Introducing movement and embodied meditation into the classroom and applied studio


We know that our students are more stressed now than in the years when we were in college. Dr. B. Janet Hibbs and Dr. Anthony Rostain, authors of the 2019 book The Stressed Years of Their Lives, have shared that our students experience “more stress and anxiety now” because “they have grown up post 9.11, there is more anxiety in the family, the school shootings, the non-stop 24/7 news cycle, and the internet itself, which has created a different childhood than that which many of us experienced.”1 And of course, all of this was before we were engulfed in a global pandemic. So much for all of us to navigate. How can we, as caring, committed teachers, help our students leave their stress outside the door of the studio, the classroom, or the Zoom platform, and enter our learning spaces with confidence and openness to engage with the material that is being offered to them?

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date


Publisher Statement

© 2024 National Association of Teachers of Singing
