Most Recent Additions*


Lost in the Multiverse
Jeff Currier and Geoff C. Goddu


Acquisitions, Stakeholder Economies of Scope, and Stakeholder Orientation
Douglas A. Bosse, Jeffrey S. Harrison, Robert E. Hoskisson, and Jesse H. Jones


Harmful Stakeholder Strategies
Jeffrey S. Harrison and Andrew C. Wicks


On the 2019 Business Roundtable “Statement on the Purpose of a Corporation”
Jeffrey S. Harrison, Robert A. Phillips, and R. Edward Freeman


Stakeholder Theory at the Crossroads
Jay B. Barney and Jeffrey S. Harrison


A Configurational Theory of Generalized Exchange in Stakeholder-Oriented Firms
Jeffrey S. Harrison, Violet Ho, Douglas A. Bosse, and Donal Crilly


Entrepreneurial Opportunities as Responsibility
Douglas A. Bosse, Jeffrey S. Harrison, Judith Schrempf-Stirling, and Jeffrey M. Pollack


Business Versus Ethics? Thoughts on the Future of Business Ethics
M. Tina Dacin, Jeffrey S. Harrison, David Hess, Sheila Killian, and Julia Roloff


Lower Court Influence on High Courts: Evidence from the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom
Jennifer Barnes Bowie, Ali S. Masood, Elisha S. Savchak, Natalie Smith, Bianca Wieck, Cameron Abrams, and Meghna Melkote


Diffuse sources, clustering, and the excess anisotropy of the radio synchrotron background
F. J. Cowie, A. R. Offringa, B. K. Gehlot, Jack E. Singal, S. Heston, S. Horiuchi, and D. M. Lucero

*Updated as of 06/29/24.