Date of Award

Spring 2012

Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts


Leadership Studies

First Advisor

Dr. Thomas Wren

Second Advisor

Dr. Douglas Hicks

Third Advisor

Dr. Andrea Simpson


The following analysis examines Marcus Garvey in his entirety, during his life pre... and post­ deportation, as well as his life in the United States and abroad. Although historians have debated the significance and character of Garvey this paper will definitively argue that conclusions can be drawn about this complex character. Such a broad examination of Garvey's life will prove that Garvey remained consistently devoted to his aims -the fostering of racial pride and consciousness, the advancement of the Back to Africa movement and the development of a black economy. Despite his ultimate failure Garvey advanced this aims throughout the world because he believed the achievement of his goals would lead to the uplift of his people.
