Honors Theses are submitted to the University of Richmond in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the distinction of Honors within particular disciplines. The nature of each thesis depends upon the norms of the particular academic discipline and/or department. Most are open access; some have been embargoed or are restricted indefinitely per the request of the author. If you are an author and would like to change the availability of your work, please contact
.Theses from 1971
Background, data and biographical information on the 104 first Jamestown settlers, Catharine H. Ryland
"The beau ideal of a soldier" : Brigadier General Charles Dimmock, Eugene M. Sanchez-Saavedra
The case of Margery Kempe, Mary Marshall Taylor
Shaw's comic tone : from laughter to the broken harp string, R. K. Thomas
The early Beats: humanity and machinery, James A. Winders
Party lines drawn by the Spectator, Emily W. Zehmer
Senator William E. Borah's dry campaign : its effect on the presidential election of 1928, Emily White Zehmer
Theses from 1970
The unity of A Shropshire Lad, Robert B. Brown
Henry Parker's doctrine of the consent of the governed /, Barbara Cahoon
Richmond's reaction to the Depression of 1837, Barbara Cahoon
Dairy farms and agricultural prosperity in Virginia, 1890-1915, Harold E. Conover
Tobacco and soil relationships in Tidewater Virginia to 1670, Harold E. Conover
Factors Influencing American Opinion For and Against Recognition of the Soviet Union, 1928-1933, Nelson Lankford
Richmond and Virginia in the 1867 election for a constitutional convention, Nelson Lankford
Virginia's dissension toward the Mexican War, Angela Lilly
The agony of Lindsay Almond : Virginia's transition from "massive resistance" to "freedom of choice", John G. Mizell Jr
Robert Penn Warren's brother to dragons : a poem to fit its theme, Marjorie Scott
Theses from 1969
The Court of Star Chamber, Susan Agee
Virginia agriculture 1840-1860, Susan Agee
Scottsburo : influence of the international labor defense, John E. Griswold
Richard Hooker and John Locke : political theory in perspective, Alice M. Justice
1960 : the dilemma of Adlai Stevenson, Robert A. Kester
The nineteenth-century inversion of good and evil : its roots in the eighteenth century, and its continuation in the twentieth century, Frank M. Morgan
Whitman's concept of brotherhood : his motivation in advocating brotherhood and the prerequisites for brotherhood, Frank M. Morgan
The development of Lenin's theory of imperialism, Robert L. Musick
Virginia's response to nullification 1832-33, Robert Lawrence Musick Jr.
Activities of I.G. Farbenindustrie in the United States, 1929 until March 11, 1942, William C. Neubauer
The Senate debate on the League of Nations, Ann Packard
Loyalists and rebels : the election of 1928 in Virginia, Susan Parker
The war aims of the Russian provisional government, Susan Parker
The French and British Socialist missions to Russia, 1917 : a thesis, Thomas L. Powers
Diplomatic disobedience in American history 1781-1807, Thomas Lynwood Powers
The Virginia resolutions of 1798 : a study of the contemporary debate, Alice J. Retzer
The immediate reaction to the Nat Turner rebellion (August - November, 1831), Rebecca Saunders
The influence of the early English Baptists on the development of the concept of religious liberty, Rebecca Saunders
Philosophy and explication of an honors organ recital, Bruce B. Stevens
The French organ and organ music of the late seventeenth century, and the registration practices relating them to each other, Bruce Borden Stevens
Laud's influence on the Star Chamber from 1630-1637, Leonard I. Sweet
The Virginia Protestant reaction to the secession crisis : October 1859-May 1861, Leonard Ira Sweet
The Levellers' view of history, Margaret Trowe
Theses from 1968
Luther the musician, Charles L. Hill
A senior honors recital, Lynn Hoffman
John Calvin and music: the rise of protestant psalters in the sixteenth century, Tim Montgomery
Use of the simultaneous cross-relation by sixteenth century English and continental composers, Tim Montgomery
Classical studies in Tudor grammar schools, Shelby Murray
Erik Satie and his influence on music in France in the twentieth century, Lindsey Peters
The chant-based polyphonic magnificat of Orlando di Lasso, Lindsey Peters
Economic policies of the Privy Council 1620-1628, Jean A. Scott
Theses from 1967
