"Evaluating Treatments and Interventions: What Constitutes “Evidence-ba" by Lisa Jobe-Shields, Amanda Costello et al.




This chapter provides an overview of the evidence-based treatment (EBT) paradigm, beginning with definitional issues, followed by a discussion on use of the iterative process and the importance of strong academic–practice partnerships to inform the development, selection, and implementation of EBTs. The discussion then turns to the importance of attaining, measuring, and sustaining fidelity to the treatment models; and identifying common barriers to sustained EBT use. Drawing from our expertise related to interventions for children and adolescents, a few dissemination/implementation models are highlighted as examples of current efforts to achieve sustained use of EBTs among practitioners, within agencies, and across communities. This involves keeping up to date with the research and integrating the available evidence base with clinical expertise and patient characteristics, including cultural considerations and client preferences for treatment. The chapter concludes with directions for the future, including considerations for practitioners, referring agents, and agency senior leaders to promote, support, and sustain EBTs.

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Copyright © 2016, Oxford University Press. This chapter first appeared in The Oxford Handbook of Treatment Processes and Outcomes in Psychology: A Multidisciplinary, Biopsychosocial Approach.

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