
The University of Richmond (UR) is an independent, privately endowed institution, with a total student body of around 5,000 students. Undergraduate and graduate degrees are offered in the liberal arts, business, law, and leadership studies. Library instruction has been an integral part of the university libraries program since the 1970s, initiated by a five-year grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities College Library Program and the Council on Library Resources. During the past thirty years, the program has continued to grow and reinvent itself. Overall, the instructional services program can be described as a "hybrid library instruction model," emphasizing both course-related instruction throughout the curriculum as well as required Library 100 and Library 101 classes for first-year students. This case study will describe the process of planning and preparing for required classes, including the development of content and handson activities, technology components of instruction, instructor preparation, assessment of classes, administrative duties, future plans, and challenges. It will also describe how the Library 100/101 classes serve as a public relations tool and as a base for course-related instruction at the university.

Document Type

Book Chapter

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Publication Title

An Introduction to Instructional Services in Academic Libraries

Publisher Statement

Copyright © 2008 Routledge. This chapter first appeared in An Introduction to Instructional Services in Academic Libraries.

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