"Creationist Resistance to Evolution: the Patriarchal Unconscious as th" by Ladelle McWhorter and Robert B. Graber


Enlightened scientists and educators everywhere lament the persistence of disbelief in the process of evolution through natural selection, but they have done little to illuminate the psychological basis of this resistance. This neglect unfortunately applies even to psychoanalytic commentators, who, while uncovering oedipal elements in evolutionism, have remained silent about creationism. We believe, however, that psychoanalysis has much to offer toward a solution of the problem of creationism's persistence. In particular, we propose that evolutionary theory stirs a profound fear, rooted in the psychosexual developmental processes characterizing human society thus far, of female power.

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Publisher Statement

Copyright © 1989, The Analytic Press, Inc. This article first appeared in Psychoanalytic Study of Society 14 (1989), 167-190.

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