"Objects, Meanings, and Connections in My Life and Career" by David E. Leary


On the wall of my home-office in Richmond, Virginia, are pictures of St. Francis of Assisi, William Shakespeare, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, and William James. This may seem an odd collection to others. To me, it seems natural and right. Though I didn't plan the collection - each picture having gone up at a separate time - I see now that these four objects represent central meanings and connections in my life. Apparently even a relatively reflective academic can be too busy living his life to spend much time ruminating on the relations that hold it together. Yet I find that these relations are all around me, expressed by objects waiting to be noticed.

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Book Chapter

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Copyright © 2005 Jessica Kingsley Publishers. This chapter first appeared in Narrative Identities: Psychologists Engaged in Self-Construction.

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