Distant Viewing: Computational Exploration of Digital Images
Taylor B. Arnold and Lauren Tilton
A new theory and methodology for the application of computer vision methods to the computational analysis of collected, digitized visual materials, called “distant viewing.”
Distant Viewing: Computational Exploration of Digital Images presents a new theory and methodology for the computational analysis of digital images, offering a lively, constructive critique of computer vision that you can actually use. What does it mean to say that computer vision “understands” visual inputs? Annotations never capture a whole image. The way digital images convey information requires what researchers Taylor Arnold and Lauren Tilton call “distant viewing”—a play on the well-known term “distant reading” from computational literary analysis.
Recognizing computer vision's limitations, Arnold and Tilton's spirited examination makes the technical exciting by applying distant viewing to the sitcoms Bewitched and I Dream of Jeannie, movie posters and other popular forms of advertising, and Dorothea Lange's photography. In the tradition of visual culture studies and computer vision, Distant Viewing's interdisciplinary perspective encompasses film and media studies, visual semiotics, and the sciences to create a playful, accessible guide for an international audience working in digital humanities, data science, media studies, and visual culture studies.
[Description of] Operator Theory by Example
Stephan Ramon Garcia, Javad Mashreghi, and William T. Ross
Aimed at graduate students, this textbook provides an accessible and comprehensive introduction to operator theory. Rather than discuss the subject in the abstract, this textbook covers the subject through twenty examples of a wide variety of operators, discussing the norm, spectrum, commutant, invariant subspaces, and interesting properties of each operator.
The text is supplemented by over 600 end-of-chapter exercises, designed to help the reader master the topics covered in the chapter, as well as providing an opportunity to further explore the vast operator theory literature. Each chapter also contains well-researched historical facts which place each chapter within the broader context of the development of the field as a whole. -
[Introduction to] Finite Blaschke Products and Their Connections
Stephan Ramon Garcia, Javad Mashreghi, and William T. Ross
This monograph offers an introduction to finite Blaschke products and their connections to complex analysis, linear algebra, operator theory, matrix analysis, and other fields. Old favorites such as the Carathéodory approximation and the Pick interpolation theorems are featured, as are many topics that have never received a modern treatment, such as the Bohr radius and Ritt's theorem on decomposability. Deep connections to hyperbolic geometry are explored, as are the mapping properties, zeros, residues, and critical points of finite Blaschke products. In addition, model spaces, rational functions with real boundary values, spectral mapping properties of the numerical range, and the Darlington synthesis problem from electrical engineering are also covered.
Topics are carefully discussed, and numerous examples and illustrations highlight crucial ideas. While thorough explanations allow the reader to appreciate the beauty of the subject, relevant exercises following each chapter improve technical fluency with the material. With much of the material previously scattered throughout mathematical history, this book presents a cohesive, comprehensive and modern exposition accessible to undergraduate students, graduate students, and researchers who have familiarity with complex analysis.
Introduction to Model Spaces and their Operators
William T. Ross, Stephan Ramon Garcia, and Javad Mashreghi
The study of model spaces, the closed invariant subspaces of the backward shift operator, is a vast area of research with connections to complex analysis, operator theory and functional analysis. This self-contained text is the ideal introduction for newcomers to the field. It sets out the basic ideas and quickly takes the reader through the history of the subject before ending up at the frontier of mathematical analysis. Open questions point to potential areas of future research, offering plenty of inspiration to graduate students wishing to advance further.
Recent Progress on Operator Theory and Approximation in Spaces of Analytic Functions
Catherine Beneteau, Alberto A. Condori, Constanze Liaw, William T. Ross, and Alan Sola
This volume contains the Proceedings of the Conference on Completeness Problems, Carleson Measures, and Spaces of Analytic Functions, held from June 29–July 3, 2015, at the Institut Mittag-Leffler, Djursholm, Sweden.
The conference brought together experienced researchers and promising young mathematicians from many countries to discuss recent progress made in function theory, model spaces, completeness problems, and Carleson measures.
