"The Parental Labor Gap: The Impact of Daycare Access on the Parental L" by Acacia Wyckoff

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Science


Mathematical Economics

First Advisor

KimMarie McGoldrick


In the two years since the COVID-19 pandemic began, the landscape for work has shifted dramatically. Many companies and employers switched to telework when the pandemic hit, and many still do not require workers to come into the office. Research suggests these COVID-induced changes have led to a closing of the gap in childcare duties between men and women in households. Comparing parents in positions with telework eligibility versus in-person positions, Heggeness and Suri (2022) found that while telework improved the labor participation rate of mothers slightly, there was still a major gap in labor force participation between mothers and women without children.

This paper uses the Survey of Income and Program Participation data set from the United States Census Bureau to examine the effect of daycare on parental labor force participation during the COVID pandemic and will expand on research already done on the benefits of universal preschool programs to the parental labor force.
