"The Importance of Leaders in the Time of COVID-19" by Lindsay Pett

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts


Leadership Studies

First Advisor

Dr. Chris von Rueden

Second Advisor

Dr. Volha Chykina

Third Advisor

Dr. Rick Mayes


This capstone examines if leaders mattered during the time of COVID-19. I analyzed this by examining the effect of the stringency of leaders’ policies on total cases and deaths per million from COVID-19. This initial analysis found that a decrease in the stringency index was associated with increases in both cases and deaths. Next, I ran additional statistical analyses examining if leaders had an effect on COVID-19 outcomes independent of the economic situation, health infrastructure, and cultural norms of their respective countries. It was found that the stringency of leaders’ policies still had an effect on cases and deaths independent of these factors. Lastly, I examined countries that experienced a change in their head of state during 2020 by comparing changes in the stringency of leaders’ policies before and after the leadership change occurred. Three out of the five countries analyzed appeared to have a change in the stringency index after the leadership change occurred. Ultimately, I concluded that leaders did have an independent effect on cases and deaths from COVID-19.
