
Preparing Trauma-Sensitive Teachers: Strategies for Teacher Educators.


Many children who attend school have or will experience some type of trauma that may impact cognition, behavior, and relationships (Van Der Kolk, 2014). The result of these adverse experiences is often diminished concentration, memory, organization, and language skills that can exacerbate maladjustment in the school setting (Ogata, 2017). According to the National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) (2016), difficulties displayed by children impacted by trauma can also include poor social skills, increased aggression, an inability to trust, dysregulation, fearfulness, anxiety, and avoidant behaviors. Despite how common exposure to trauma is and the significant impact it can have on students and the classroom, few teachers are prepared to recognize and respond appropriately. This paper will provide information and resources that can assist teacher educators to better prepare future teachers to address these concerns and build resilience in all students particularly those impacted by trauma.

Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 2019

Publisher Statement

Copyright © 2019, The Teacher Educators’ Journal.

