This series contains articles, book chapters, and other publications authored or co-authored by faculty of the University of Richmond School of Law. To browse content in this series by author, use the link below:
Publications from 2011
The New Energy Geopolitics?: China, Renewable Energy, and the "Greentech Race", Joel B. Eisen
Response to Reasonable Expectations in Sociocultural Context, David G. Epstein
Overlitigating Corporate Fraud: An Empirical Examination, Jessica M. Erickson
Commercial Law's Complexity, David Frisch
The Recent Amendments to UCC Article 9: Problems and Solutions, David Frisch
Contracting Away Copyright Privileges, James Gibson
Gray-Market Goods and Copyright's Gray Area, James Gibson
Notice and Takedown, Here and Abroad, James Gibson
The DMCA and Repeat Infringers, James Gibson
Will You Go to Jail for Copyright Infringement?, James Gibson
From Coverture to Contract: Engendering Insurance on Lives, Mary L. Heen
Avoiding Legal Seduction: Reinvigorating the Labor Movement to Balance Corporate Power, Ann C. Hodges
Price Includes Tax: Protecting Consumers from Tax-Exclusive Pricing, Hayes R. Holderness
From the President: A Heart-Felt Thank You, Joyce Manna Janto
From the President: Beginnings and Endings, Joyce Manna Janto
From the President: In Anticipation of Inspiration, Joyce Manna Janto
From the President: Professionalism & Community, Joyce Manna Janto
Review of George Athan Billias, American Constitutionalism Heard Round the World, 1776-1989: A Global Perspective., John Paul Jones
The Origins of the Privileges or Immunities Clause, Part II: John Bingham and the Second Draft of the Fourteenth Amendment, Kurt T. Lash
Let Palestinians Write Their Own Destiny, Shari Motro
Preglimony, Shari Motro
Book Review: Beyond Intellectual Property: Matching Information Protection to Innovation, Kristen Osenga
A Penguin's Defense of the Doctrine of Equivalents, Kristen Jakobsen Osenga
Cooperative Patent Prosecution: Viewing Patents through a Pragmatics Len, Kristen Jakobsen Osenga
Rescuing the Strong Precautionary Principle from its Critics, Noah M. Sachs
Mobile Legal Research: Do we NEED an app for that?, Roger V. Skalbeck
Top 10 Law School Home Pages of 2010, Roger V. Skalbeck
The Irony of International Business Law: U.S. Progressivism and China's New Laissez Faire, Andrew B. Spalding
A Demographic Snapshot of America's Federal Judiciary: A Prima Facie Case for Change, Jonathan K. Stubbs
Virginia Should Abolish the Archaic Tort Defense of Contributory Negligence and Adopt a Comparative Negligence Defense in its Place, Peter N. Swisher
Liability Insurance Coverage for Clergy Sexual Abuse Claims, Peter N. Swisher
Principles of Insurance Law, Peter N. Swisher
Mancession or Momcession? Good Providers, a Bad Economy, and Gender Discrimination, Allison Anna Tait
Polygamy, Publicity, and Locality: The Place of the Public in Marriage Practice, Allison Anna Tait
Narrative and the Origins of Law, Allison Anna Tait and Luke P. Norris
Filling the Fourth Circuit Vacancies, Carl W. Tobias
Judge Thompson and the Appellate Court Confirmation Process, Carl W. Tobias
Health Care: Why Jurisdiction Matters, Kevin C. Walsh
Publications from 2010
The Company of Scoundrels, Ronald J. Bacigal
Intent and Empirics: Race to the Subprime, Carol N. Brown
Rethinking Adverse Possession: An Essay on Ownership and Possession, Carol N. Brown
The Origin of Citizen Genet’s Projected Attack on Spanish Louisiana: A Case Study in Girondin Politics, Jud Campbell
Legal Education Prepares Students to Weather Tough Times, Tara L. Casey
Empowerment, Innovation, and Service: Law School Programs Provide Access to Justice and Instill a Commitment to Serve, Dale Margolin Cecka
Much Ado About Nothing Much: Protestant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Virginia v. Truro Church, Henry L. Chambers, Jr.
The Wild West of Supreme Court Employment Discrimination Jurisprudence, Henry L. Chambers, Jr.
