Young people are leading the Palestinian protests in Jerusalem. And they aren’t going away.


For the past few weeks, tensions have flared in the Palestinian neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah in the eastern part of Jerusalem. Palestinian families facing the loss of their homes to Israeli settlers called on people to join them in their protest. This quickly escalated into mobilizations across Jerusalem and more than 20 cities, including Haifa, Jaffa, Nazareth, and Um Al-Fahem, as well as in cities across the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

Hundreds of protesters have been injured in clashes with Israeli forces, and one Palestinian citizen of Israel was killed. Across the border in Gaza, Hamas militants launched long-range rockets, striking western sections of Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and other cities, something that hasn’t happened outside of major invasions of the Gaza Strip. Airstrikes by Israeli forces on Tuesday reportedly killed 28 Palestinians in Gaza, including many children.

Do the clashes in Sheikh Jarrah mark a new Palestinian strategy, linking communities beyond Jerusalem in protest? Here’s what you need to know.

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