
Kosovo is one of the newest countries in the world. It achieved independence in 2008 and emerged from international supervision in 2012. As a new country, it has faced the challenge of establishing the appropriate foundations for a flourishing economy through the creation and enforcement of property rights. With the incentive of potential European Union membership in the future, Kosovo has shown significant progress in developing laws that are EU compliant. However, the enforcement of these laws often falls short. One of the areas in which there is an identifiable gap between law and practice is in the area of women’s property rights.

Document Type

Post-print Article

Publication Date


Publisher Statement

Copyright @ 2015 Routledge. This book chapter first appeared in Global Trends in Land Tenure Reforms: Gender Impacts, Edited by Caroline Archambault and Annelies Zoomers, 237-250, Routledge, 2015.

The definitive version is available at: Routledge.

Full Citation:

Joireman, Sandra F. "Resigning Their Rights? Impediments to Women’s Property Ownership in Kosovo." In Global Trends in Land Tenure Reforms: Gender Impacts, edited by Caroline Archambault and Annelies Zoomers, 234-50. Routledge, 2015.
