Submissions from 2023
Understanding sex differences when majoring in economics: what little we know, reasons for knowledge gaps, and a research agenda of unanswered questions, Sam Allgood and Kimmarie McGoldrick
Alienation, Resonance, and Experience in Theories of Well-Being, Andrew Alwood
Siting noxious facilities: Efficiency and majority rule decisions, Timothy L. Hamilton and Amit Eynan
The amenity value of natural views, Timothy L. Hamilton and Erik B. Johnson
The infinitely repeated volunteer's dilemma: An experimental study, Andrew Kloosterman and Shakun Mago
Greed and fear: Competitive and charitable priming in a threshold volunteer's dilemma, Shakun Mago and Jennifer Pate
Submissions from 2022
The Personal Saving Rate: Data Revisions and Forecasts, Dean Croushore and Pedro Del Monaco Santos
Submissions from 2021
Demographics and Monetary Policy Shocks, Chadwick C. Curtis, Kimberly A. Berg, Steven Lugauer, and Nelson C. Mark
Population Aging, Economic Growth, and the Importance of Capital, Chadwick C. Curtis and Steven Lugauer
Submissions from 2020
Fast Poisson Estimation with High-Dimensional Fixed Effects, Sergio Correia, Paulo Guimarães, and Thomas Zylkin
Forecasting Consumption Spending Using Credit Bureau Data, Dean Croushore and Stephanie Wilshusen
Submissions from 2019
Setting an Agenda for the Future, Sam Allgood and KimMarie McGoldrick
On the Widely Differing Effects of Free Trade Agreements: Lessons from Twenty Years of Trade Integration, Scott L. Baier, Yoto V. Yotov, and Thomas Zylkin
Learning Effects of the Flipped Classroom in a Principles of Microeconomics Course Running Header: Flipped Principles of Micro, Erik Craft and Maia K. Linask
Revisions to PCE Inflation Measures: Implications for Monetary Policy, Dean Croushore
What Should We Teach in Intermediate Macroeconomics?, Dean D. Croushore
Teaching Courses in Macroeconomics and Monetary Policy with Bloomberg Analytics, Dean D. Croushore and Hossein S. Kazemi
Fiscal Surprises at the FOMC, Dean D. Croushore and Simon van Norden
Fifty Years of the Survey of Professional Forecasters, Dean Croushore and Tom Stark
Switching Majors – Into and Out of Economics, Tisha L. N. Emerson and KimMarie McGoldrick
50 Years of Economic Instruction in the Journal of Economic Education, Gail M. Hoyt and KimMarie McGoldrick
Currency Unions and Trade: A PPML Re-Assessment with High-Dimensional Fixed Effects, Mario Larch, Joschka Wanner, Yoto V. Yotov, and Thomas Zylkin
VR-ROI Estimates for Virginia and Maryland in 2007, Robert M. Schmidt, Christopher M. Clapp, John V. Pepper, and Steven Stern
Data Issues in Developing Valid ROI Estimates, Steven Stern, Christopher M. Clapp, John V. Pepper, and Robert M. Schmidt
Antecedents to the Crisis: Mandeville, Smith, and Keynes, Jonathan B. Wight
Submissions from 2018
Teacher Training for PhD Students and New Faculty in Economics, Sam Allgood, Gail Hoyt, and KimMarie McGoldrick
The Role of Teaching and Teacher Training in the Hiring and Promotion of Ph.D. Economists, Sam Allgood, Gail Hoyt, and KimMarie McGoldrick
Fiscal Forecasts at the FOMC: Evidence from the Greenbooks, Dean D. Croushore and Simon van Norden
The High Costs of Large Enrollment Classes: Can Cooperative Learning Help?, Tisha L. N. Emerson, Linda K. English, and KimMarie McGoldrick
The Gender Gap in Economics Degrees: An Investigation of the Role Model and Quantitative Requirement Hypotheses, Tisha L. N. Emerson, KimMarie McGoldrick, and John J. Siegfried
Bicycle Infrastructure and Traffic Congestion: Evidence from DC's Capital Bikeshare, Timothy L. Hamilton and Casey J. Wichman
Measuring Faculty Teaching Effectiveness Using Conditional Fixed Effects, Maia K. Linask and James Monks
Submissions from 2017
The Ethics Behind Efficiency, Jonathan B. Wight
Submissions from 2016
Could tariffs be pro-cyclical?, James Lake and Maia K. Linask
Domestic political competition and pro-cyclical import protection, James Lake and Maia K. Linask
The Ethics Behind Efficiency, Jonathan B. Wight
Submissions from 2015
Demographic Patterns and Household Saving in China, Chadwick C. Curtis, Steven Lugauer, and Nelson C. Mark