This volume contains articles covering cutting-edge research questions, as well as longer survey papers and a report on the problem session that contains a collection of attractive open problems in complex and harmonic analysis. -
Invariant Subspaces of the Shift Operator
Javad Mashreghi, Emmanuel Fricain, and William T. Ross
This volume contains the proceedings of the CRM Workshop on Invariant Subspaces of the Shift Operator, held August 26–30, 2013, at the Centre de Recherches Mathématiques, Université de Montréal, Montréal, Quebec, Canada. The main theme of this volume is the invariant subspaces of the shift operator (or its adjoint) on certain function spaces, in particular, the Hardy space, Dirichlet space, and de Branges–Rovnyak spaces. These spaces, and the action of the shift operator on them, have turned out to be a precious tool in various questions in analysis such as function theory (Bieberbach conjecture, rigid functions, Schwarz–Pick inequalities), operator theory (invariant subspace problem, composition operator), and systems and control theory. Of particular interest is the Dirichlet space, which is one of the classical Hilbert spaces of holomorphic functions on the unit disk. From many points of view, the Dirichlet space is an interesting and challenging example of a function space. Though much is known about it, several important open problems remain, most notably the characterization of its zero sets and of its shift-invariant subspaces.
[Introduction to] Basic Statistical Tools for Improving Quality
Paul Kvam and Chang W. Kang
This book is an introductory book on improving the quality of a process or a system, primarily through the technique of statistical process control (SPC). There are numerous technical manuals available for SPC, but this book differs in two ways: (1) the basic tools of SPC are introduced in a no-nonsense, simple, non-math manner, and (2) the methods can be learned and practiced in an uncomplicated fashion using free software (eZ SPC 2.0), which is available to all readers online as a downloadable product. The book explains QC7 Tools, control charts, and statistical analysis including basic design of experiments. Theoretical explanations of the analytical methods are avoided; instead, results are interpreted through the use of the software.
[Introduction to] Ordinary and Particial Differential Equations: An Introduction to Dynamical Systems
John W. Cain and Angela M. Reynolds
Differential equations arise in a variety of contexts, some purely theoretical and some of practical interest. As you read this textbook, you will find that the qualitative and quantitative study of differential equations incorporates an elegant blend of linear algebra and advanced calculus. This book is intended for an advanced undergraduate course in differential equations. The reader should have already completed courses in linear algebra, multivariable calculus, and introductory differential equations.
[Introduction to] The Hardy Space of a Slit Domain
William T. Ross, Alexandra Aleman, and Nathan S. Feldman
If H is a Hilbert space and T : H ? H is a continous linear operator, a natural question to ask is: What are the closed subspaces M of H for which T M ? M? Of course the famous invariant subspace problem asks whether or not T has any non-trivial invariant subspaces. This monograph is part of a long line of study of the invariant subspaces of the operator T = M (multiplication by the independent variable z, i. e. , M f = zf ) on a z z Hilbert space of analytic functions on a bounded domain G in C. The characterization of these M -invariant subspaces is particularly interesting since it entails both the properties z of the functions inside the domain G, their zero sets for example, as well as the behavior of the functions near the boundary of G. The operator M is not only interesting in its z own right but often serves as a model operator for certain classes of linear operators. By this we mean that given an operator T on H with certain properties (certain subnormal operators or two-isometric operators with the right spectral properties, etc.), there is a Hilbert space of analytic functions on a domain G for which T is unitarity equivalent to M.
[Introduction to] Schaum's Outline of Data Structures with Java
John R. Hubbard
Schaum's Outlines are the key to faster learning and higher grades in every subject. Each Outline presents all the essential course information in an easy-to-follow, topic-by-topic format. You also get hundreds of examples, solved problems, and practice exercises to test your skills.
Schaum's Outline of Data Structures with Java gives you:
- Practice problems with full explanations that reinforce knowledge
- Coverage of the most up-to-date developments in your course field
- In-depth review of practices and applications
Fully compatible with your classroom text, Schaum's highlights all the important facts you need to know.
[Introduction to] Nonparametric Statistics with Applications to Science and Engineering
Paul Kvam and Brani Vidakovic
This book presents a practical approach to nonparametric statistical analysis and provides comprehensive coverage of both established and newly developed methods. With the use of MATLAB, the authors present information on theorems and rank tests in an applied fashion, with an emphasis on modern methods in regression and curve fitting, bootstrap confidence intervals, splines, wavelets, empirical likelihood, and goodness-of-fit testing.
