Submissions from 2024
A 20-Year Ecotone Study of Pacific Northwest Mountain Forest Vulnerability to Changing Snow Conditions, Todd R. Lookingbill, Jack DuPuy, Ellery Jacobs University of Richmond, Matteo Gonzalez, and Tihomir S. Kostadinov
A 20-Year Ecotone Study of Pacific Northwest Mountain Forest Vulnerability to Changing Snow Conditions, Todd R. Lookingbill, Todd Robert, Jack DuPuy, Ellery Jacobs, Matteo Gonzalez, and Tihomir Kostadinov
A Heat Emergency: Urban Heat Exposure and Access to Refuge in Richmond, VA, Braun Peter, Todd R. Lookingbill, Elizabeth Zizzamia, Jeremy Hoffman, Jessica Rosner, and Daisy Banta
Submissions from 2023
From Public Sewer to Public Park: The Story of the James River in Richmond, VA, Todd R. Lookingbill
Effects of deforestation and forest degradation on ecosystem service indicators across the Southwestern Amazon, Yuenyuen Reygadas, Stephanie A. Spera, and David S. Salisbury
The effects of climate change on the timing of peak fall foliage in Acadia National Park, Stephanie A. Spera; Keith R, Spangler; M. Olivia Hubert; and Marc G. Gorman
Submissions from 2022
Am I My Brother's (river)keeper? the Ripple Effects of a Community- based Stream Restoration, Todd R. Lookingbill and Theresa Dolson
Connectivity in the Urban Landscape (2015–2020): Who? Where? What? When? Why? and How?, Todd R. Lookingbill, Emily S. Minor, Charles S. Mulls, Gabriela C. Nunez-Mir, and Philip Johnson
Recovering a Black Cemetery: Automated Mapping of Hidden Gravesites Using an SUAV and GIS in East End Cemetery, Richmond, VA., Stephanie A. Spera, Matthew S. Franklin, Elizabeth A. Zizzamia, and Ryan K. Smith
Submissions from 2021
Mapping Forest Disturbances across the Southwestern Amazon: Tradeoffs between Open-Source, Landsat-Based Algorithms., Yunuen Reygadas, Stephanie A. Spera, Valarie Galati, David S. Salisbury, Sonaira Silva, and Sidney Novoa
Thermal inequity in Richmond, VA: The effect of an unjust evolution of the urban landscape on urban heat islands, Kelly C. Saverino, Emily Routman, Todd R. Lookingbill, Andre M. Eanes, Jeremy S. Hoffman, and Rong Bao
Submissions from 2020
Assessing Inequitable Urban Heat Islands and Air Pollution Disparities with Low-Cost Sensors in Richmond, Virginia, Andre M. Eanes, Todd R. Lookingbill, Jeremy S. Hoffman, Kelly C. Saverino, and Stephen S. Fong
Landscapes of War Permanently Altered Topography Is One of the Casualties of War, but Battlefields Can Also Be of "Collateral Value", Todd R. Lookingbill and Peter D. Smallwood
Brazilian Maize Yields Negatively Affected by climate after Land Clearing, Stephanie A. Spera, Jonathan M. Winter, and Trevor F. Partridge
Submissions from 2019
Critical Energy Justice in US Natural Gas Infrastructuring, Mary Finley-Brook, Travis L. Williams, Judi Anne Caron-Shepphard, and Mary Kathleen Jaromin
Vegetation, rainfall, and pulsing hydrology in the Pantanal, the world's largest tropical wetland, Sarah J. Ivory, Michael M. McGlue, Stephanie A. Spera, Aguinaldo SIlva, and Ivan Bergier
Taller del Grupo Geográfico Transfronterizo de la Amazonía Sud-Occidental (GTASO) para Mitigar Desafios Ambientales en la Amazonía Peruana y Brasileña, Claire Powell, David S. Salisbury, Balbín Ordaya, Bertha O., and Pedro Tipula Tipula
Submissions from 2018
Evaluation of Agricultural Land Cover Representations on Regional Climate Model Simulations in the Brazilian Cerrado, Stephanie A. Spera, Jonathan M. Winter, and Jonathan W. Chipman