I'm Retiring ... Well, Sort of, Kevin F. Hallock
Quotas on Boards and the Gender Gap, Kevin F. Hallock
Costly distribution and the non-equivalence of tariffs and quotas, James Lake and Maia K. Linask
Submissions from 2014
CEO Pay Over the Very Long Run, Kevin F. Hallock
Incentive Compensation For Ministers?, Kevin F. Hallock
Paid Workers and Volunteers, Side by Side, Kevin F. Hallock
Pay and Time of Day, Kevin F. Hallock
Pay, Corporate Location and Donations to Charity, Kevin F. Hallock
Paying to Put Out Fires, Kevin F. Hallock
Retention Pay, Kevin F. Hallock
Sabbaticals, Kevin F. Hallock
Tipping, Technology and Lessons in Compensation Design, Kevin F. Hallock
Titles as Compensation, Kevin F. Hallock
What Have You Done for Me Lately?, Kevin F. Hallock
Job loss and effects on firms and workers, Kevin Hallock, Michael R. Strain, and Douglas Webber
Submissions from 2013
Baseball and Thoughts on Pay Dispersion in Teams, Kevin F. Hallock
CEO Pay and Layoffs, Kevin F. Hallock
Compensation Research Summer Camp, Kevin F. Hallock
Compensation Tournaments, Kevin F. Hallock
Data Improvement and Labor Economics, Kevin F. Hallock
Employee Choice Over Pay Mix, Kevin F. Hallock
Pay and Relative Income Within Couples, Kevin F. Hallock
Pay in Nonprofits, Kevin F. Hallock
Presidential Pay, Kevin F. Hallock
The Wage Gap vs. the Total Compensation Gap, Kevin F. Hallock
Valuing Employee Stock Options, Kevin F. Hallock
Economics as Applied Ethics: Value Judgements in Welfare Economics by Wilfred Beckerman (Book Review), Jonathan B. Wight
Submissions from 2012
Comment, Dean D. Croushore
CEOs Off the Clock, Kevin F. Hallock
Does Graduating in a Bad Economy Penalize Your Pay tor Life?, Kevin F. Hallock
Economic Effects of the Minimum Wage, Kevin F. Hallock
Governance and Executive Compensation in Nonprofits, Kevin F. Hallock
Massive Kinked Bonuses, Kevin F. Hallock
Nothing Lasts Forever: A Different Way to Structure Severance, Kevin F. Hallock
Paying Professors, Kevin F. Hallock
Top Athlete Pay, Kevin F. Hallock
Vacation as Compensation, Kevin F. Hallock
Why Do We Tip?, Kevin F. Hallock
Ethics and Critical Thinking, Jonathan B. Wight
Submissions from 2011
Real-Time Forecasting, Dean D. Croushore
Using Real World Applications to Policy and Everyday Life to Teach Money and Banking, Dean D. Croushore
Does More Education Cause Higher Earnings?, Kevin F. Hallock
Does That Pay Practice Really Have Any Impact?, Kevin F. Hallock
Is There Deadweight Loss in Holiday Rewards?, Kevin F. Hallock
Linking Compensation and Job Losses During a Recession, Kevin F. Hallock
Motivating With Efficiency Wages and Delayed Payments, Kevin F. Hallock
Pay Ratios and Pay Inequality, Kevin F. Hallock
Pay Secrecy and Relative Pay, Kevin F. Hallock
Pay System Gender Neutrality, Kevin F. Hallock
Say on Pay and Compensation Design, Kevin F. Hallock
The Disconnect Between Employer Costs and Employee Value, Kevin F. Hallock
The Relationship Between Company size and CEO Pay, Kevin F. Hallock
The Impact of Class Size on Outcomes in Higher Education, James Monks and Robert M. Schmidt
Monopsony and Salary Suppression: The Case of Major League Soccer in the United States, John Twomey and James Monks
Adverse Selection and Incentives in an Early Retirement Incentive Program, Kenneth T. Whelan, Ronald G. Ehrenberg, Kevin Hallock, and Ronald L. Seeber
Institutional Divergence in Economic Development, Jonathan B. Wight
Public Policy, Human Instincts, and Economic Growth, Jonathan B. Wight
Submissions from 2010
Philadelphia Fed Forecasting Surveys: Their Value for Research, Dean D. Croushore
Business Cycles, Consumption and Risk-Sharing: How Different Is China?, Chadwick C. Curtis and Nelson Mark
Executive Pay and Firm Performance: Methodological Considerations and Future Directions, Beth Florin, Kevin Hallock, and Douglas Webber
Moral Markets: The Critical Role of Values in the Economy by Paul J. Zak (Book Review), Jonathan B. Wight
Submissions from 2009
Commentary, Dean D. Croushore
Job Loss and the Fraying of the Implicit Employment Contract, Kevin F. Hallock