Some Dilemmas of the Contemporary Catalan Stage: Influences, Tradition, and Other Anxieties


Preview of Volume 41.4 (Special) - Studies in Honor of Roberta Johnson

As we have previously announced, volume 41 of ALEC will have an additional issue. That is, instead of the customary three issues, there will be four in 2016. The fourth volume will be a collection of original articles celebrating the scholarly career of Professor Roberta Johnson (University of Kansas / University of California at Los Angeles). The volume is coordinated by Professor Anton Pujol (University of North Carolina, Charlotte) and will contain articles by Silvia Bermúdez (University of California-Santa Barbara), Maryellen Bieder (Indiana University, Bloomington), Alda Blanco (San Diego State University), Luis Cuesta (University at Albany, SUNY), Brad Epps (University of Cambridge), Sharon G. Feldman (University of Richmond), David T. Gies (University of Virginia), Luis González-del-Valle (Temple University), David Herzberger (University of California, Riverside), Javier Krauel (University of Colorado, Boulder), Paqui Paredes (University of Kansas), Jorge Pérez (University of Kansas), Harriet Turner (University of Nebraska, Lincoln), Noël Valis (Yale University).

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Publisher Statement

Copyright © 2016 The Society of Spanish and Spanish-American Studies. This article first appeared in Anales de la Literatura Española Contemporánea 41, no. 4 (2016): 131-47.

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