Nonparametric Statistics with Applications to Science and Engineering begins with succinct coverage of basic results for order statistics, methods of categorical data analysis, nonparametric regression, and curve fitting methods. The authors then focus on nonparametric procedures that are becoming more relevant to engineering researchers and practitioners. The important fundamental materials needed to effectively learn and apply the discussed methods are also provided throughout the book.
Complete with exercise sets, chapter reviews, and a related Web site that features downloadable MATLAB applications, this book is an essential textbook for graduate courses in engineering and the physical sciences and also serves as a valuable reference for researchers who seek a more comprehensive understanding of modern nonparametric statistical methods.
[Introduction to] The Cauchy Transform
William T. Ross, Joseph A. Cima, and Alec L. Matheson
The Cauchy transform of a measure on the circle is a subject of both classical and current interest with a sizable literature. This book is a thorough, well-documented, and readable survey of this literature and includes full proofs of the main results of the subject. This book also covers more recent perturbation theory as covered by Clark, Poltoratski, and Aleksandrov and contains an in-depth treatment of Clark measures.
[Introduction to] Schaum's Outline of Programming with Java
John R. Hubbard
Tough Test Questions? Missed Lectures? Not Enough Time?
Fortunately for you, there's Schaum's Outlines. More than 40 million students have trusted Schaum's to help them succeed in the classroom and on exams. Schaum's is the key to faster learning and higher grades in every subject. Each Outline presents all the essential course information in an easy-to-follow, topic-by-topic format. You also get hundreds of examples, solved problems, and practice exercises to test your skills.
This Schaum's Outline gives you
- Practice problems with full explanations that reinforce knowledge
- Coverage of the most up-to-date developments in your course field
- In-depth review of practices and applications
Fully compatible with your classroom text, Schaum's highlights all the important facts you need to know. Use Schaum's to shorten your study time-and get your best test scores!
Schaum's Outlines-Problem Solved.
[Introduction to] Data Structures with Java
John R. Hubbard and Anita Huray
For a freshman/sophomore-level course in Data Structures in Computer Science. This text teaches the use of direct source code implementations and the use of the Java libraries; it helps students prepare for later work on larger Java software solutions by adhering to software engineering principles and techniques such as the UML and the Java Collections Framework (JCF). Using the spiral approach to cover such topics as linked structures, recursion, and algorithm analysis, this text also provides revealing illustrations, summaries, review questions, and specialized reference sections.
[Introduction to] Data Structures with Java: A Laboratory Approach
Joe Kent and Lewis Barnett III
This book is designed to present the key topics in the second course for computer science students using the Java programming language. For convenience, we cover exceptions and file operations in Java, although this may have been covered in the first course. We also cover material on the binary representation of data and Java's bitwise operations, with applications.These are topics needed for computer organization an operating systems courses.
[Introduction to] Generalized Analytic Continuation
William T. Ross and Harold S. Shapiro
The theory of generalized analytic continuation studies continuations of meromorphic functions in situations where traditional theory says there is a natural boundary. This broader theory touches on a remarkable array of topics in classical analysis, as described in the book. This book addresses the following questions: (1) When can we say, in some reasonable way, that component functions of a meromorphic function on a disconnected domain, are "continuations" of each other? (2) What role do such "continuations" play in certain aspects of approximation theory and operator theory? The authors use the strong analogy with the summability of divergent series to motivate the subject. In this vein, for instance, theorems can be described as being "Abelian" or "Tauberian". The introductory overview carefully explains the history and context of the theory.
The authors begin with a review of the works of Poincaré, Borel, Wolff, Walsh, and Gončar, on continuation properties of "Borel series" and other meromorphic functions that are limits of rapidly convergent sequences of rational functions. They then move on to the work of Tumarkin, who looked at the continuation properties of functions in the classical Hardy space of the disk in terms of the concept of "pseudocontinuation". Tumarkin's work was seen in a different light by Douglas, Shapiro, and Shields in their discovery of a characterization of the cyclic vectors for the backward shift operator on the Hardy space. The authors cover this important concept of "pseudocontinuation" quite thoroughly since it appears in many areas of analysis. They also add a new and previously unpublished method of "continuation" to the list, based on formal multiplication of trigonometric series, which can be used to examine the backward shift operator on many spaces of analytic functions. The book attempts to unify the various types of "continuations" and suggests some interesting open questions.
