"Heroism, psychopathy, and career choices : twigs on the same genetic b" by Sandy Yu

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Date of Award


Document Type

Restricted Thesis: Campus only access

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts


Leadership Studies

First Advisor

Dr. Scott T. Allison


The field of research into heroism, psychopathy, and its possible associations is developing. This research aimed to look at the relationship between heroism, psychopathy, and career choices. Method: A community sample (N = 94) was analyzed using a survey to assess moral courage and level of psychopathy, desire to enter a heroic professions based on a taxonomy of heroes, and sense of life calling. Results: Conducting a 2x2 mixed analysis of variance revealed that there was a marginally significant main effect of the type of courage the career requires on hypothetical interest in a heroic career . Among the two levels of psychopathy seen in participants, the means of the hypothetical interest in each heroic behavior was also compared using an independent sample means test to reveal trends. Conclusion: These findings raise questions for future research on the motivation for heroic behavior, psychology of psychopathy, and interplay of life purpose and career development.
