"The All Students Initiative, Anti-Bullying and Athletics for Home-Scho" by Ashley Allen


Ashley Allen


In 2012, Virginia Governor Robert F. McDonnell announced "The Governor's K-12 Education Reform Summit: Investing in Students Today, Creating the Workforce of Tomorrow. " With this announcement, the Governor praised the Commonwealth's public school system while underscoring the need for improvement by stating, "Until every child, in every zip code is guaranteed access to a quality education, we have not done our job." The Governor's summit brought legislators, education stakeholders, and policymakers into one room to discuss issues facing the K-12 education system, such as teacher pay, educational choice, technology and innovation, and workforce development." At the summit, the Governor began forming his approach to K-12 public education reform for the Commonwealth. With Governor McDonnell's "All Students Initiative" and additional legislation from both parties, education reform was a significant issue during the 2013 Virginia General Assembly Session. This article surveys some of the Governor's main legislative priorities in education reform and the challenges these priorities faced during the 2013 Virginia General Assembly Session.
