Resources for Supporting Mathematics and Data Science Instructors During COVID-19


Joanna Wares


In late May of 2020, a few months after the raging COVID-19 pandemic forced university faculty to quickly switch to online teaching, the Associated Colleges of the South (ACS) released a call for grant applications to support working groups "to help faculty within our consortium who will be teaching during the pandemic (e.g., from hybrid courses with some remote/online components to fully remote/online courses; socially distanced face-to-face courses)." We replied to this call and the ACS awarded the six of us (from four ACS schools) a Summer Rapid Response Grant in early June. The grant funded our efforts to create and provide to other faculty Mathematics and Data Science Resources to Support Socially Relevant Teaching in the Time of COVID-19. This paper summarizes our efforts and includes the resources that we developed.

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Copyright © 2021, Letters in Biomathematics
