"The influence of the perceived emotions anger and fear on leadership r" by Helen M. McFalls

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts




Research and data from the areas of emotions, leadership and sex roles were combined to formulate the basic hypothesis that people will tend to perceive a high anger score leader more positively than a high fear score leader and that male high anger leaders will have the most influence on and receive higher peer ratings from the subjects than high anger score females or either sex of high fear leaders. Seventy-two subjects were divided into 12 groups consisting of three males and three females each. Two male and two female confederates also participated in each group. Data was collected on three measures, the Emotion Research Questionnaire and two Peer Ratings. Results indicated that subjects increased their anger responses on the ERQ significantly under the influence of high anger score leader but the peer rating results for this condition were nonsignificant. The only other significant results obtained were from the control group condition which was unexpected. These relatively disappointing results in a study with 15 potentially significant outcomes led to a close examination of all aspects of the experiment. Possible explanations and suggestions for future work on this topic were offered.

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Psychology Commons