Arkansas, Timothy L. Coggins
Your Retirement To-Do List: Enjoy Each Day, Suzanne B. Corriell
Determining Uniformity within the Federal Circuit by Measuring Dissent and En Banc Review, Christopher A. Cotropia
The Upside of Intellectual Property's Downside, Christopher A. Cotropia and James Gibson
Can Urban Solar Become a "Disruptive" Technology?: The Case For Solar Utilities, Joel B. Eisen
China's Renewable Energy Law: A Platform for Green Leadership?, Joel B. Eisen
Contract Law's Two "P.E.'s": Promissory Estoppel and the Parole Evidence Rule, David G. Epstein
Reliance on Oral Promises: Statute of Frauds and Promissory Estoppel, David G. Epstein
Corporate Governance in the Courtroom: An Empirical Analysis, Jessica M. Erickson
Lawyers Keep Out: Why Attorneys Should Not Participate in Negotiating Critical Financial Numbers Reported by Public Company Clients, William O. Fisher
Copyright as Censorship - Part II, James Gibson
Formalities and Tiered Copyright Protection, James Gibson
Reproduction, Distribution, and "Making Available", James Gibson
The Rebirth of Copyright As an Opt-In System?, James Gibson
Viacom v. YouTube: A Different View on the District Court Ruling, James Gibson
Who's Afraid of the Berne Convention?, James Gibson
Why should international law be concerned about state failure?, Chiara Giorgetti
Equally Insured? Lasting Insurance Industry Reform Came Only With a Rethinking of Race, Mary L. Heen
Fallout From 14 Penn Plaza v. Pyett: Fractured Arbitration Systems in the Unionized Workplace, Ann C. Hodges
From the President: Professionalism & Community, Joyce Manna Janto
From the President: Volunteering: a Two-Way Street, Joyce Manna Janto
Wills, Trusts and Estates (Annual Survey of Virginia Law, 2009-2010), J. Rodney Johnson
Master Mariners and their Maritime Law: A Book Review, John Paul Jones
Lessons Learned from the Evolution of Evolving Standards, Corinna Barrett Lain
The Doctrinal Side of Majority Will, Corinna Barrett Lain
The Origins of the Privileges or Immunities Clause, Part I: “Privileges and Immunities” as an Antebellum Term of Art, Kurt T. Lash
Creating an Institutional Repository for State Government Digital Publications, Mei Kiu Lo and Leah M. Thomas
In Praise of Open Windows, Shari Motro
The Price of Pleasure, Shari Motro
Forward, Daniel T. Murphy
The PTOs Fast Track Takes Us in the Wrong Direction, Kristen Jakobsen Osenga
Obesity, Poverty, and the Built Environment: Challenges and Opportunity, Wendy Collins Perdue
Resurrecting the Promise of Brown: Understanding and Remedying How the Supreme Court Reconstitutionalized Segregated Schools, Kimberly J. Robinson
Reinventing Fire: Making Energy Efficiency a Reality, Noah M. Sachs
When It REINS It Pours, Noah M. Sachs
Top 10 Law School Home Pages of 2009, Roger V. Skalbeck
Unwitting Sanctions: Understanding Anti-Bribery Legislation as Economic Sanctions Against Emerging Markets,, Andrew B. Spalding
A Fourth Circuit Photograph, Carl W. Tobias
Diversity and the Federal Bench, Carl W. Tobias
Fourth Circuit Judicial Appointments, Carl W. Tobias
Improving Federal Judicial Selection, Carl W. Tobias
Postpartisan Federal Judicial Selection, Carl W. Tobias
Partial Unconstitutionality, Kevin C. Walsh
Publications from 2009
Marriage and Divorce: Legal Foundations, Azizah Y. al-Hibri
Book Review: The Cambridge History of Law in America Vol. 1: Early American (1580-1815), William Hamilton Bryson
Clients Aging Out of Care, Dale Margolin Cecka
Biblical Interpretation, Constitutional Interpretation and Ignoring Text, Henry L. Chambers, Jr.
Legal, Factual and Other Internet Sites for Attorneys and Legal Professionals, Timothy L. Coggins
The Individual Inventor Motif in the Age of the Patent Troll, Christopher A, Cotropia
Copying in Patent Law, Christopher A. Cotropia
Describing Patents as Real Options, Christopher A. Cotropia
Modernizing Patent Law's Inequitable Conduct Doctrine, Christopher A. Cotropia
The Folly of Early Filing in Patent Law, Christopher A. Cotropia