
IN 1953 R. L. Rickard edited for the Camden Miscellany a short tract by Richard Robinson which describes briefly the various English courts of law as they were at the end of the sixteenth century: 'A Briefe Collection of the Queenes Majesties Most High and Most Honourable Courtes of Recordes.' In addition to the three manuscript copies which Rickard mentioned in his preface, fourteen others have recently been identified of which he appears to have been unaware. Since one of these is more complete and several are more interesting than the copy which was edited, a short note is required for the sake of bibliographical completeness. Although this tract is not of sufficient merit to warrant another edition at this time, the survival of seventeen manuscript copies suggests that it was a more important work for lawyers and others in the period 1575-1~50 than has been commonly supposed. The reader may therefore fmd interesting these comments on the manuscripts.

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