III Middle English




This chapter has 12 sections: 1. Early Middle English (c.1050–1350); 2. Manuscript and Technical Studies; 3. Religious Prose and Verse; 4. Secular Prose; 5. Secular Verse; 6. Piers Plowman; 7. Gower; 8. Older Scots; 9. Drama; 10. The Gawain-Poet; 11. Romance. 12. Hoccleve and Lydgate. Section 1 is by Samira Lindstedt; section 2 is by Mary F. Wheaton; section 3 is by Natalie Calder; section 4 is by Mark Ronan; sections 5, 10, and 11 are by Darragh Greene; section 6 is by Seth Strickland; section 7 is by Rebecca Menmuir; section 8 is by Kate Ash-Irisarri; section 9 is by Sarah Brazil; section 12 is by Laurie Atkinson.

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The Year's Work in English Studies

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