cases in the Court of Exchequer From 1604 to 1648, William Hamilton Bryson
Sir Robert Raymond's Common Law Reports (1694-1696), William Hamilton Bryson
Some Thoughts Raised by Magna Carta: The Popular Re-Election of Judges, William Hamilton Bryson
"But I Know It When I See It": Natural Law and Formalism, William Hamilton Bryson
Speech-Facilitating Conduct, Jud Campbell
Look for the Helpers, Tara L. Casey
Pro Bono at University of Richmond School of Law, Tara L. Casey
Inequity in Private Child Custody Litigation, Dale Margolin Cecka
Commentary for Price Waterhouse v. Hopkins, Dale Margolin Cecka
Education & Practice (Newsletter of the Section on Education of Lawyer, Virginia State Bar) - v. 25, No. 1 (Fall 2016), Dale Margolin Cecka
It’s Time for the Fourth Circuit to Rethink Deshaney, Dale Margolin Cecka
The President as Spiritual Leader: Pardons, Punishment, Forgiveness, Mercy, and Justice, Henry L. Chambers Jr.
Presidential Constitutional Interpretation, Signing Statements, Executive Power and Zivotofsky, Henry L. Chambers, Jr.
The Criminalization of Title IX, Erin R. Collins
Physicalism and Patent Theory, Christopher A. Cotropia
Should your law review article have an abstract and table of contents?: An empirical analysis, Christopher A. Cotropia
Commentary to the U.S. Copyright Office Regarding the Section 512 Study: Higher Education and the DMCA Safe Harbors, Christopher A. Cotropia and James Gibson
Charging on the Margin, Paul T. Crane
A Meaningful Floor for "Meaningful Human Control", Rebecca Crootof
Change Without Consent: How Customary International Law Modifies Treaties, Rebecca Crootof
Consent is Not Enough: Why States Must Respect the Intensity Threshold in Transnational Conflict, Rebecca Crootof
War Torts: Accountability for Autonomous Weapons, Rebecca Crootof
Demand Response in Wholesale Markets, Joel B. Eisen
FERC’s Expansive Authority to Transform the Electric Grid, Joel B. Eisen
FERC v. EPSA and the Path to a Cleaner Electricity Sector, Joel B. Eisen
The Supreme Court’s New Electricity Federalism, Joel B. Eisen
An App for Third Party Beneficiaries, David G. Epstein
Heightened Procedure, Jessica Erickson
Free Access to Law of the European Union and its Member States, Alexis Fetzer
Caselaw Developments 2015, William O. Fisher
Between Flexibility and Stability: Ad Hoc Procedures and/or Judicial Institutions?, Chiara Giorgetti
Between Legitimacy and Control: Challenges and Recusals of Arbitrators and Judges in International Courts and Tribunals, Chiara Giorgetti
Forward-Looking Family Law, Meredith J. Harbach
Nudging Parents, Meredith J. Harbach
Sexualization, Sex Discrimination, and Public School Dress Codes, Meredith J. Harbach
Imagining U.S. Labor Relations without Union Security, Ann C. Hodges
Union Representation in Employment Arbitration, Ann C. Hodges
OMG - The Internet is Amazing, Joyce Manna Janto
Changes to Bankruptcy Forms and Pending Bankruptcy Rule Changes, Kathleen Klepfer
Minor Federal Government Regulatory Agencies, Kathleen Klepfer
Death Row, Calls for Indifference, and Redemption of the Soul, Corinna Barrett Lain
Feminist Justice: Review of Sisters in Law: How Sandra Day O'Connor and Ruth Bader Ginsburg Went to the Supreme Court and Changed the World, by Linda Hirshman, Corinna Barrett Lain
Three Supreme Court “Failures” and a Story of Supreme Court Success, Corinna Barrett Lain
George Washington’s Constitution, Kurt T. Lash
Making Juvenile Justice More Humane and Effective, Julie Ellen McConnell
Understanding Your Domestic Relations Rights in Virginia, 2016-2017, Julie Ellen McConnell
Constitutional Economics, Luke P. Norris
Patent ‘Reform’: What We Need First Is a Role Reversal, Kristen Osenga
The FTC’s PAE Study: Doing More Harm Than Good, Kristen Osenga
Why the FTC study on PAEs is destined to produce incomplete and inaccurate results, Kristen Osenga
Law, Universities, and the Challenge of Moving a Graveyard, Wendy Collins Perdue
A Further Note on Federal Causes of Action, John F. Preis
The Dormant Commerce Clause as a Limit on Personal Jurisdiction, John F. Preis
Why Insurance Contracts Might be the Trick to Police Reform, John F. Preis
No Quick Fix for Equity and Excellence: The Virtues of Incremental Shifts in Education Federalism, Kimberly J. Robinson
The K-12 Funding Crisis, Kimberly J. Robinson