Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts


Leadership Studies


The benefits of having done this type of action/research/process-oriented project are two-fold. First, there is the situational knowledge that we have gained from incorporating an internship into our project; second is the actual product (the development tool) which will actually be used by Human Resources employees at the Reynolds Metals Company. These results reflect exactly the type of experience that we had hoped to have.

The incorporation of an experiential aspect is something that we both sought out in coordinating our senior project. Our enormous personal growth can be measured by comparing our initial confusion and bewilderment with our current understanding of, and immersion in, the field of Human Resources. This field is one in which we both had, and retain, an interest in pursuing as a career option.

The opportunity to provide this service to experienced professionals has been incomparable. The theory of Total Quality, the empowerment of workers, and the dedication to continual improvement are valuable ideas in which we believe. We were able to created a product that will be used in a hands-on manner. In creating this development tool, we are educating those who will use the model in the future. The tool itself will need to be updated to keep up with professional and educational practices. Yet, our original model and the basic resources contained in it will remain. This contribution to the Reynolds Metals Company is our true achievement for the semester.
