Essays on Legal Education in Nineteenth Century Virginia

William Hamilton Bryson, University of Richmond


The following essays are reprinted from unique exemplars with permission: J. T. Lomax, Circular (1831), and B .. ·G. Baldwin, Introductory Lecture (1831), in the Alderman Library of the University of Virginia; L. P. Thompson, Introductory Lecture (1839), in the Library of Virginia; and J. W. Brockenbrough, Introductory Lecture (1858), in the Library at Washington and Lee University. The letters, which are printed here for the first time, were kindly supplied by E. Lee Shepard. They are published here with the kind permissions of the Library of Virginia, the University of Virginia Library, and the Virginia Historical Society. The portraits that are used here as illustrations are published with the kind permissions of the owner of the Creed Taylor drawing, who wishes to remain anonymous; The Muscarelle Museum of Art, College of William and Mary, for the drawing of Nathaniel Beverley Tucker; The Library of Virginia for the paintings of Briscoe G. Baldwin, John T. Lomax, John B. Minor, John W. Brockenbrough, and Henry St. G. Tucker; the Virginia Historical Society for the paintings of Benjamin W. Leigh and William Green; and the University of Virginia School of Law for the painting of Stephen 0. Southall.