Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts


Leadership Studies


State government is in need of change. For the most part, there is a lack of coordination and communication from the top-down, bottom-up, between agencies, and within organizations. On the one hand, this can be attributed to the inefficiency of the public sector in general because it is one in which politics impacts every aspect of the government, but on the other hand, the culture of the public sector can be attributed to the leadership that is responsible for shaping this sector of society. The layers of bureaucracy and unnecessary procedures seem to frustrate everyone, but very few proactive steps are taken to correct the situation. Citizens and employees alike who utilize the services of the government are beginning to lose faith in the public sector because the private sector operates much more efficiently. An analysis of how organizations in the public sector establish a customer service strategy reveals that "government agencies must meet the cost and quality standards set by the private sector because these are the standards by which all organizations are judged. For these reasons, the public sector desperately needs to make some changes in the near future in order to keep up with and match the services offered by the private sector.

The Task Force on Continuol's Quality Improvement has a strong gr:isp on the complexity of this project. Each member is extremely committed to Quality and to the state. Together, they will achieve their goal, but it will be a lengthy and involved process. First, they must determine what their involvement will be with the Governor's Blue Ribbon Strike Force. This involves bringing their proposal to the Commission, then developing a strategy for gaining the Strike Force's attention. If they choose to work together, the Task Force may have to forfeit some of the ownership that they have over the project. The Task Force originally identified the Governor's support as absolutely crucial to a quality initiative. This reflects their belief that the message must come from the top-down, so it appears that this is the route that they will take.