The Aaron Burr Trial, Claudia Bell
Air Force ROTC at the University of Richmond, 1951-1957, Robert J. Dandridge
United States opinion from Munich to the Blitzkreig, Barbara Evans
The relationship of John Cotton and Anne Hutchinson in the Antinomian controversy, Lois R. Helmbold
Some general observations on Mass composition in the Renaissance, Charles Lathan Hill
The Oppenheimer case, Shelby Murray
Virginia's initial reactions to the Brown v. Board of Education decision, Charles E. Poston
The Depression years as depicted by the American theatre in the 1930's, Lois Robinson
Alexander Spotswood's struggle with his council, Joan Schools
The Sherman Adams case, Jean A. Scott
Theses from 1966
Latitudinarianism from Acontius to Chillingworth, Ann McCauley Askew
Poor relief in Tudor England, Edith Burrows
The moderate period of the Temperance reform, 1776-1833, Edith C. Burrows
Land Legislation and acquisition in Virginia in the seventeenth centruy, L. W. Gibbon
The antislavery crusade in the burned-over district during the 1830's and 1840's, Eugenia Henderson
The establishment of the Baptists in England in the early part of the seventeenth century, Eugenia Henderson
Tuning and temperament of the stringed keyboard instrument in the sixteenth century, Lynn Hoffman
A Puritan and his devil : religious conflict between William Prynne and William Laud, 1625-1645, Faye Newton
A summary of existing rural land use legislation in Virginia, John W. Russell
Theses from 1965
The origins of English stock companies and their involvement in English colonial ventures in the new world, Ralph Porter
A comparison of the responses of achievers and underachievers in a junior high school on a biographical questionnaire, Claude Ashburn Sandy
Theses from 1964
Mary Baker G. Eddy : a preparation, a discovery and a culmination, G. Elaine Johnson
The Leveller influence in the new model army from 1647 to 1649, G. Elaine Johnson
Khrushchev's secret speech and the aftermath, Donnalee Rowe
The Teamsters Union under Hoffa, Donnalee Rowe
Theses from 1963
Mercy Warren : forgotten patriot, Grace Rowell Phelps
Theses from 1962
College life in ante-bellum Virginia, Diane Keith Light
An introduction to John Dowland's lute songs, Anne LaVerne Morrow
The symbolism of the Holy Grail : a comparative analysis of the Grail in Perceval ou Le Conte del Graal by Chretien de Troyes and Parzival by Wolfram von Eschenbach, Karin Elizabeth Nordenhaug
The public career of Robert Carter Nicholas, Robert Miller Saunders
The sociology of Emile Durkheim, Patricia Chewning Young
Theses from 1961
Two women from the past, Barbara Goodwyn
Theses from 1959
A history of the Nansemond River, Virginia, Peter R. Neal
Theses from 1958
The history of Portsmouth, North Carolina, from its founding in 1753 to its evacuation in the face of federal forces in 1861, Kenneth E. Burke Jr.
The life of William Wirt Henry, Harvie J. Skelton
Theses from 1957
An investigation of the history of the Virginia manufactory of arms, James N. Haskett
Theses from 1956
C. Fair Brooks, Preston W. Doyle
Theses from 1955
A study of Dr. Douglas Southall Freeman on the elections of 1936 and 1940, Betty Sanford Molster
A history of the T.C. Williams School of Law, James R. Sipe
Theses from 1950
A study of the speciation of Proteus cultures isolated from the intestine of the brown rat, Rattus norvegicus, Donald Leslie Baxter
Theses from 1949
Microbiological evaluation of three wood preservatives by the Leutritz method, J. M. Sharpley
Theses from 1947
The history of basketball at the University of Richmond, 1914-1947, Thomas William Nichols Jr.
Theses from 1945
The attempt to build a town at Westham, Anne Skinner
Theses from 1943
Enrico A. Nelson : his work in Brazil, John W. Bain
Administrative reorganization of the government of the state of Virginia under Governor Byrd, Robert Greg Barr
Negro education in the city of Richmond, Louis Brenner
The disfranchisement of an American patriot, Arthur H. Brown Jr
The colonial sources of George Mason's Declaration of Rights, Louise Ellyson Wiley
Theses from 1942
The Sacred Heart Cathedral of Richmond, Virginia, Joseph A. Amrhein
Walker John Decker, farmer, soldier and minister of the Gospel, John Laws Decker
Some random field notes on three little known Virginia historical sites, W H. Enslow
Theses from 1941
The James River and Kanawha Canal Company, Lucien Warner Bingham