Submissions from 2017
Justice and Equity in Carbon Offset Governance: Debates and Dilemmas, Mary Finley-Brook
The Relationship between Tropical Cyclone Activity, Nutrient Loading, and Algal Blooms over the Great Barrier Reef, Chelsea L. Parker, Amanda H. Lynch, Stephanie A. Spera, and Keith R. Spangler
Precipitation Drivers of Cropping Frequency in the Brazilian Cerrado: Evidence and Implications for Decision-Making, Keith R. Spangler, Amanda H. Lynch, and Stephanie A. Spera
Agricultural Intensification Can Preserve the Brazilian Cerrado: Applying Lessons From Mato Grosso and Goia's to Brazil’s Last Agricultural Frontier, Stephanie A. Spera
Submissions from 2016
Empowering Energy Justice, Mary Finley-Brook and Erica L. Holloman
Higher Ed's Carbon Addiction, Mary Finley-Brook and Alex Krass
Biodiversity and carbon content of trees on a university campus, Todd R. Lookingbill and Kimberly Britt Klinker
Forest birds respond to the spatial pattern of exurban development in the Mid-Atlantic region, USA, Todd R. Lookingbill and Marcela Suarez-Rubio
Submissions from 2015
Snow cover variability in a forest ecotone of the Oregon Cascades via MODIS Terra products, Tihomir Sabinov Kostadinov and Todd R. Lookingbill
Soybean Development: The Impact of a Decade of Agricultural Change on Urban and Economic Growth in Mato Grosso, Brazil, Peter Richards, Heitor Pellegrina, Leah VanWey, and Stephanie A. Spera
Transformando la Educación Superior para una Amazonía cambiante, David S. Salisbury, Elizabeth Anderson, Richard Bilsborrow, Connie Campbell, Javier Maldonado-Ocampo, Stephen Perz, and Edgar Díaz-Zúñiga
La Igualdad de Género en las Carreras de Conservación: Ucayali, Peru en un Contexto Global, Anna Sangree and Mary Finley-Brook
Participacion Regional en las Iniciativas para Reducir Emisiones de Deforestación y Degradación Forestal en Ucayali, Peru, Megan Wing, Hasia White, Christian Graven, and Mary Finley-Brook
Submissions from 2014
Designing a Regional Trail Network of High Conservation Value Using Principles of Green Infrastructure, Carroll I. Courtenay and Todd R. Lookingbill
Climate Justice Advocacy, Mary Finley-Brook
Hydropower, Mary Finley-Brook
Renewable Energy, Mary Finley-Brook
Incorporating Risk of Reinvasion to Prioritize Sites for Invasive Species Management, Todd R. Lookingbill, Emily S. Minor, Nadia Bukach, Joseph R. Ferrari, and Lisa A. Wainger
Recent cropping frequency, expansion, and abandonment in Mato Grosso, Brazil had selective land characteristics, Stephanie A. Spera, Avery S. Cohn, Leah K. VanWey, Jack F. Mustard, Bernardo F.T. Rudorff, and Marcos Adami
Submissions from 2013
Renewable Energy and Human Rights Violations: Illustrative Cases from Indigenous Territories in Panama, Mary Finley-Brook and Curtis Thomas
Proposing New Barrens National Natural Landmarks, Todd R. Lookingbill, Mary C. Brickle, and Katharina A.M. Engelhardt
Threshold Responses of Forest Birds to Landscape Changes around Exurban Development, Todd R. Lookingbill, Marcela Suarez-Rubio, Scott Wilson, and Peter Leimgruber
Cartografía, corredores y cooperación: la búsqueda de soluciones transfronterizas en las fronteras amazónicas, David S. Salisbury, Diego B. Leal, Andrea B. Chávaz Michaelsen, Bertha Balbín Ordaya, A. William Flores de Melo, Pedro Tipula Tipula, and Maria Luiza Pinedo Ochoa