[Introduction to] Basic Java Programming: A Laboratory Approach
Lewis Barnett
For first- and second-year undergraduates, an introduction to programming with Java, an object-oriented programming language that is a popular choice for Web applications. Kent and Barnett (U. of Richmond) introduce algorithms and problem-solving approaches that are important to programming general.
[Introduction to] Schaum's Outline Programming with C++
John R. Hubbard
Tough Test Questions? Missed Lectures? Not Enough Time?
Fortunately for you, there's Schaum's Outlines. More than 40 million students have trusted Schaum's to help them succeed in the classroom and on exams. Schaum's is the key to faster learning and higher grades in every subject. Each Outline presents all the essential course information in an easy-to-follow, topic-by-topic format. You also get hundreds of examples, solved problems, and practice exercises to test your skills.
This Schaum's Outline gives you
- Practice problems with full explanations that reinforce knowledge
- Coverage of the most up-to-date developments in your course field
- In-depth review of practices and applications
Fully compatible with your classroom text, Schaum's highlights all the important facts you need to know. Use Schaum's to shorten your study time-and get your best test scores!
Schaum's Outlines-Problem Solved.
[Introduction to] Mathematics Calculus BC
John R. Hubbard, David R. Arterburn, and Michael A. Perl
This book gives you the tools to prepare effectively for the Advanced Placement Examination in Mathematics: Calculus BC. These tools include a concise topical review and six full-length practice tests. Our review succinctly covers areas considered most relevant to this exam. Following each of our tests is an answer key complete with detailed explanations designed to clarify the material for you.
[Introduction to] The Backward Shift on the Hardy Space
William T. Ross and Joseph A. Cima
Shift operators on Hilbert spaces of analytic functions play an important role in the study of bounded linear operators on Hilbert spaces since they often serve as models for various classes of linear operators. For example, "parts" of direct sums of the backward shift operator on the classical Hardy space H2 model certain types of contraction operators and potentially have connections to understanding the invariant subspaces of a general linear operator.
This book is a thorough treatment of the characterization of the backward shift invariant subspaces of the well-known Hardy spaces Hp. The characterization of the backward shift invariant subspaces of Hp for 1<pp≤1 was done in a 1979 paper of A. B. Aleksandrov which is not well known in the West. This material is pulled together in this single volume and includes all the necessary background material needed to understand (especially for the 0<p<1>case) the proofs of these results.
Several proofs of the Douglas-Shapiro-Shields result are provided so readers can get acquainted with different operator theory and theory techniques: applications of these proofs are also provided for understanding the backward shift operator on various other spaces of analytic functions. The results are thoroughly examined. Other features of the volume include a description of applications to the spectral properties of the backward shift operator and a treatment of some general real-variable techniques that are not taught in standard graduate seminars. The book includes references to works by Duren, Garnett, and Stein for proofs and a bibliography for further exploration in the areas of operator theory and functional analysis.
[Introduction to] Schaum's Outlines Fundamentals of Computing with C++
John R. Hubbard
This book is intended to be used primarily for self study, preferably in conjunction with a regular course in the fundamentals of computer science using the new ANSI/ISO Standard C++. The book covers topics from the fundamental units of the 1991 A.C.M. computing curricula.
[Introduction to] The Vax Book: An Introduction
John R. Hubbard
This book is an expansion of the book, A Gentle Introduction to the Vax System. The purpose of the book is to guide the novice, step-by-step, through the initial stages of learning to use the Digital Equipment Corporation's Vax computers, running under the VMS operating system (Version 5.0 or later). As a tutorial for beginners, this book assumes no previous experience with computers.
[Introduction to] A Gentle Introduction to the VAX System
John R. Hubbard
This book was written originally for students enrolled in computer science courses at the University of Richmond. Very few had worked on a large time-sharing system like the VAX.
The purpose of this book is to help the novice become comfortable using any of the Digital Equipment Corporations VAX computers, from the Micro-VAX to the powerful VAX 8000 system. The book is meant to be used as a tutorial.
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