The atonement in the theology of Gregory of Nyssa

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts




Theology is a science which must by its nature be "existential;" and the Cappadocians would subscribe to the view that any theological enquiry that had no immediate practical aim was useless. Before embarking upon a discussion of technical matters, therefore, it is necessary to establish the value of making a study such as this at the present time.

No apology is needed for seeking further illumination about atonement, the central Christian doctrine. But why Gregory of Nyssa? There seems to be little work on him in English. This is in strong contrast to an intense interest throughout the Middle Ages; about 1,200 manuscripts of his work have survived - a vast number. But the lack of English interest might in itself argue that others have felt that he contains nothing of pressing value for this generation. What is to be said in his defence?

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