Border Integrations: The Fusion of Political Ecology and Land Change Science to Inform and Contest Transboundary Integration in Amazonia, David S. Salisbury, Mariano Castro Sanchez-Moreno, Luis Davalous Torres, Robert Guimaraes Vasquez, Jose Saito Diaz, Pedro Tipula Tipula, Andres Treneman Young, Carlos Arana Courrejolles, Martin Arana Cardo, and Grupo de Monitoreo de Megaproyectos Region Ucayali
Submissions from 2012
El Tratado De Libre Comercio Entre Centroamérica, República Dominicana Y Estados Unidos (CAFTA-DR) Y El Desarrollo Desigual, Mary Finley-Brook
Energizing Liberal Education, Mary Finley-Brook, Megan Zanella-Litke, Kyle Ragan, and Breana Coleman
GRTS and Graphs: Monitoring Natural Resources in Urban Landscapes, Todd R. Lookingbill, John Paul Schmit, and Shawn L. Carter
Amazonian States Map Threatened Borderlands, David S. Salisbury, A. William Flores de Melo, Jorge Vela Alvarado, and Bertha Balbin Ordaya
Transboundary Political Ecology in the Peru-Brazil Borderlands: Mapping Workshops, Geographic Information, and Socio-Environmental Impacts, David S. Salisbury, A. William Flores de Melo, and Pedro Tipula Tipula
Taller Transfronterizo para la Amazonía Peruana y Brasileña, David S. Salisbury, A. Willian Flores de Melo, and Bertha Balbín Ordaya
Submissions from 2011
"We are the Owners": Autonomy and Natural Resources in Northeastern Nicaragua, Mary Finley-Brook
Boldly Sustainable: Hope and Opportunity for Higher Education in the Age of Climate Change (Book Review), Mary Finley-Brook, Breana Coleman, and Kaitlan Lawrence
Green Pricing, Mary Finley-Brook and Charles Kline
EARTH University (Costa Rica), Mary Finley-Brook and Caroline O'Rourke
Carbon Credits, Mary Finley-Brook and Curtis Thomas
GIS Maps and the Amazon Borderlands, David S. Salisbury
Coca and Conservation: Cultivation, Eradication, and Trafficking in the Amazon Borderlands, David S. Salisbury and C. Fagan
Submissions from 2010
Treatment of Displaced Indigenous Populations in Two Large Hydro Projects in Panama, Mary Finley-Brook and Curtis Thomas
Combining a Dispersal Model with Network Theory to Assess Habitat Connectivity, Todd R. Lookingbill, Robert H. Gardner, Joseph R. Ferrari, and Cherry E. Keller
Extractive Reserves, David S. Salisbury
Submissions from 2009
Surface Mining and Reclamation Effects on Flood Response of Watersheds in the Central Appalachian Plateau Region, Todd R. Lookingbill, Joseph R. Ferrari, B. McCormick, P. A. Townsend, and K. N. Eshleman
Altered Ecological Flows Blur Boundaries in Urbanizing Watersheds, Todd R. Lookingbill, Sujay S. Kaushal, Andrew J. Elmore, Robert Gardner, Keith N. Eshleman, Robert H. Hilderbrand, Raymond P. Morgan, Walter R. Boynton, Margaret A. Palmer, and William C. Dennison
The Role of Landscape Connectivity in Assembling Exotic Plant Communities: A Network Analysis, Emily S. Minor, Samantha M. Tessel, Katharina A.M. Engelhardt, and Todd R. Lookingbill
Submissions from 2008
Guyana, Mary Finley-Brook
Nicaragua, Mary Finley-Brook
Resources for the Future, Mary Finley-Brook
Venezuela, Mary Finley-Brook
Vermont, Mary Finley-Brook
Submissions from 2007
Indigenous Land Tenure Insecurity Fosters Illegal Logging in Nicaragua, Mary Finley-Brook
An Eye-Opening Approach to Developing and Communicating Integrated Environmental Assessments, Todd R. Lookingbill, William C. Dennison, Tim J.B. Carruthers, Jane M. Hawkey, and Shawn L. Carter
Submissions from 2003
Uso de la Tierra en la Zona de Influencia de la Provincia del Purus, David S. Salisbury and Chris Fagan